I am writing to you because those in the hemp business are
likely to be out of the box thinkers, meta-adapters and early adopters. Regular folks and city
authorities are unlikely to realize what is happening in the environment or
know what to do because they have been fed a bunch of lies and faulty science from
the military industrial machine and vested interests.
I bring the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) global famine to your
attention because food prices will be rising markedly in the next 5 years…already
the environment is collapsing due to GSM effects, chemtrails, and EMF
pollution. Due to the upcoming 30-70 solar cooling within ten years the USA
will be in famine conditions with much of the land poisoned, and the artesian water
supply fracked. All sectors must do what they can rise to the challenge of
avoiding famine which will cause thousands if not millions of deaths by making
people ill-equipped to deal with the extreme conditions.
In fact the massive crop loss due to
Grand Solar Minimum and geoengineering weather wars has already started. Seed
viability is another looming issue. The technical
advances of the hemp/MJ growing industry make them ideally positioned to lead
an indoor food crop industry for growing produce locally year round. Those in
the hemp industry may even be in a position to work in superfood crops into
their hemp growing facilities in a multi-tiered growing system. Or advise the
greenhouse growing industry when it comes to growing food indoors and making
passive green-houses using solar panels, solar thermal sinks and geothermal
heating and wind-powered air conditioning. Business opportunities abound for hydroponics, vertical gardening and
earthship-style greenhouse additions to buildings and houses.
If you or others want to join a local think tank to
brainstorm technical and logistical ideas on what needs to be done to upgrade
local food security I would be interested in organizing the occasional meet up
and walking-talking tour to forward science based on observation rather than
government grants!
The sun is the greatest environmental impacting force on the
earth, which the weather and all life is influenced by. Careful observation of
our local environment makes it apparent that the present decline in the
forestation of the earth and the die off of many species is due to the combined
effects of massive changes in the sun, fukushima radiation, geoengineering, toxic man-made EMFs and biocides, along with
the ongoing demineralization of the planet due to earth being at the end of the
10K year interglacial cycle.
The initial mass die off of the trees was also associated
with the sun changing phase from 2015, chemtrails and EMF pollution. As the sun
settles down, it may be possible to plant and grow new trees if the area is not
chemtrailed or radiated with sick frequencies. Grand Solar
Minimum is absolutely happening that is why the sun is now white, and is
covered in gaping coronal holes. The sun's rays in 2015 were devastating to
vegetation, now they are not quite so bad, but plants have a lot more purple
and red in their leaves to protect them from the violent rays (cosmic, gamma,
Xrays, UVC). The size of the leaves should continue to decline, while the
leaves get thicker. I would like to see other areas of the states to see if the
trees are all dying there also...I assume they are in most regions. The desert vegetation
may still be OK and I am hoping to move to Santa Fe for a year or two.
In the past
humans may have had an intuition or memory of the long solar cycles
representing the GSM and the ice ages. Thus they would have migrated and built
underground cities if they were tuned into cosmic cycles. Everything in the
Grand Solar Minimum naturally renews and regenerates the earth: the lowering of
the magnetic field of the sun and earth, the cosmic ray increase in cloud
cover, the disarray of the jet-streams, the magma heating and convection movement,
the volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes and expanding earth. All these
and more lead to the cleansing, fertilizing and regeneration of the biosphere. Now
however industrial human settlement all over the globe represents a major
impediment to this natural recycling of resources for regenerating the planet. Industrial
pollution, mining and city waste, along with nuclear power stations pose the
greatest danger to the wellbeing of the environment and human habitation during
Grand Solar Minimum weather extremes.
The environmental
and scientific institutions are largely prostituted to the military industrial
machine, which seems intent on making the most of this mini ice age for
depopulation purposes. Borg government and science has not even officially declared
what is occurring, nor established a preventative, protective and proactive
response. The misappropriation of “expertise” to the military industrial
machine and the deep state global government, means that the consequences of
the GSM will come upon communities and countries blind. Thus we can expect
famine, crime, drug use, homelessness, disease, violence and death of a large
portion of the population without the resources or community structures necessary
to survive.
The Borg has a very strong immune system against reality, so
as far as I know all we can do is establish community thrival groups. The Borg or Hindbrain human is a herd
animal that defers to authority…the problem now is that “authorities” are
neither working for the people, nor the environment. To the Borg experts are
thought to have moral virtue, besides their technical competence, which makes
their advice appear trustworthy. This keeps the public from using their
own discernment, intelligence, sovereignty, agency and thus distances the people
from individual or concerted action. What is occurring with the global warming
vs. global freezing debacle is the perfect storm of misinformation and
incompetence. Robert Oppenheimer
famously suggested that “There are formidable differences between the problems
of science and those of practice. The method of science cannot be directly
adapted to the solution of problems in politics and in man’s spiritual life.”
The ability to connect the dots and put two and two together
is a dying art. I would say 5% of the American population may be marginally
awake, so you rarely ever meet anybody capable of observation, inquiry and
original complex thought. People are just going about their lives in the programming
of the old paradigm, and haven't changed a thing, nor their direction even if
they know what is going on. This is a problem. We need to organize an forward
movement while we still have 5 years before the cultural structures are
overloaded and society devolves into bedlam.
GYM: If the city will not acknowledge structural dilapidation
and tree death due to chemtrailing and GSM high frequency rays and EMFs, then
the people will have to form their own work crews manned with skilled tree
cutters, removing wood that is a fire hazard and making it into compost or
firewood. This could be associated with an Exercise
As You Serve Movement to get people out of the gyms and doing what is
important for community thrival and survival. Reclaimed wood from buildings and
fences could also be used to make raised beds for home gardens or community
gardens. In this way if property owners have trees to remove or if there are
fire hazard felled trees in their area they can ring the free clean up service.
Besides wood and tree processing, other crews will need to focus on brush and
undergrowth removal where it presents a fire hazard. A mushroom growing
business could also be incorporated into the Work Gym model along with compost
and wood chip mulch.
OPPORTUNITY: There is literally unlimited opportunity for new think-tanks,
products, services and businesses which address the multitude of challenges the
current global culture will face in the next 5-10 years...with the need for
individuals to become more self-reliant and free of the need for purchasing
food/goods/services both commercial and governmental. Exciting opportunities in
green energy, water purification, food-growing, supernutrition, smoothie
powders, thermal greenhouse materials, passive architecture, composting, solar
cookers, solar distillers, thermal window treatments, EMF protective thermal
clothing, self-protection, social networking and resource sharing, counselors, trainers
and preparedness advisers etc...
To Whom It May Concern,
I have lived in Boulder for 20 years and in the past 5
years I have noticed a rapid deterioration of the structural integrity of the
city in everything from wooden fences, paint on houses, roofs, brick and
mortar; everywhere the concrete is crumbling, metal is rusting, and the paint
on cars is oxidizing. Even the surface of the soil is "desiccating and
dustifying" and the surface of rocks is oxidized into an ever deepening grey
patina. This rapid depreciation of the infrastructure of civilization is
largely brought about by the caustic geoengineering chemical aerosols sprayed
from planes, along with the extremely corrosive coronal hole rays and EMF
pollution. The structure of the surface of the earth is progressively being atomized
into to "dust and rust." The same oxidation, ageing, decay and
immune compromise that is occurring in the biosphere is also occurring in our
bodies and all other life.
The chemtrail planes stop their aerial spraying just over
the hills to the west of the front range, so that if you drive a 1/2 hour up
into the mountains, the trees do not show complete phloem oxidation,
cracking-peeling bark, root die off, which ALL the trees along the front range
are showing. It is not just Ash Trees, but EVERY tree is dead and dying in
Boulder and along the front range from over a decade of chemtrailing, combined
with ozone layer loss, and cosmic ray increase from going into Grand Solar
Minimum. The tree death is universal along the front range of the Rockies in
Colorado (and elsewhere in much of the USA and other NATO countries).
Chemtrail nanometals have been killing trees for over 2 decades
in some places...and all EMF pollution and Wifi, especially 5G, is further accelerating
the tree death. Pollution, ground level ozone, loss of the ozone layer, the
increase in UVC and cosmic rays, and the tritium in the water cycle from
Fukushima, plus the demineralization and loss of soil organic matter are some
of the factors currently causing deforestation. Plus the weather is becoming
more erratic due to Grand Solar Minimum jet stream lateral wandering, polar
vortexes, and combine this with the reduced ozone layer this adds to the rapid
death of the trees. The Grand Solar Minimum will continue for 30-70 years,
during which time many of the forests around the world that are at susceptible
latitudes and altitudes will be decimated. Fluctuating weather extremes due to
runaway, destabilized jet streams in Grand Solar Minimum also stress trees
and lower resilience.
The more intense coronal hole solar rays (cosmic, gamma,
X-ray and UVC) burns vegetation already compromised by chemtrail nanometals and
the EMF pollution. Tree survival depends on the latitude and altitude, and
whether areas are EMF polluted and chemtrailed. Some areas of the globe are
still viable for permaculture farms and forestry, ie: more toward the equator,
areas that don’t get the full impact of the Grand Solar Minimum's angry rays,
or are far from urban settlement and don’t get chemtrailed.
The majority of the tree death is due to aluminum and
other metals from the chemtrails...which are washed down into the soil at the
dripline where the majority of the root hairs of a tree occur. These metals
clog up the water absorbing pores in the root hairs causing them to die which
prevents water and nutrients from rising up the phloem thus putting the tree
into “drought” conditions. A mature beech tree can send more than 130 gallons
of water a day traveling through its system. Whether by root hair death or
insufficient water in the soil, the tension (tensile force) of
evapotranspiration when there is insufficient water coming through the roots
creates greater negative pressure (also called tension or suction), which
causes the cadmium to crack and the trunk to split.
The tree may try to repair the damage by oozing
antibacterial/antifungal resin out of the cracks, but this merely slows the
death of the tree as both the mechanical strength and pressure gradient of the
tree are compromised, the phloem oxidizes and the canopy no longer can get
adequate water for evapotranspiration or photosynthesis (energy production). Branches
die back, and the tree becomes riddled with pests and diseases as the immune
systems of the tree are compromised...at this point the tree often goes into a
hyper reproductive condition in order to produce “offspring” before it
dies. These negative-tension breaks in the bark and trunk generally occur
evenly around the circumference of the tree.
While on the side of the tree that gets exposed to the
heat of the sun you will often see a crack forming into a hole of exposed xylem
or wood, that can grow as large as half the diameter of the tree. The phloem
then forms an enlarged bulbous collar that frames around the wooden hole.
Basically root hair death due to aluminium and other nanometals, combined with
the cracking of the trunk and branches and these gaping holes of exposed
wood...constitute the imminent death of the tree, after which urban forestry
amounts to simply prolonging the death cycle, managing the tree cutting to
prevent damage to property and keeping trees as comfortable as possible as they
I am amazed that the city of Boulder CO continues to
plant new trees, even as ALL trees in the city and foothills are obviously
dying. Without a doubt any new trees that are planted will simply end up
dying also, so it is pointless spending millions to replant until the corona on
the sun fills out and the life killing solar rays that pour out of the coronal
holes are reduced. There will be NO successful replanting due to the toxic soil
and water-cycle for decades even if chemtrailing stopped tomorrow. There is no
point replanting, the trees will not grow due to the toxic soil, destructured
water in the water-cycle and depolarized EMF environment.
We must address the cause, not the symptom! It cannot be
stressed enough that the rampant pest, blight and rot infestation the trees are
experiencing is only a "secondary effect" of the root/phloem/bark
compromised trees and the impaired biosphere immune system. You cannot save the
trees that have been compromised by chemtrail fallout, and newly planted trees
will also end up rapidly dying. All you can do is to make the trees more
comfortable as they die more each year. You can keep existing trees alive a
little longer through mulching and composting, however the soil is now
destroyed by aluminum etc... Rather than “replanting” Boulder should be focused
on extending the life of the existing dying urban forest by laying composted
leaf mold around the “drip line” of the trees to feed the microbiome and
earthworms at the root-hair zone of the trees.
Practices cities could use to counter the chemtrail heavy
metal poisoning, lowered immunity, and soil microbiome destruction include:
Silicon spray, silicon compost made from nettles, horsetail, chamomile,
phytochemical rich herbs, hemp fiber mulch, green crops for digging in.
Earthworm farms, soil organic matter/carbon sinking, soil bacteria, mycorrhiza,
nitrogen fixing, and companion planting. Swales and saucer shaped depressions
around plants should be considered in city horticultural practices to improve
ground water levels. Heavy-duty mulching
(carbon sinking), compost teas, and soil microbiome building is the only way to
keep the urban forest alive for a few years longer under the
multiple assault of chemtrails, EMF pollution, intense coronal hole rays and the
fluctuating weather extremes associated with grand solar minimum.
Increasing the soil organic matter and feeding the
microbiome and earthworm population is the best strategy for the longevity of
the dying trees. Loads of organic matter, humus, humate,
humic acid, fulvic acid, shungite, leonardite, mulch, compost, and soil microbial life help
the most by supporting tree immunity. You can also try ashes, charcoal and zeolite,
rock dust, crushed eggshells and clay. Mushroom compost, compost tea and
mycorrhiza inoculation may also be useful to put down first under the compost
and mulch. Mycorrhiza fungal inoculum may need to be injected around the
dripline; or stirring it into compost tea and spraying it around the drip zone
prior to a rainstorm, then potentially sprinkling a layer of compost over the
same area to encourage earthworm-tillage. City sewage could be processed in a
methane power plant digestor and then the solids could be used in the city
garden waste compost, and the liquids converted into a compost tea for spraying
around the drip line of trees.
***Note that all compost materials must be fully rotted
to avoid opportunistic fungi that will lead to the rotting of the plants…this
is especially important for indoor and greenhouse plants. That is, put your
wash water from your juicing and smoothies into your compost pile itself.
Attention should be given to closing resource loops and
maximizing the recycling and reuse of the organic matter derived from the dead
trees. Generally trees should not be left to rot in place, but be taken away
for sawdust, chipping and composting. This material must be returned to the
ground in whatever trees and gardens the city decides it wants to attempt to
“keep alive.” Grinding up the dead pines and creating a mulch will help reduce
the alkalinity of the soil from the chemtrailing. But as long as the program
continues there will be no tree cover left in Boulder and anywhere else that
they are chemtrailing. City compost should include rock dust and other natural
remineralizing amendments. Green crops of nitrogen fixing weeds and plants
should also be experimented with for growing under these fatally wounded trees.
Wild Fire
Accelerant—The planet killing chemicals from geoengineering translocate
for thousands of miles and enter the global water cycle, thus there is no viable
future for the planet while our skies are being sprayed with these toxic,
caustic, incendiary biocides. The geometric and chemical
structure of H2O that is contaminated with these nanometals is incompatible
with all living things. The chemtrail toxins descend to the earth, especially
in the rain and snow...this makes precipitation itself “desiccating” to
everything on the surface of the earth. To compound this the chemtrail nanometals now
ingrained in the tree essentially constitute a“thermite-like” fire accelerant.
The aluminum, lithium, barium, strontium used in the aerosol spraying of
chemical geoengineering program act as desiccants and fire accelerants. Timber
used from these trees for housing and fences etc…will readily combust, burn
hotter and create conditions that rapidly spread wildfires.
High frequency rays from coronal holes on the sun and chemtrailing
dries out the air, the vegetation and the soil.
The bushes, the trees have absolutely no moisture in them, and the
humidity is so low that fires quickly erupt into conflagrations. These fire
accelerant metals get absorbed into all trees, wooden structures, houses, roofs
etc… and present an explosive super-hot fire hazard...just waiting for a spark
to set off a citywide fire. In the dead trees and tree stumps methane from
rotting inside can ultimately cause spontaneous combustion of the tree or stump
on hot afternoons. I have personally seen 2 tree stumps spontaneously go
up in smoke. The forests burn off before the ice age...and we appear to being
going into a 30-70 year Grand Solar Minimum (Maunder Minimum was 5 x 11 year
solar cycles).
The Grand Solar Minimum and the Chemtrail Tree Holocaust
presents a unique opportunity to reinvent urban forestry and establish vegetation
in new innovative ways, such as indoor planting, protective tree shading arcades,
and geothermal green houses and shade houses both domestic and civic.
Architecture and civil engineering thus must move quickly towards greening
cities, taking into consideration the constraints of pollution, chemtrails and
the harsh solar rays from the Grand Solar Minimum.
Let us not waste money, time or manpower by not addressing the cause of the problem.
~Jana Dixon, Nov’19
“Thrival in the Chemtrail Holocaust” (amazon.com)
Valentina Zharkova—World Leader in Solar Physics, Youtubes and papers
Thunderbolts Project and Electric Universe—Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott
Valentina Zharkova—World Leader in Solar Physics, Youtubes and papers
Thunderbolts Project and Electric Universe—Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott
Dr. Anita Bailey PhD, Robert Felix, Rolf
Not by Fire but by Ice: Discover What Killed
the Dinosaurs...and Why It Could Soon Kill Us, by Robert W. Felix
The Sun is 'dying' - build a New World: Ice
Age Science Illustrated, by Rolf A. F. Witzsche
Cold Times: How to Prepare for the Mini Ice
Age, by Dr. Anita Bailey PhD
Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell, by John L. Casey
Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell, by John L. Casey
http://iceagefarmer.com —ICE AGE FARMER, Christian Westbrook does the
best famine watch. https://bit.ly/332Z02v,
discussing the natural cycles of the sun and associated risks as we enter a
Grand Solar Minimum. He encourages and educates people to take steps today and
every day to grow their own food and move towards self-sufficiency.
Suspicious Observer—Ben Davidson Adapt 2030—David DuByne
Leak Project—Rex Bear
The Grand Solar Minimum—Tony Heller, www.thegrandsolarminimum.com)
Oppenheimer Ranch Project—Leah and David www.3canyons.org), SurvivalistGardener,
myselfreliance (Shawn James)
growingyourgreens John Kohler
https://bit.ly/2Oabh0Z Jack Mace Arizona Garden Tour
Landscaping Waterways For Land Restoration —Peter Andrews, Tony Koote. https://themullooninstitute.org —The Mulloon Institute Landscape Regeneration Permaculturalists Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, Geoff Lawton, Zachary Weiss, Andrew Faust
Nature Scientist Mystics: —Steiner’s Biodynamics, or Viktor Schauberger’s Fertile Earth
Remineralization of the Planet — Harvey Lisle; Don Weaver & John Hamaker, Survival of Civilization.
www.earthrepairradio.com —The Most Advanced Landcare and Agricultural systems
www.regrarians.org —Regrarians, contour farming, Darren Doherty
https://retrosuburbia.com —David Holmgren, The Downshifter's Guide to A Resilient Future.
https://bit.ly/37E1eZZ —Nebraska Retiree Uses Earths's Heat To Grow Oranges In Snow
Suspicious Observer—Ben Davidson Adapt 2030—David DuByne
Leak Project—Rex Bear
The Grand Solar Minimum—Tony Heller, www.thegrandsolarminimum.com)
Oppenheimer Ranch Project—Leah and David www.3canyons.org), SurvivalistGardener,
myselfreliance (Shawn James)
growingyourgreens John Kohler
https://bit.ly/2Oabh0Z Jack Mace Arizona Garden Tour
Landscaping Waterways For Land Restoration —Peter Andrews, Tony Koote. https://themullooninstitute.org —The Mulloon Institute Landscape Regeneration Permaculturalists Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, Geoff Lawton, Zachary Weiss, Andrew Faust
Nature Scientist Mystics: —Steiner’s Biodynamics, or Viktor Schauberger’s Fertile Earth
Remineralization of the Planet — Harvey Lisle; Don Weaver & John Hamaker, Survival of Civilization.
www.earthrepairradio.com —The Most Advanced Landcare and Agricultural systems
www.regrarians.org —Regrarians, contour farming, Darren Doherty
https://retrosuburbia.com —David Holmgren, The Downshifter's Guide to A Resilient Future.
https://bit.ly/37E1eZZ —Nebraska Retiree Uses Earths's Heat To Grow Oranges In Snow