Sodium MonoFluoroAcetate, or 1080, was first synthesized in 1896 as a chemical weapon. It is a Class 1a Poison that causes extreme suffering and death as it interferes with the energy production or aerobic respiration of cells, ie: the Krebs cycle. Death by 1080 is slow, gruesome and acutely inhumane. The chemical weapon aerial drops of the superpoison 1080 throughout the New Zealand forests result in human death, mutation, cancer, miscarriages and still births, plus the violent death of farm animals and pets. You simply cannot have a thriving environment if you are indiscriminately killing off the entire food chain down to the microbiome of the soil, and including the very native species you are trying to save.
Thus the New Zealand government will ultimately come to the conclusion that open ecosystem poisoning is not only an ineffective pest control method, but is pernicious, calamitous and maleficent. It is only a matter of time before the New Zealand conservation methods are going to have to emerge from the dark ages and a new age of regenerative, restorative, and balancing methods of ecosystem management are adopted. We have come too far in heart and mind to descend to such a degree of barbarity and cruelty.
Conventional industrial and governmental environmental methods have relied on dilution and dissipation for dealing with noxious byproducts of their activities. The progressive sciences however have proven that both dilution and biological degradation are faulty and inadequate to the task, when considering the profound subtlety, omni-dispersive and ubiquity of nature and natural systems. Bioaccumulation of noxious substances up an ecosystem food web insures that dilution and dissipation doesn’t work.
Both government and industry can no longer continue on with their dirty business as usual when we now know about the hado effect of the imprinted water from Emoto, morphogenetic fields from Rupert Sheldrake, the fructification and spiral flow of water via the work of Schauberger, water and the life of the cell Gerald Pollack, quantum consciousness of Stuart Hameroff and that Healing is Voltage of Dr. Jerry Tennant, and the electromagnetic nature of existence, plus Bruce Lipton and epigenetics. All such advances in science point the fact that we must change our methods of industry and governance and heal our relationship to the planet. Indeed we must change ourselves!
Biodegradation of 1080 is a joke as it kills the very micro-organisms that are said to biodegrade it. Even if it does degrade it still spreads the element fluoride over the entire country...and if they keep it up, it will continue forever until everything is dead, because poisonous control of ecological systems doesn’t work to control “pest species” in an open ecosystem. Rather ecosystems must be made proportionally symmetrical by the synergistic balancing the tropic layers within the ecosystem. If they are unbalanced then human intervention requires that new species of apex predators (or other ecosystem partners) be introduced and established to balance out the predator-to-prey numbers.
This is the only morally intelligent answer to the burgeoning numbers of so called “invasive species,” (possums, rats, stoats, deer and wild pigs). We just have to “balance” the food web, not exterminate it, thus it is obvious that omnicidal poisoning is contrary to effective conservation and ecology. Advanced naturalistic, restorative ecology makes up for the problems of past human intervention and allows ecosystems to balance themselves, which results in maintaining both balance and the self-sustaining mechanism of balance.
Besides ecosystem tropic layer management, the only other pest control method necessary would be changing our ideological perspective from “pest management” to “resource management.” The Department of Conservation should be concerned with ecosystem resource utilization and these outlawed “non-indigenous pests” are in fact highly nutritious FOOD for the native food chain. Plus they represent a back-up survival food resource for humans during the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum Global Freeze. The hollow fiber of Possum fur provides extra warmth and lite weight to fabrics. Thus one of the most advanced and economically viable fabrics during the global chill of the Grand Solar Minimum will be high-tech clothing made from merino and possum hair. A NZ Grand Solar Minimum cold weather survival clothing industry for the global market would provide million$ and new right-livelihood jobs, while displacing those few criminal profiteering politicians, corporations and pilots who are presently terrorizing the nation and condemning their own souls to everlasting hell.
The alleged problem of “invasive species” is no longer a problem but a solution via Trophic Level Management ensuring that all levels of the trophic cascade are permanently self-balancing. In which these non-native nuisance species are used as food for both native species and strategic ambassador species brought in from neighboring countries to balance out the food chain. These ambassadors are generally a slightly larger apex predator introduced when the native apex predators are either too small or too few to control the “pest” species population numbers. New Zealand is in need of larger raptors and is going to have to introduce at least one more apex predator species to fill the top of the bush food chain.
The assisted migration of the Powerful Owl, Rufus Owl or Barn Owl from Australia and the distribution of specifically designed OWL HOUSES is the ideal solution to the 1080 debacle. This is a permanent self-sustaining solution which comes at very little cost to the tax payer, with NO POISONING of the land and water. Given the right components an ecosystem will take care of itself. Instead of teaching the kids to become psychopathic killers of helpless animals the schoolkids could be put to work building the raptor nesting boxes and tracking their installation in a national grid throughout the country. These bird houses must be made of natural materials, built to last and erected at the ideal height in the canopy for each particular species of owl.
Considering the Grand Solar Minimum climate upheaval and the catastrophic natural disasters which will be decimating wildlife populations for the next 30-70 years, compassionate ecology in association with the introduction of strategic ambassador species is the ideal method of self-sustaining ecosystem management - in a world thrown into chaos by epic scale floods, mudslides, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and volcanic activity. Thousands of species will be on the move anyway due to shifting weather systems and loss of appropriate habitat, thus it is up to us “enlightened human stewards” to assist their migrations in ways that serve them and the existing trophic cascades.
Restoration Ecology means a permanent, self-regulating solution rather than expensive, dangerous and unsuccessful practices that collapse the ecosystem. The restorative ecological way of reducing invasive species numbers is not to kill them but use them as a resource to feed the Apex predators. Thus supporting the ecosystem to balance itself. The New Zealand government has much more urgent responsibilities than the ruinously poisoning of the country, making it uninhabitable for beast, bird and human alike. Establishing ecological homeostasis of organisms in harmonious connection with their surroundings requires working with nature instead of against it.
A constitution of universal creature rights points to the inherent dignity and unalienable birthright of every creature’s intrinsic value unto themselves. This Win:Win Ecology is an infinitely more intelligent, economical, safe and humane way of going about conservation in that it supports the health of the entire ecosystem and environment (including humans) and enhances the strength and stability of the global gene pool of valuable species. The four guiding principles of compassionate conservation used in the 21th Century are: 1. First Do No harm, 2. Individuals Matter, 3. Value All Wildlife, and 4. Peaceful Coexistence.
“Every time you try and improve on Nature by going against it you damage yourself, for Nature is your very being.” Anthony Demello
Intervention with a Class 1A super ecotoxin can obviously only bring about insidious, dubious and ruinous results. The more poison they drop and longer this goes on, the greater will be the disastrous effects for the entire nation of New Zealand. Rather than a futile all-out war against nature, it is obvious that ecosystems can only be rectified and self-regulated using the methods of Nature herself. A restorative ecological management program must be undertaken in New Zealand, not just so that our “exports will be clean” but so that we can save the heart and soul of the nation.
Now is the time to evolve beyond corpoconsciousness to more advanced and intelligent, Nature compliant methods of conservation, ecology and agriculture, for the repercussions of industrial barbarism are undermining the very foundations of civilization and our capacity to be human. Anything that expands our humanity is going to be good for the environment. Towards that end, together we can re-imagine, experiment and manifest this advanced, innovative naturalistic emergent ecology that uses uncommon sense to rectify and redeem our human relationship to the earth, to the betterment of all and with harm to none. Thereby this restorative ecological renaissance speaks to the deepest of our inherent values and sensibilities, reconciling the fact that human beings are a small but crucial part of a vastly and intricately connected system of living and non-living things.
Jana Dixon, April 2020
Full 1080 Debacle paper
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