Saturday, September 27, 2014


• CREATION = TRANSFORMATION—The roots of neurosis lie in a withholding from Universal Truth. It is the self doubling back on itself and constantly second-guessing its own existence—collapsing the wavefront of full sentience and dropping us out of Flow. Creation requires that we move beyond the world weary doubt and scorn to build the energy and conditions for Flow. The spiritual must be the source and center of all other areas of human endeavor and so we need spiritual transformation in the trenches and we need it NOW! Defense-mind is implosive Universe cosmology which leads to the dead end of disease and depolarization or despiritualization. Unconditionality or innocence is expansive or infinite Universe cosmology through which Christ/Buddha nature is Real-ized leading to infinite potential for life’s emergence.

“If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people.” ~ Chinese Proverb

• FLOW—Flow is the driver of transformation through the harvesting of happiness. Flow is the mastery of chaos and order to bring about positive change. The process or the capacity for FLOW itself is the goal, for it is simply living at levels that incorporates our Whole or higher human capacities. The happy brain is a brain in Flow…that is the capacity to get lost in the moment doing what you love to do, to feel a connection to nature and humanity and the universe. Happy people are more “connected and integrated,” thus they are more confident, optimistic, energetic, empathetic and sociable. Negativity is anti-creativity, which contradicts or is antithetical to growth. Thus we lose our creativity and our cosmic connection…when we are lost to negativity and depression we literally feel the door to the transcendent future is closed to us.

• SUPERIMPOSITION—Life is created by the union of the male and female in the microcosm and macrocosm. Every “thing”  in the Universe is sex...that is the alchemical marriage of the poles, sexes, charges and hemispheres. All three basic process of life, breathing, mitotic division and meiotic division are waves. This wave carries the information of the whole system. The breathing, yin and yang mitotic processes originate from the inner space—the Source of Life. In other words the sublime marriage of the poles of the Tao integrates the entire potential within the individual for uninhibited and maximum growth. In the book Cosmic Superimposition, Wilhelm Reich shows how the superimposition of two orgone energy streams --is the common functioning principle in all of nature on the microcosmic and macrocosmic scale.

• THE ASCENT OF ECOMAN—The Borg world is collapsing because it has lost its capacity to win out over doesn’t know what Life is and how to further it in the most vital and exuberant way. The anti-earth and anti-human culture is dying, so obviously the mystic, Kairos culture that uses heart intelligence, primordial connection and nature-IQ is the human that will be evolutionarily selected. Simon Powell, in his book Darwin’s Unfinished Business - The Self-Organizing Intelligence of Nature furthers Darwin’s vision by showing that evolution is not just about the survival of the fittest but rather the survival of clever and sensible behavior. The key to survival is to look at life and nature keenly and discover the knowledge of the superior order and be “informed” by the intelligence of the Universe. All life is instinctively is anti-gravitational in that it works to conquer gravity and perpetuate in time. Unsustainable Man is reverting all life back to dust, while Ecoman has the potential of taking life to other star systems.

• THE ONE, THE MANY AND THE ALL—The source of Life and Antigravity is Zeropoint or the Unified Field. The creatrix of the Universe is a Conscious Field that unfolds and enfolds in the wave of the Tao, the rhythmic dance of the periodic oscillation between repose and movement, tension and release, sinking and leaping, in-spiration and ex-piration, holding back and letting go. The implicate inner space of the singularity is one everything and which gives rise to everything and controls everything. Since Life is created from the Universal Field of Intelligence beyond matter and spacetime we both genetically and epigenetically evolve through the intimate relationship with the  force of the inner space the Conscious Field of the creatrix of the Universe. In this way the Universally moral, Kosmically encoded Human is born unto themselves, a natural process of sublime metamorphosis from the inside out, in autopoietic genesis from the Whole.

• THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING HUMAN—The cosmic HUman is vastly more intelligent than education, vastly healthier than medicine, vastly more creative than the 9 to 5, vastly more loving than the nuclear family, vastly more dignified than commerce, vastly more diplomatic than politics, vastly happier than prozac, vastly more productive than careers, vastly more important than we are ever given credit for. At this next stage of humanities journey the genius of each individual is fully lived and war and disease no longer hold us bound to our primitive survival consciousness.

• FREEDOM—We don’t really value our freedom until we have it taken away from us. Whatever freedom we attain in life must be won from the forces of control, habit, allegiance to history and delusional power systems. Disembedding from Hindmind consciousness is to be free of the Borg. By freeing ourselves from the Borg we empower the HUmanization of the species and encourage the establishment of a sacred society. The new world is created in the dreams of the willing who embody an intense and irresistible desire for freedom (Eleutheromania). The Freedom to “do good” is the only real freedom. The true meaning of social democracy is the realization of authentic “freedom to do good” that arises when people escape the malignant influence of totalitarian socioeconomicpolitical orders through taking the necessary steps toward a truer integrated-individualism. Freedom is the ultimate wealth. Freedom is our highest energy state in which the Muse of our sacred purpose speaks to us most clearly.

• SYNERGY VS. ENTROPY—Consumer society consumes the human. A sustainable, synergistic society’s highest values are connection and regenerosity, or the spontaneous expression of the gifts of spirit and the communication and sharing of those gifts. Thus synergist society builds up not only the land, the ecosystem and the people, but it also humanizes. Thus all the time, effort, capital and resources spent on attending to the colossal symptoms of degeneration and chaos within an entropic culture are instead put into the service of the whole to improve the commonwealth for all creatures. No one need fall through the cracks in a regenerous system because there is enough water (love) to boost all individuals. People only fail when the system itself is broke. There is no tyrannical hierarchy than can stand in the face of intimacy and connection.

• EPHEMERALIZATION—Ephemeralization, a term coined by Buckminster Fuller, is the ability of technological advancement to do “more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing”.  It is just as Buckminster Fuller’s vision pointed out, that ephemeralization will result in ever-increasing standards of living for an ever-growing population despite finite resources. By applying the concept of ephemeralization abundance-centered sovereign geniuses will bring into the world extraOrdinary designs, that will allow the entire human race to reestablish sacred order and return to sanity. Population will naturally harmonize with the environment once people breed from their benevolent souls instead of their needy genitals and broken egos. Eventually every man, woman and child on earth will be a sovereign genius—because they already are—they just don’t know it.

“Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.” Buckminster Fuller 

• NATURE IS THE ULTIMATE TECHIE—Nature’s systems are sustainable, symbiotic, synergistic and life itself is composed of the ultimate intelligence and technology. Manmade systems are unsustainable and entropic, they breakdown and run out, and are composed of crude, inefficient, non-Phi design that works against the grain of the Cosmos. Nature builds her creations from the Source (Zeropoint) outwards in the most complex, intricate, “useful” articulation of helical spiral forms imaginable. Life is “sculptural in-formation architecture,” an intricate encoded messaging system of computational biology articulated by Panspermia directed from the Source. The winding gyrex of the entire Universe, a vortex swirling into the eternal night is the creatrix, the master architect of all Life down to the smallest virus.

"Humbling also are the hordes of organisms casually performing feats we can only dream about." ~Biomimicry, Janine M. Benyus

• BIOMIMICRY At least nature knows how to get it on! Each organism exquisitely living in intricate interwoven systems, maintaining a dynamic stability, continually juggling resources without waste. We need paradigm shift in thinking towards letting nature be our teacher and our architect and designer. “There are only two choices: either Evolve quickly to understand Nature and develop methods to live in harmony with Nature and Her Creator or get destroyed. Until we discovered biomimicry “The lessons inherent in the natural world, strategies sculpted and burnished over billions of years, remained scientific curiousities, divorced from the business of our lives…Our challenge is to take these time-tested ideas and echo them in our own lives.” Biomimicry, Innovation Inspired by Nature, Janine M. Benyus— Jay Harman, entrepreneur and inventor is at the leading edge of biomimicry. —Harman appears in Prince Charles’s documentary Harmony: A New Way of Looking at the World

• AUTOPOESIS— “Autopoiesis” (from Greek auto, meaning “self”, and poiesis, meaning “creation, production”) refers to a systemcapable of reproducing and maintaining itself. Autopoietic systems are generative.  It is as though Humanity is re-membering who they are via an intuitive, instinctive future-memory. The frequency of cosmogenesis is the Music of the Spheres flowing “with” the Uni-verse and not against it. This is Grace, redemption, apotheosis - sympathetic resonance is the ultimate power of freedom of Spirit in total surrender to the awe of the Mystery. Genuine autopoietic community is based on love, not duty and conformity. This freedom is the Truth of our Kosmic nature. Anything less is a lie, a divorce from the aliveness and dignity of our existence.

• UNIVERSAL RESONANCE—Humans who fail to pulsate one with Nature becomes the cause for gravitational fall of the Universal System. He brings destruction and death to the world. The material world and living world forms the parallel world and all life works against gravity. It is designed in such a way that the system cannot collapse. When one world is winding and collapsing to center point, the parallel world is unwinding and thus balancing the system. Earth is designed to maintain certain energy to matter ratio. The Earth is self-organizing system including all living systems. The living system actually drives the system and holds it from collapsing. Spirit is emergent "with" matter. Spirit is the organizational principle of living-matter. The regeneration of our "nature" only occurs with a simultaneous resurrection of our spirit.

• HOLOGRAPHIC FRACTAL RESONANCE—“We are embedded in a fractal feedback dynamic that intrinsically connects all things via the medium of a vacuum structure of infinite potential. Everything radiates energy that’s why we see it. And the contractive part that we don’t see, would be the vacuum energy-space-time curving into it generating singularity -- generating the gravitational field. And that feedback between the internal and external is what drives the dynamic of all the forces of the universe, which reduces to two forces, gravity and electromagnetic. Everything we see in the universe is just division of that energy dancing in the vacuum in various states.” Nassim Haramein.

• THE TAO—The universe needs to be understood from a Holographic point of view of whole systems level. Take for example the functioning of heart. It also expresses itself in east and west division and the day and night energy cycle. When one part is expanding (light, heat) another part is contracting (dark, cold). Two opposing functions LIGHT AND DARK are happening simultaneously balancing the system. Working from the Taoist perspective literally reverses the tendency for all things to breakdown over time. When the individual or the parts are drawing on the principle premise of Phi and cosmic connection, then the society or the whole becomes holy or sacred.

• REDUNDANT SYSTEMS—“Current human structural systems are quintessentially ‘industrial era’ organizations. They are rigid hierarchies, mandated and controlled by central government, with top-down power structures. One of their key features, therefore, is inflexibility. Typically there is an administrator at the top; supervisors and workers are at the bottom - rather like a 19th Century army. The ‘meat in the sandwich’ is a layer of bureaucracy and middlemen in-between. Supervisors and workers are the marginalized, disempowered ‘foot soldiers’. The system imperatives are neither about people, society nor, indeed, the future. They are largely abstract in nature and can be summarized as: power, control, economy, efficiency and profit.” By Richard A. Slaughter, Foundation Professor of Foresight, Swinburne University, Melbourne.

• UNIVERSIAL SCIENCE—The science of the compartmentalized, dissociated Borg or Hindbrain human is a danger to all existence, because the moral compass and intellect have been hijacked by mammon, and human reality has been severed from Universal Truth. Nature, and the Universe however always bats last, and so we can never get away from the consequences of our nescience. So the foundations of cosmic or scientific truth is the evolution of a conscience in which human truth and Universal Truth are one. Everything else is a lie on the long road to hell.

• PERMACULTURE—Permaculture is gestalt...a systems study of the whole. Not just how to produce more and better food, but how that food production affects and is affected by the surrounding environment. In the war between sanity and insanity, the technology of Permanent-Culture will ultimately win because it will be the only economically viable means of survival as Decentralization and Independence come to the fore, and the parasitic culture dies off. Regenerative Systems (Beyond Sustainability) will become increasingly selected as the moral demands of the consumer increase…Value-Utility Cognition...turning war into peace. In evolutionary terms it is survival of the smartest...the most aligned with the depth of Cosmic Truth that will thrive in Noble-Condition....for the parasitic culture ultimately leads to genetic decay and the breakdown of complexity. (David Holmgren, Bill Mollison, Geoff Lawton, Andrew Faust)

• EVOCULTURE—In the war between sanity and insanity, the technologically Perma-Culture will ultimately win out because it will be the only economically viable means of survival as Decentralization and Independence come to the fore, and the predatory/parasitic culture dies off. Regenerative Systems, that is those Beyond Sustainability will become increasingly selected as the moral demands of the consumer increase. “Value-Utility Cognition”...turns war into peace. In evolutionary terms it is survival of the smartest and most ethically abundant and regenerous, that is those most aligned with the depth of Cosmic Truth, that will thrive in the Noble-Estate....for the parasitic culture ultimately leads to genetic decay and the collapse of order, complexity and sanity.

• TRANSCULTURALISM—To be born into Borg society is to have our childhood stolen by a penal education system, our vocation stolen by indentured slavitude,  our self-respect stolen by war taxes, our future stolen by criminal politicians. Indeed Borg civilization is a criminal cabal that steals human lives and gives little but toxicity, painkillers and death in return. The entire Borg system of Homo degenerous is rigged against the freedom, enlightenment, sovereignty and success of the individual on every level. Without a solid non-commercial philosophical, spiritual and moral foundation on which to base a civilization we are ALL traitors to our country and of the earth. The sovereign acts for the joy of the act itself.

• REWILDINGRewilding means to return to a more wild or natural state; it is the process of systematically un-doing domestication. The term originates in conservation biology and in the anarchist sense it refers to overcoming human domestication, initiating and regenerating human culture, and returning to the sense of the aboriginal, unbroken human. Since as free individuals we recover our wild rather than domesticated nature, we are not devitalized, clogged, buffered, numbed out and otherwise suppressed by the crippling conditioning of shame, duty and conformity. Rewilding is considered a holistic approach to living, as opposed to skills, practices or a specific set of knowledge.

• SKILL PROGRESSIVENESS— In moving from the exploitative paradigm to the value-added paradigm requires that we be meta-adapted to the world around us. The sustainable socioeconomy is a skill expanding social structure that builds real self-empowerment and security. The exploitative socioeconomic paradigm sets everyone up for failure by providing the illusion of an insured pyramid scheme by which they may gain an advantage. To progressively mature in self-reliance and sovereignty you rarely ever barter for skills and products. The sovereign seeks information (intell) and tuition for building various skill sets. This is genuine insurance and security. Even as we build community through sharing the common wealth of resourcefulness and creativity…we attempt to be an active participating cocreator, rather than a mere trader. This makes for healthier, more inspired and energized interactions with others, rather than the blind autopilot of the slave and the merchant. In all our communal affairs we aim for economystic engagement, synchrony and intimacy.

• SOCIAL ECOLOGY—A modern definition of social ecology understands it as the interactions within the social, institutional, and cultural contexts of people-environment relations that make up well-being. At its core, Social Ecology’s motivating philosophy is a pragmatic one --the most persistent ills of society (sprawl, malnutrition, deforestation, urban violence, waterborne disease, obesity, housing insecurity, and countless others) seem to resist the prescriptions emerging from reductionist, uni-disciplinary research. The complexification of “problematic phenomena” begs for approaches that are cognizant of system complexity. In social ecology one must think relationally and respect the complexity of integrated systems, and this requires a multiplicity of perspectives even to study relatively bounded phenomena.

• FACILITATION LEADERSHIP—True leadership is about facilitation of the sovereignty and success of all members of a team or organization and enhancing the communication between the levels and the parts. If leadership does not show a superior ability in facilitating collective success, then it is not leadership and has morally forfeited the right to rule. Coercion, terror, threats, seduction, bribery, playing favorites, invoking jealousy, harassment, extortion etc....these are all Hindbrain methods of trying to inflict coercive power-over someone else’s sovereignty. They are the opposite of leadership. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately, while ultimate empowerment reestablishes universal harmony and order. Leadership involves: establishing a clear vision and sharing that vision with others in a way that they will follow willingly; providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision; and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders.

• NUDE EMPORERS—The idea of authoritarian leadership is defunct. Borg solidarity in corruption. Sovereign spiritually mature humans don’t need presidents or governments, hence they are becoming a parody of their true function. Higher civilization is moving beyond Kingdoms, states, military, and leaders. Only those who “order and envision” the optimum future and cultivate a precedent to bring about the ultimate collective goal are worthy of being called a leader, a president, or a preceptor. If your efforts are creating a scenario where the majority of people do not want to go, then you are obviously not a leader, but an antileader. Empire is the Alexander Napolean embarrassing pompous infection of politics and diplomacy. A malignant cancer that only exists in relation to that which it feeds on like a vampire.

• DECENTRALIZED POWER—Power is the ability to cause or prevent change. Working together we can use the power to cause change for the benefit of the many instead of the few. Power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts absolutely. Soon decentralized power will be the only thing there is as we plug into the Unified Field both technologically and spiritually. Power automatically gets out of control in hierarchal power systems because it naturally accumulates to the top, begins to over-assert itself and become an oppressive burden to the supporting structures beneath it. If we consider decentralization on all levels then we see that Point Of Use and Serial Resource Tributaries (Resource Flow Trees), plus Zero Waste are essential to any Noble-Sustainable Culture (Permanent-Culture). Decentralization leads to greater efficiency, economy, integration and minimum waste...more utility and less infrastructure.

• DIVINE ORDER—Decentralization leads to the divine or optimum order. In the parasitic culture the thinking is that hierarchical design with one central leader leads to the greatest order. However in actuality what happens is the one guy at the top acts in his own interests while sucking energy out of the collective sociosphere. If we consider decentralization on all levels then we see that Point Of Use and Serial Resource Tributaries (Resource Flow Trees), plus Zero Waste are essential to any Noble-Sustainable Culture (Permanent-Culture). Decentralization leads to greater efficiency, economy, integration and minimum waste...more utility and less infrastructure. Truth is ultimate and unbounded.

• VISIONEERING—The human race is foremost suffering from lack of visioneering and imagining different ways of doing things. The main problem with humanity at present is the inability for original and visionary thought in daily life...and this is so perhaps because the subtle and overt fear mongering keeps us in our lower brain functioning. If we are on automatic pilot, stuck in our pain-body, buffered by addictions, bored and stuck in a repetitive daily routine, then it is unlikely that a eureka, vision or blinding insight will arise. Visioneering is about generating the type of chemistry that encourages visionary windows in which higher information can “come through.” There is no greater spirituality than living in communion with the Earth and gaining the intimate understanding of Nature and the Universe that such communion necessitates. All minds, energy and resources must now be spent on reinventing and redesigning human civilization.

“The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust

• POSITIVE EMPOWERMENT— Self empowerment is the higher frequency consciousness behind the building of the mystic culture of sovereigns, where we explore our unique contribution of adding true value to the whole. The use of negative power is only dropped when sovereignty of the individual is the fundamental social and socializing principle, for only then are we truly HUman.
We have no alternative but to increase our sovereign choice to make decisions that support not only our own growth, but the wellbeing of the whole. Success is inevitable because the resurgent, rising sun energy is more sincere, hopeful, ecstatic and enduring than the forces of decay and slumber. Each person must come to their own sovereign empowerment, under their own steam, in their own time. But we can only stay empowered by supporting each others spiritual franchize.

• HONESTY/TRANSPARENCY—Honesty in meeting our world and the ability to express our truth without infringing on the sovereignty of others is the way to feel safe within chaos and uncertainty. You cannot heal from the trauma and repression of tyrannical patriarchal cabals of global power by ignoring hard truths and making up convenient lies. The sovereign builds the capacity for truth and socioeconomic integrity over time through sovereignty practice and eliminating all hints of sadomasochism usery and dependency from their lives. Conformity to pathological power creates the social disease process of the Borg, where truth is warped beyond recognition of who we are and why we are here. The mortar that holds the power pyramid in place is silence, lies and repression.

• END OF SLAVITUDE—Slavitude is a Borg trance state where poverty and mere survival entraps the weary through force of habit in a form of unending slavery. A combination of the words slavery and servitude (cf. “indentured servitude”). Slavitude is when although you have the freedom to quit your job with an abusive employer, you are too financially stressed and overworked to find another job. Slavitude is becoming increasingly common in western economy and society where employees are disposable (and so can be abused mentally/worked to death) and wage increases have not kept up with inflation. Making ourselves into our own slave is the greatest crime there is. As long as we commodify ourselves, we remain a commodity.

• THE END OF SLAVERY—I feel us breaking out of the hand to mouth existence. Slaves first rebel from their circumstances by getting fed up. This indentured meagre existence began with the cultivation of cereals, potatoes and beer. The addiction to sugar and starch keeps the slave in a serotonin stupor and makes frustration, futility, boredom and robotic labor not only bearable but inevitable. Thus the potato eaters breed potato eaters on into infinity, until they get so pissed off with the hamster wheel that they start SPEAKING THEIR TRUTH and eventually start acting on the notion that they too deserve a place in the sun.

• BEINGNESS—The sovereign works AT living, but doesn’t work for a living. In The Made world we share WHO we are as the greatest miracle, joy and treasure. In The Made world...sharing WHO we are is the currency of social intercourse and discourse. It is quite simple once you are able to give up your addiction to commodification and start to demand quality, value and qualia in your life. To overcome numbness and dumbness you have to substitute it with the finest most invigorating intelligence, and the most sublime sensation—sensory satisfaction that can only come from regenerated nature.

• POWER-WITH—Machiavellian Power-over is totalitarianism, an ever encroaching virulent disease that is extremely infectious, malignant, and poisonous. Divide and Conquer is the ultimate strategies for distracting the mind and desecrating the soul. The only way to fight it is to increase your own sovereignty, independence, autonomy, self-reliance, abundance, imagination, creativity, immunity, discernment, critical thinking, empowerment, aliveness, joy and bliss. Dictatorship and tyranny doesn’t allow for full brain development of the whole HUman. Power-over spiritually and creatively castrates the brain and the lives of individuals within the system.

 “Our entire system, in an economic sense, is based on restriction. Scarcity and inefficiency are the movers of money; the more there is of any resource the less you can charge for it. The more problems there are, the more opportunities there are to make money.

This Borg reality is a social disease, for people can actually gain off the misery of others and the destruction of the environment. Efficiency, abundance and sustainability are enemies of our economic structure, for they are inverse to the mechanics required to perpetuate consumption.

This is profoundly critical to understand, for once you put this together you begin to see that the one billion people currently starving on this planet, the endless slums of the poor and all the horrors of a culture due to poverty and pravity are not natural phenomenon due to some natural human order or lack of earthly resources. They are products of the creation, perpetuation and preservation of artificial scarcity and inefficiency.” ~ Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement

• LAW OF ATTRACTION—It is a universal law that you get back what you put in. But if you have withdrawn your energy and are withholding spirit and have separated yourself then the Taoist flow of giving and receiving is cut. When we radiate our energy out we complete cosmo-electromagnetic circuit...whereby we move from the passive Flatland world of master-slave to the enchanted world of the sovereign mystic. Consciously working with the Law of Attraction is the first baby step towards proactively living the Muse to manifest a life in tune with our highest values and greatest joy.  When we focus on techniques, material possessions or success by power-over efforts we can never be secure in the world. Only in living true to the highest within us can we ever hope to feel at home in our body or with those around us.

• PROACTIVITY—Engagement and virality. If we do not engage, then we disengage by default. We can spend our entire lives living the negative consequences of lack of engagement without realizing that only we ourselves can direct our energy to radiate and pour out of our being to connect to the cosmos and illuminate the world. The responsible path is the proactive one where you make a conscious choice not to remain small, helpless and immature. The sovereign aspires to absolute responsibility of the content of their experience through penetrating appearances, widening boundaries, perfecting discretion, increasing discernment, awakening the powers of choice and proactive positive action. Self-negation is a form of spiritual suicide, due to the “self” effectively ceasing to exist as a proactive agent and instead relates to the world “in reaction to” the given hierarchies, values, rules, relationships, vicissitudes and systems in society.

• POST-POLITICS—I think “authorities” are resorting to criminal means like terminator GMOs to reduce the population because they can’t do it sensibly by legislating for a 2 child maximum due to  election-popularity reasons. Thus this covert system of hypocritical governance is dark, unconscious, occult and evil. So democracy and the two party system is counter to its own supposed objectives. It cannot lead or organize on a logical, conscious and humane level or else it won’t be given the chance to rule via being elected. The species and the globe is in trouble under this kind of obsolete corrupt system...and more importantly our ability to humanize and remain humane is under attack.

• EMPIRE = CANCER—War for resources, land, money or power is unconstitutional and an anathema to the World Charter of Peaceful Nations. Therefore empire in all its forms covert and obvious is to be strenuously resisted and legislated out of existence by the World Court. In order to govern, both the authorities and the people need to face the facts - no matter what, and move ahead in a conscious and humane fashion…via science, rationality and empiricism, but without empire. The term empire and imperialism derives from the Latin imperium (power, authority). In political science empire-building refers to the tendency of countries and nations to acquire resources, land, and economic influence outside of their borders in order to expand their size, power, and wealth. Power-over is the number one socially contracted disease of the delinquent Hindbrain human.

• HIGHER VALUES—Money, power, status and the three F’s (Fucking, Fighting, Food) warp the value of all that we do and are within the Borg sociosphere. How can we become more HUman within a dehumanizing environment? How can we arrange it so that the environment humanizes rather than degrades us? Eric Fromm suggests that the way to become truly free in an individual sense is to become spontaneous in our self-expression and behaviour and respond truthfully to our genuine feelings. For that we must dissolve our Borg-shell in the light of the fully embodied spirit. Unless we work together to create The Made world now we will be forced to kowtow to the false authority of ever increasing evil. Transcendence of The Given world is only achieved in its positive, creative form when we have spiritually grown up and graduated to spontaneously and blissfully creating The Made world. As we grow into our sovereignty we move beyond “Freedom From” to the more mature and exhilarating “Freedom To.”

“To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.” ~Tacitus


We only get to be the free sovereign soul that we are willing to cultivate, fight for and defend.

I think that the current mode of exploitative capitalism is reaching terminal proportions because it is on its way out, so it is making a last ditched effort to extract all it can from an immoral systemic organization. Thus we have ecocide and genocide going hand in hand at full steam ahead. However, although this mode of operation is obviously going to end with the last soldier and the last resource, I don’t think that human civilization itself is going to collapse into complete barbarity or complete hegemony. I think we can assume a more diverse outcome rather like the lifecycle of a forest, in which those organizational structures that have out-lived their usefulness to preserving lifeforce will fall down to the forest floor and provide sustenance to the vital growth of the new.

Any culture that bases their operating law on the high art of universal ecological principles is vastly more advanced than our fallen exploitative culture of commoditization. Spiritual, biological and environmental evolution involves concentrating electrical charge. Entropy implies diminishing returns, while implosion or centripetal vortexing reverses entropy. Thus those organizations or organisms that concentrate electrical charge create reliability, reproducibility and abundance. The emergence of beneficity and co-creation as principles of, collaborative design is leading to the new wealth paradigm, generating new value opportunities, efficiency and productivity within the mechanism of the “value/resource chain of social organization.” —Natural Philosophy Alliance


INNOVATIVE EFFICIENCY: Buying time by using all resources as efficiently as possible—time used to redesign how businesses are run. Achieving a truly sustainable economy will also mean managing institutions so they are not just efficient and innovative, but also restorative of human and natural capital, the third principle of Natural Capitalism.

REDESIGN: Redesign how we make and deliver all products and services using approaches such as cradle-to-cradle concepts, Biomimicry, the circular economy, Design for the Environment, and others. Nature makes a wide array of products and services that run on sunlight, producing neither waste nor toxics. The design of macroeconomic systems and microeconomic enterprises should mimic healthy, native ecosystems in diversity, adaptability, resilience, and local self-reliance.

RESTORATIVE: Achieving a truly sustainable economy will also mean managing institutions so they are not just efficient and innovative, but also restorative of human and natural capital, the third principle of Natural Capitalism.

REDEFINE SUCCESS: Ecosystem services such as a healthy climate, soil fertility, and the restorative capacity of an intact biosphere are not presently on any company or country’s balance sheet. Yet they underpin the capacity of the planet to sustain life and thus the economy. So long as our economic and accounting system treats them as having a value of zero, it will be impossible to implement any sort of capitalism that can deliver enduring wealth and well-being.

The Way Out: Kick-Starting Capitalism To Save Our Economic Ass, by Hunter Lovins and Boyd Cohen


Begun in Sweden in 1989 by cancer researcher Karl-Henrik Robert, The Natural Step developed by building a consensus among prominent scientists, which can be summarized as four system conditions for sustainability: 
1. Materials from the earth’s crust must not systematically increase in nature (e.g. heavy metals, fossil fuels).
2. Persistent substances produced by society must not systematically increase in nature (e.g. PCBs, CFCs DDT). 
3. The physical basis for the earth’s productive natural cycles and biological diversity must not be systematically deteriorated.
4. There must be fair and efficient use of resources with respect to meeting human needs.


The Seven Principles of Hermetic Philosophy from The Kybalion:

1. The Principle of Mentalism. “THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.” “He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on the path to Mastery.”​

2. The Principle of Correspondence. “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.”

3. The Principle of Vibration. “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” The Principle of Vibration — embodies the truth that Motion is manifest in everything in the Universe — that nothing is at rest — that everything moves, vibrates, and circles.

4. The Principle of Polarity. “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

5. The Principle of Rhythm. “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect. “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

7. The Principle of Gender. “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

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