Saturday, May 16, 2020



COVID-19 IS NOT A REGULAR CORONA VIRUS...It is a combo of monkey/bat and 3 HIV components created for kicking off the NWO global fascist state and depopulation. Those little spikes that originate from the coronavirus and make it so effective by adhesion in our lungs are Spike Glycoproteins, better known as S-proteins. Well, the Covid-19 strain currently circulating has a 120-point S-protein. S-protein 120 is found in only one other virus known to man, HIV. So the current strain of Covid-19 is indeed genetically modified by inserting these HIV proteins into the Coronavirus and therefore making it a weapon. Buying science should be as illegal as buying law.

On NASA WORLDVIEW I tracked what appears to be Covid chemtrail spraying in one country after another with light and low saturation spraying starting in November 2019. The Covert Covid Chemtrailing —
Chemtrails contain pathogens, & the aerosols drop down mutated pathogens naturally inhabiting the upper atmosphere.  Natural flu and pandemics are they train the immune system and cull the weak. Covid-19 is the first fake one will be the genuine thing. The governments that engaged in bioweapon research are anti-life and anti-progress, and should be made to cease and desist. If they didn't make bioweapons, there would be no need for vaccines, lockdowns, economic collapse and cultural chaos. We must eliminate the real culprits of fascist bioweapon false flags or human life will become increasingly unbearable.  —Thrival In The Chemtrail Holocaust, Youthifying from Within.

***This paper was the chemtrail detox paper expanded for Covid meta-adaption, prevention/recovery and Covid vaccine preparedness. For heavy metal and aluminum detox see my paper on Pineal Gland Detox.

Why Do Some People Die From Covid, And Others Don’t Get Sick At All?

Scientists looked at leucocyte antigens and blood types to understand the role of genetics in Covid-19 infections, and found an association between more severe Covid-19 cases and individuals with lower lymphocyte – or white blood cell – counts. Chinese researchers found that patients with type A blood had higher rate of infection and tended to have more severe Covid-19 symptoms, while those with type O blood where less susceptible. Approximately 45 percent of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O. Black African blood is only 24% A+

Doctors have also found links between COVID-19 and a variety of other conditions, including vitamin deficiency, blood clots, and it’s also known to have devastating effects on the lungs, intestines, and the heart. Depends on the immune system's reaction, the free radical cascade and the bodies ability to deal with them. The damage to the epithealial layer of the lungs can be so great people bleed out. High zetapotiental and the blood doesn't coagulate. High numbers in Italy apparently was related to a country wide vaccine in 2019 which made them susceptible to COVID-19.

“People who get flu shots will be the first to die in an actual global pandemic because they have been made vulnerable to infections.” Dr. Ronald Klatz

With Covid-19 it is the over-reaction of the immune system to the weaponsized virus and the subsequent cytokine storm which can severely damage lungs and lead to sepsis or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), stroke and death in patients. There is a strong correlation between low vitamin D levels and cytokine storm — a hyperinflammatory condition caused by an overactive immune system.

Even boiled water causes leucocytosis or the activation of white blood cells in the digestive system, as the body tries to protect itself from the de-natured water molecules. Substances altered from nature cause an inflammatory response. When substances are tested for their ability to stimulate a cytokine immune response, it may not be the natural substance itself, but the "processing" of that agent into a syrup, tincture, pill, tonic or cooked food that is causing the rendering the substance abnatural.

Stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete glutathione, the body’s main antioxidant. Vaccines work by inducing an inflammatory response in the body which in turn uses up glutathione. Prior vaccinations deplete the body's store of glutathione, making one more vulnerable to subsequent vaccinations. Because vaccines deplete the body’s supply of glutathione this rendering the liver incapable of eliminating the heavy metal toxins in vaccines that lead to Autism and other neurologic disorders. Glutathione is also depleted by glyphosate, Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide, so most people are depleted of this essential nutrient that helps the body detoxify. This is why it is included in vaccines, so the immune system is more over reactive and damages the body in the free radical storm.

With yearly flu vaccination the body would be in a permanent state of glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation, immune exhaustion and compromise, consequently open to infectious and degenerative diseases. Boosting glutathione levels prior to vaccination, and drinking apple cider vinegar, and teas for flushing the kidney’s after vaccination is recommended to overcome the dangers of the immune systems inflammatory cytokine storm. There was also a strong association between COVID-19 patients ending up on a ventilator and developing acute kidney failure. Among more than 1,000 patients on ventilators, 90 percent developed a serious kidney condition.

Some Kidney Cleansing Herbal Teas Include: Dandelion, Marshmallow, Juniper, Nettles, Parsley, Red clover, Ginger and Golden Rod, Horsetail, Huperzinea, Java Tea Leaf. Licorice Root, Peppermint, Chamomile, Orange Blossom and Yarrow.

Respirators don't work for COVID due to the Thromobsis (blood clotting). Instead what is needed is hyperbaric O2, blood thinners + zinc/copper/manganese for glutathione and megadose Vitamin C and D3. Exposing the skin to the sun produces D3. For copper you can put water in a copper goblet overnight and drink in the morning.

Another indigenous antioxidant Superoxide dismutase (SOD) that neutralizes oxygen free radicals. Oxygen free radicals are being constantly produced by our mitochondria in the process of converting the food we eat into energy we can use, and also when needed by our white blood cells to defend us against invading infectious organisms. Immune system activation causes a cytokine/free radical storm which damages epithelial and other tissue. SOD is available in many fresh food sources. The top superoxide dismutase foods include: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, wheat grass, barley grass, broccoli, peas, tomato, mustard leaves, spinach, honeydew, cantaloupe, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, cashews, hazelnuts.

BARE MINIMUM COVID/FLU COPING: Do you have an ozonator machine if so put the tube in your ears, and make ozone water for gargling. If not, drip 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ears, and put a 1 Tbs H202 in a shot glass of water for gargling. Pop a 1000 mg Vitamin C pill every hour. 50 mg zinc pill 2 x a day taken with Tonic water for quinine, or buy quinine tincture on Amazon. Besides ginger tea a tea made of licorice root, echinacea (leaf/root) and ground schisandra or elder berries would likely be super tasty and Flu preventative and cure. Astaxanthin, Organic Lemons and fresh Ginger root tea, Japanese Knotweed, Red Sage, Cat’s claw, Stephania Root and Andrographis (King of Bitters).

Attack the Flu with a full-on protocol when it first expresses and you are less likely to end up with permanent disabilities and brain inflammation and chronic degenerative diseases. Mega dose Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic, D3, K2, Zinc, Selenium, Lugol's iodine, Colloidal Silver, Cayenne, and Garlic. Remember you need a fat and vitamin K2 with D3 for it to work. Whenever a chemtrail day is underway overhead hit the natural flu and immunity measures such as: ginger tea, garlic, clove, cayenne, chaparral, echinacea, elderberry, 1-3 g of lysine, and vitamin B6 etc... Before you notice cold or flu symptoms, start taking 1000 mg of vitamin C six to eight times a day and up your Vitamin D and sun exposure.

With 100mg Zinc per day there is a 3-fold increase in the recovery rate from common cold. Zinc is essential for proper functioning of the immune system. Without zinc your Natural Killer cells won't work and you'll be susceptible to infection, thereby increasing inflammation.  Like hydrochlorquine the quinine helps the zinc get into the cells. 6 cups of fresh ginger root tea per day to cut inflammation. Quinine is made from the leaves of sweet wormwood (Artimisia annua) which is used to treat malaria. Wormwood—Artemisinin, a compound isolated from Artemisia annua or sweet wormwood, a green leafy plant is used in combination with other drugs as a treatment for malaria.

GHANAIAN QUININE, JAPANESE KNOTWEED FOR LYME AND MALARIA: Ghanaian quinine, quinine and Blackseed Oil act as a transporter for zinc into the cells. Ghanaian quinine or Cryptolepis root tincture (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) is used for insomnia, and also is traditionally used in West Africa to treat malaria. This is a different quinine to the Cinchona species. Extracts from Ghanaian quinine and Japanese knotweed prevented free-swimming bacteria from proliferating, even when they were present at low concentrations. The two plant extracts also killed entire microcolonies of the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In fact, just one 7-day treatment with 1% Ghanaian quinine extract was able to eradicate the bacterium in lab dishes. What is more, the bacterium was unable to make a comeback following this treatment.
“This study provides the first convincing evidence that some of the herbs used by patients, such as Cryptolepis, black walnut, sweet wormwood, cat’s claw, and Japanese knotweed [resveratrol], have potent activity against Lyme disease bacteria, especially the dormant persistent forms, which are not killed by the current Lyme antibiotics,” says study co-author Prof. Ying Zhang.  Ghanaian quinine Seeds

GREEN CHIRETA: Andrographis paniculata (kalmegh) is a popular Asian/Indian treatment for the common cold and as an anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral and prevents radical damage to your cells. This herb may be the most effective pre-treatment to take on heavy chemtrail days as a preventative to infection runs. Andrographis paniculata is available in pills or capsules, which is the best way to take this herb as it is very bitter. Andrographis paniculata is available in pills or capsules, which is the best way to take this herb as it is very bitter.

ASHITABA: The ability to withstand high temperatures without cellular damage is important during disease infection fevers and kundalini awakening. Phytochemicals in Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) protect body cells and sperm from heat stress, by elevating the levels of antioxidant enzyme glutathione synthase and heat shock proteins. Ashitaba is a cure all for all metabolic syndrome diseases including diabetes and cancer, it also inhibits influenza virus neuraminidase enzyme. Influenza neuraminidase is a mushroom-shaped projection on the surface of the influenza virus. Neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) like Ashitaba block the function of viral neuraminidases of the influenza virus, by preventing its reproduction by budding from the host cell. Ashitaba tincture in water could be used as an oral spray during flu outbreaks.
Growing and juicing ashitaba is an significant boon for K-actives as it is anti-tumor (inhibits skin and lung cancer), anti-thrombus, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-ulcer properties. Plus the high levels of B12 found in ashitaba prevents memory loss. 

ALKALINITY: The fungi, viruses and bacteria cannot overgrow if the cell-voltage is normal, and bicarbonate works as an electron donor to raise the voltage. The alkaline effect of Baking Soda helps stop C-Flu transmission. Alkalinity helps put 10 times the oxygen in tissues and the flu virus cannot survive alkaline nor oxygen rich tissues. Thus a fizzy drink of buffered Vitamin C and ½ tsp of Baking Soda or Potassium Bicarbonate is an ideal quick fix for flu or metabolic distress. People are getting results drinking a warm version of the master cleanser (lemon, cayenne, raw honey) and taking 50 mg zinc twice a day. Deep breathing reduces the acidity of the blood. Don't forget to light up your immune system with heart-thymus breathing-meditation using your hands as jumper-cables.

IODINE AND SELENIUM supplementation may also be advised when making an attack on your pathogen load and resisting a biological warfare attack from the skies. Small bumps on the skin are often a sign of candida, while the tiny itchy red spots on arms and back are a sign of a mycoplasma or spirochete bacteria from chemtrails. Both are symptoms of a compromised immune system.

Iodine has been used to cure syphilis, skin lesions, and chronic lung disease. Lugol’s solution helps eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. For medication dose take 3 drops of Lugol’s in a shot glass of water twice daily, but not together with antioxidants as Iodine is an oxidant and it is best to reduce the intake of antioxidants while using it. The small bumps on the thighs and the back of the upper arms are likely candida and sluggish lymph. The silicon water strengthens collagen, removes toxins and plaques and can “push” toxins and pathogens towards the skin to “exit” the body.

Try saunas, kelp baths, green coffee enemas, dry brushing and clay-activated charcoal skin packs to stimulate skin detoxing. Drinking activated charcoal last thing at night is important during active infection and during detoxing. It is best to not heavy metal cleanse when you are experiencing Herx detox symptoms or during a bout of C-Flu. Best to focus on cleansing/supporting the eliminative organs and juice fasting till the body is clean and strong enough to start dealing with the Heavy Metals, mycoplasma, candida etc..

The corrosion of the eyes with chemtrail particulates cannot be good for the health of the corneas. I think that fresh coconut water mixed with distilled water might be a good eye wash to use after you have been outdoors under the chemical-assault. Colloidal silver eye wash helps with gooey bacteria eyes. I suggest everyone get an eye washing glass for washing with colloidal silver. A shot glass also works good.

COLLOIDAL SILVER has successful been used to disinfect and purify water (even for the NASA space station). When you wash with soap made from colloidal silver, 99.99% of bacteria is killed and removed. Colloidal Silver has been medically proven to kill every destructive bacterial, viral and fungal organism in the body, including anthrax, Ebola, Hunta, and "flesh-eating bacteria."

A Nebulizer to use with 1 drop of Essential Oil and Colloidal Silver solution.

Nostrils/Throat, eyes and skin will need to be cleaned after being in out in a thick chemtrail stew!

Aloe, Astragalus, Barberry, Bilberry extract, Black Cumin Seed, Black Walnut hull, Birch bracket mushrooms, Cat’s Claw, Chamomile, Cardamom, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Clove, Chaparral, Devil's claw, Echinacea, Elderberry, Elecampane, Echinacea, Fumitory, Gentian, Ganodermamushrooms,Garlic, Grapeseed extract, Graviola, Gentian, Goldenseal, Horseradish, Hyssop, Juniper berries, Lobelia, Milk Thistle, Myrrh gum, Neem, Noni juice, Olive leaf, Oregano, Papaya seed, Passionflower, Pau D'Arco, Raspberry, Reishi, Sage, Shiitake, Suma, Thyme, White Willow bark, Wormwood, Valerian.
Assisting: Siberian ginseng, Ginger, Galangal, Ginkgo, Fennel seeds, and Fenugreek seeds. Mucopolysaccharides in Echinacea have been found to strongly stimulate T-lymphocyte activity, macrophage and T-killer cell activity and host cell production of interferon. Sarsaparilla root has been shown to attack microbial substances in the bloodstream, thereby neutralizing them.
Herbal extracts of Samentoand Banderol. Banderol is produced from the bark of the Otoba parvifolia, a tree that is found in Peru.  The Cat's Claw and Banderol dissolve biofilms as wellwhen taken along with the enzymesLumbrokinase or Serrapeptase.Medicinal mushrooms (this includes birch bracket, cordycep, reishi and maitake mushrooms) promote an adaptive immune system which helps control autoimmune reactions. Mutamba with Devil’s Claw and Myrrh gum powder helps reduce the candida, insulin resistance, prediabetic foundations of Metabolic X that undermines sexual and creative potency. Cat's claw has demonstrated a capacity for flushing out pathogens and irritants from the gastrointestinal tract.
Vidanga (false black pepper) is an herb used in Ayurveda as a powerful antibiotic, energy booster, tonic, and is one of the powerful anti-parasitic herbs of Ayurveda. The dry seeds of vidanga resemble pepper seeds are cleansing for the blood, and lymph. Vidanga strengthens the digestive fire and eliminates worms and toxins from the GI tract. Vidanga reduces volume of fat cells in obese people thus aiding the weight loss and bloating. Studies on diabetic rats found it decreases blood glucose, serum total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

One cure which beats all cures for the C-Flu is 1-3 tsp of cayenne pepper per day in capsules, juices or in soups like spicy onion soup and Thai Tom Yum made with a medicinal mushroom base. The pineapple enzyme (bromelain) eats the spikes off the viral coat, and nettle leaf prevents the manufacture of prostaglandins, also useful for coughs. Lemon balm is a viricide and soothes nasal passages; skullcap is anti-inflammatory, and antihistamine, aids in treating allergies or allergic rhinitis, particularly when used with stinging nettle. The combination of Elder Flowers and St John’s Wort is a traditional two punch against viral infection. Elder flower blunts the sharp protrusions on the crystalline coat of a virus, so that it cannot puncture cell walls. Spike your green smoothies and vege juices with fresh ground pepper and turmeric to cut down inflammation

NATURAL ANTIVIRAL CURES INCLUDE: Apple cider vinegar, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), Vitamin B-12 injections, IV Vitamin C, Zinc, L-Lysine, Helichrysum oil. Polygonum cuspidatum or Hu Zhang in Chinese contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in red wine and in the skin of grapes. Other virucides include Clove, Garlic, Ginger, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Star Anise, Astragalus Root. Olive Leaf, Oregano, Licorice, Cat’s claw, Marigold, Sweet basil and Wormwood. Aloe vera possesses antiviral activity, preventing virus adsorption, attachment or entry into the host cell. Elderberry and St. John’s Wort combined act as an antiviral. It is thought that hypericin, pseudohypericin, and other chemicals in St. John's Wort may stick to the surfaces of viruses and keep them from binding to host cells.
Medical Mushrooms Reishi, Cordyceps and Maitake have antiviral properties, and can inhibit the C-Flu. Also Turkey Tail Mushroom and Birch Bracket Mushroom. Mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitake, Chaga and Sang Hwang mushroom boosts the immune system due to two polysaccharide-protein complexes, Beta D-Glucan and Lectin, which control the immune system.

The master herbalist Stephen Buhner suggests some herbs for reducing the cytokine storm are Japanese knotweed, Chinese skullcap, Cordyceps spp, Kudzu, astralagus, licorice and Boneset. Protecting the cells from the hypoxia induced oxidative damage significantly reduces the damage in the lungs. Rhodiola prevents hypoxia, increases intracellular oxygen diffusion, and increases the efficiency of oxygen utilization.

HARITAKI POWDER strengthens immunity while exerting a mild laxative effect. Haritaki fruit is part of triphala, the three-fruit tonic formula. mouthwash significantly inhibited salivary bacterial count and total streptococcal (S.  mutans) count for up to three hours compared to placebo, apparently by blocking their ability to utilize sugars. Haritaki fruit was one of four herbs found to significantly reduce viral loads in a chronic lung infection

TOOTH POLISHING POWDER: Use with or without tooth paste—Diatomaceous Earth, Ground Eggshell, Calcium Phosphate Tribasic, Haritaki powder.

An antiviral diet is similar to an anti-candida diet. To eliminate viruses that cause Flu, Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Shingles or EBV etc…  avoid foods high in the amino acid arginine like onions, Brussel sprouts, turkey breast, pork, chicken, soybeans, peanuts, spirulina, dairy, nuts and seeds, which can encourage the growth of viruses in the body. You can strengthen your body's natural defense by reducing arginine intake while increasing the intake of another basic amino acid called lysine which is needed for the skin, epithelial tissue and bones. An antiviral, high lysine diet can help to strengthen immunity and protect against viral outbreaks by penetrating viruses from entering our surface “barriers.”

Because our body doesn't make L-lysine on its own, you must get this amino acid from foods or supplements. A good maintenance dose for the chemtrail holocaust would be between 1-3 g per day, however, to treat an active viral or bacterial outbreak, lysine dose may reach as high as 9 grams in a single day. One rounded teaspoon is around 2 grams Lysine in weight. Dr. Linus Pauling recommended Vitamin C=3g / L-lysine=6g daily. Starting off at 1 gram each and slowly increasing dose over time as my body acclimates. The Linus Pauling Institute also recommends a daily dose of 200-400 mg/day α-Lipoic acid (ALA) for generally healthy people. ALA improves skin texture, protects the skin from sun exposure preventing the inflammation and the generation of free radicals in epithelial tissue.

High lysine foods include lean beef, cheese, soy, Fish, particularly sardines and cod, shrimp, shellfish, nuts, seeds, eggs, Brewer's yeast, beans, and lentils. Most vegetables and fruits particularly sprouts, beets, avocados, mangoes, tomatoes, apples, apricots, pears, figs and papaya. I think it is a numbers game...obviously nuts and seeds are healthier than cereals...if someone has a particular preference for foods in the Arginine group, they could still eat them, but supplement with Lysine. The point is, ensuring that the body's collagen is strong so that pathogens cannot easily dissolve tissues and slip between epithelial cells.

KETOSIS: Fat burning or ketogenic metabolism is beneficial with combating bacterial inflammation. Intriguingly, evidence from brain disorders in people suggests that abandoning glucose also helps our neurons when they are stressed. A ketogenic diet protects the brain cells in those who have epilepsy, and some are even trying it as a way to fight brain cancer. 1 tsp of organic coconut oil every 2 hours and avoiding sugar, carbs and fruit, while water fasting or celery juice fasting will quickly clean out your fat cells by going into fat burning mode.

72 hours water fasting allows the body to utilize stores of glucose, fat and ketones, and to breakdown white blood cells, triggering the stem-cells to regenerate the blood system, and thus grow brand-new immune system cells. Dry fasting is for hardcore spiritual fasting...while even herbal teas/suntea/water would be fine for the 72 hour immune system reboot. I would say also brooms and binders "bentonite clay/zeolite/diatomaceous earth/psyllium" in water would also be ok because this is not food, but will cleanse the colon. If the body is toxic then the "new cells" will also be polluted!

ZINC-PROPOLIS LOZENGES against viruses...Zinc may be more effective when taken in lozenge or syrup form, which allows the substance to stay in the throat and come in contact with the virus. Avoid lozenges with sugar in them…if in doubt just suck on a zinc tablet.

GUT IMMUNITY: Around 80% of the immune system's white blood cells reside in the gut's lymphatic and mucosal tissue. In addition to probiotic foods there is EpiBiotics that improve your digestion, strengthen your immune system, and restore healthy bacteria in your gut: Pau D'arco, Kiwi fruit, Purple Grape powder, Beets. Ginger Root, Fennel Seeds, Licorice Root, Chicory Root, Chamomile, Slippery Elm, Acemannan, Chinese Yam, Black Cumin Seed. Intestinal immune enhancing activities of macrophage colony-stimulating factor was triggered by the polysaccharides in Korean brown rice vinegar and apple cider vinegar. Diluted apple cider vinegar acts as an effective mouthwash or oral spray.

BOOSTING IMMUNITY: Infections reduce glutathione levels, as does poor diet, mitochondrial dysfunction, and stress. The key to avoiding infectious diseases is to keep a good supply of electrons in the body through antioxidant foods, supplements and grounding. Plus adequate methylation via the cabbage family, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Choline & Green Tea. Kale or garlic mustard in smoothies is a great way to get the sulfur for methylation. Glutathione, most important antioxidant, is synthesized by most cells in the body, particularly those in the liver. The body makes N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) into cysteine and then into glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. N-acetyl cysteine can neutralize toxins in the liver because of its ability to boost glutathione and is an unbelievably effective asthma remedy...draining sinuses and clearing the bronchioles and lungs. Also magnesium, zinc and selenomethionine (a source of selenium and methionine).

AGARICUS BLAZEI MUSHROOM (almond Portobello)—immune system support. Agaricus blazei contains beta glucans, a group of polysaccharides (complex sugars) that are believed to be the compounds responsible for the mushroom’s immune-boosting, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, and hypoglycemic effects. In addition, research has shown that Agaricus blazei has anti-tumor and anti-viral activity, as well as moderating effects on blood sugar and cholesterol. Agaricus mushroom contains chemicals that might improve the body's use of insulin and decrease insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. It has also been used to treat atherosclerosis, hepatitis, high serum triglycerides, type 2 diabetes and some skin disorders. Agaricus blazei contains beta-glucan (a type of dietary fiber) and oligosaccharides (a type of carbohydrate). Both are known to improve blood glucose levels by reducing the inflammatory stress on the pancreas (the body's primary source of insulin).

IMMUNITY HERBS: Immunity supporting herbs like Amalaki, Guduchi, Ashwaganda, Tulsi and Ginger should be taken regularly in teas or capsules. Calendula, Astragalus Root, Cat's Claw, Olive Leaf, Oregano, Thyme, Echinacea, Garlic, Aloe, Shiitake mushroom, Sarsaparilla, Suma, Barberry, Basil, Boneset, Chamomile, Goldenseal, Licorice, Marshmallow, Mistletoe, Star Anise, St John's Wort, Astragalus, Ligustrum, Chaparral, Pau D Arco. Hyssop is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anticancer. Herbs that help neutralize toxins: Echinacea, Elecampane, Garlic, Fennel, Neem, Plantain. Oregano oil can be used to beat a really bad chest infection including bronchitis. Either diffuse or rub diluted on bottoms of feet for 3 days. Fennel seed and plant is very useful for a disinfectant for bad rumors and humors.

INFRARED: For throwing off both pathogens and heavy metals from chemtrails an infrared sauna might be the ticket as infrared saunas remove 85% more toxins than regular saunas, and infrared saunas do alleviate the Flu, Morgellons and Mycoplasma symptoms. Morgellons sufferers report that a 30 minute infrared sauna will reduce disease symptoms for a day. Sauna, sunbathing and grounding will also aid immunity and detoxification.

The thymus changes negative vibration of chemicals and produces thymosin which stimulates the maturing of lymphocytes into T-Cells. Thymus Gland hormones have been shown to enhance, restore, and balance; by improving the immune system you enhance your ability to make DNA, to have normal cell division, to have normal insulin sensitivity, and to have normal thyroid levels and other things. Thymus Gland hormones prevent the bone marrow injury and subsequent reduction in white and red blood cell production. Inner Arts for the Thymus include beating your chest like a gorilla, and the Light Sword Meditation.

HERBS FOR THE THYMUS: Alfalfa, Echinacea, Horsetail, Licorice, Stinging Nettle, Chaparral, Pau D Arco.  MINERALS: Potassium, Sodium, Selenium and Zinc. VITAMINS: Niacin B-3, B-6, A, C and E. Like vitamin C, the mineral zinc can help rev up your immune system. Zinc helps boost production of T-lymphocyte cells. Spirulina is very useful for thymus, which is the university for the immune system. Bee Propolis stimulates and normalizes the Thymus; L-Arginine must be balanced with L-Lysine; L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine.

IMMUNOMODULATORS to help maintain the integrity of the body’s connective tissues are Lapacho (Pau d’Arco), Echinacea, Astragalus, yerba mate, licorice root, ginseng, chaparral, echinacea and sarsaparilla. These would help oxygenate cells and help them burn calories. Other oxygen supporting herbs include Holy basil, Reishi, Rhodiola, Cordyceps, and Ginger.

SAFFRON as blood purifier helps increasing the oxygen content of the blood, increases oxygen diffusion from the red blood cells, discourage uric acid buildup, and also inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid. Saffron also removes aluminum from the brain! The saffron crocin pigment blocks tangles and reduces beta-amyloid plaque formation. Saffron might help prevent and cure Covid-19. Saffron has antiviral effects, by preventing viral entry into cells and duplication of the virus, and could be a promising anti-HSV and anti-HIV agent.
LUTEOLIN PREVENTS VIRAL REPLICATION: Luteolin is most often found in leaves, but it is also seen in rinds, barks, clover blossom, and ragweed pollen. It has also been isolated from the aromatic flowering plant, Salvia tomentosa in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Dietary sources include celery, broccoli, green pepper, parsley, thyme, dandelion, perilla, chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, navel oranges, and oregano.
PROTECTIVE ANOINTING OIL: Massage the back of the neck, temples and occiput with an essential oil mix such as red sage, thyme, hyssop, rosemary, savory cut with black seed oil or jojoba. Massage your shins with this aromatic oil as well. Such strong aromatic oils can be used to help burn body fat between the thighs, under the upper arms and on the belly, while simultaneously assisting the immune system.

SORE INFLAMMED JOINTS AND MUSCLES: By magnesium chloride mix with water, put in spray bottle and spray on sore muscles and joints to open up the tissue to lifeforce, and castor oil works as well...the jaw, neck and shoulders hold the majority of the fight, flight, freeze fossil tension. Epsom salt baths. Need to lie on the grass, breathe, sunbath and take Epsom salt baths. If you get a large infrared bulb and put it in a metal lamp that you can hand-hold, you can use this to reset the neurology in your jaw and shoulders.

OZONE OR HYDROGEN PEROXIDE FOOT BATHS: Cure your head cold and lungs through your feet by using ozone or hydrogen oxide foot baths, plus thorough scrubbing and pumicing your feet. The best pumice to use for defoliating feet is the one used for cleaning toilet bowls. After foot baths spray your feet with Apple Cider Vinegar and once they are dry rub castor oil or blackseed oil mixed with essential oils on the feet and put on cotton or wool socks.

NIGELLA SATIVA: Black Cumin Seed is neuroprotective, nephroprotective, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic, and anticonvulsant activities. Moreover, Black Cumin Seed oil is known for its hypotensive, hepatoprotective, and immunomodulatory effects. It is an exceptional oil for oral health, as well as skin and gut lining protection.

CLEARING THE SINUSES: Sinus remedies are the same as for bronchitis, the common cold, influenza and lung disease. The sulfur containing amino acid N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) is very effective at reducing mucus in the lungs and sinuses, can prevent asthma attacks when inhaled. Elderberry lessens swelling in mucous membranes, like the sinuses, and help reduce nasal blockage. Use colloidal silver in water (or Philosopher’s Water) in a neti pot or nasal spray for sinus issues also. Colloidal silver makes vaccination intoxication and antibiotic poisoning unnecessary. Shungite water has strong antibacterial, antiviral ability.

Chronic bronchitis or any other infection is a sign of a weakened immune system. Make a big pot of Chaga Tea in a slow cooker, on low heat as this medicinal mushroom heals bronchitis and other lung diseases and can inhibit proliferation and induce the apoptosis of lung cancer cells. Chickory Chaga Coffee: You can also add roasted chickory to your chaga if you prefer to make more of a coffee-like brew.

ALSO IN YOUR ARSENAL OF ANTIMICROBIALS: Elecampane, echinacea, garlic, olive leaf, lobelia, mullein, thyme, cayenne, black radish. Mullein is a specific remedy for earache, bronchitis, coughing, sinus congestion, chest congestion and wheezing. Kelp broth made into a spicy Thai soup like Tom Yum with basil will clear the sinuses.  Kelp remineralizes, detoxifies and increases blood oxygen. One tsp of Black seed oil (cumin seed) per day quenches infection, anti-asthmatic and anti-histamine thus quenches sinus infection. Honey, bee pollen and propolis fight sinus infection. A homemade tea for sinus may include mints like peppermint or catnip, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, lemon zest, nettle, and elderberry. Studies have found that elderberry eases flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough, and body aches. Vary your antimicrobials every few days.

*Black Seed oil, Serepeptase, CBD oil, THC oil, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Turmeric for asthma, fibrosis, lung cancer etc… from chemtrail nanoparticulate inhalation.

Use of a colloidal silver atomizer is an easy way treat a sore throat and to disinfect the air to clear the lungs use a humidifier with colloidal silver in the water or silver with an ultrasonic nebulizer.
A nebulizer will get colds/flu at the initial stages...I am using colloidal silver & 4 drops of Helichrysum oil, which cuts down general stuffiness and brain fog. Good to deep breathe this into the lungs. Also a Humidifier, and/or Aromatherapy Diffuser for the house.
For head and throat cold symptoms use Oral sprays of Medical Mushrooms such as Reishi, Cordyceps and Maitake. Oral sprays can be used for fever, colds, flu and bronchitis—Make up a bottle containing colloidal silver, salt solution, a drop of Lugol’s and antiseptic essential oils such as Echinacea, Helichrysum, Oregano, Myrrh, Basil, Hyssop, Lavender, Marjoram, Sage, Clove and Tea tree. Careful not to overdo the oils, it has to be palatable and can also be used as a mouth wash. Artemisia lavandulaefolia has proven results against oral-esophageal cancer due to the induction of cell-apoptosis.

MECHANICAL MEANS OF CLEARING THE SINUSES INCLUDE rebounding, vibe machine, alternative sauna/cold shower. Pinch the top of the nose and sniff-breathe; and tap fingers around the eye sockets and down the side of the nose and around the jaw. The Inner Art exercise called “Clearing the Attic” works to drain the sinuses by getting the brain’s lymphatic system unclogged. This entails simply rolling the top of one’s head on the carpet along the central “Mohawk” line, while sniffing to unblock the sinuses. Sinuses also drain when the occipital ridge at the back of the head is massaged.

STEAMING: Steam Inhalation: Grate and boil a piece of ginger in water. As it comes to a boil, take it off the stove and put some eucalyptus oil in it. Inhale the steam to decongest a stuffy nose.
Steam the Face with Essential Oils with a humidifier/vaporizer: Cedar, myrrh, frankincense and Palo santo volatile essential oils will help to prevent the beta-amyloid protein plaques and tangles from Alzheimer's—caused by aluminum poisoning from chemtrails. Other anti-dementia oils and herbs for steam include tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, calendula, oregano, savory, fennel, hops, lemon balm, catnip, peppermint, sage, thyme, rosemary, valerian, wormwood, yarrow. A few drops of DMSO and colloidal silver in a nebulizer or steamer gets medicinals deep into lung tissue to kill lung infections.

FACE STEAMING FOR THE LUNGS: 1 tablespoon each of dried herbs of choice: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Oregano, Lungwort, Plantain Leaf, Elecampane Root, Lobelia, Chaparral Leaf, Cat’s claw, Mesquite leaf or bark, dried root of Pleurisy-root or Butterfly Weed, Mormon Tea (Ephedra viridis) and Osha Root are herbs for respiratory relief. Heat a pot of water till boiling point, add herbs and put pot on a folded towel on a table. Lean your head over the pot of steaming water under a towel tent, and inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, exhaling out through your mouth for at least 10 minutes.
Make fresh tea with ginger or other herbs and steam your face over the saucepan of tea with your head covered with a towel. Then drink the tea.
Chamomile tea steam: To keep the lungs clear and offer anti-inflammatory action is a small piece of the protective strategy, because the mucosal linings of the lungs are a part of the immune mucosal barrier. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory bisabolol, and is mildly anti-microbial, helps to clear the lungs and is a restorative tonic.

Mullein and chickweed are expectorants that aid the lungs in expelling mucus and phlegm by loosening it from the walls of the lungs and allowing it to be coughed up. Make a tea of Chickweed, Fenugreek, Ginger, Licorice root, Mullein, Rosehips, Cardamom, Guayusa and Elderflowers. Lemon/honey/cayenne in water. Ginger tea. Tom yum soup. A tea made of Elderflowers and St John’s Wort has been used to alleviate lung infections.

Cedar Berry or Juniper Berry has antiseptic, expectorant and mucus clearing properties helpful in treating a number of respiratory conditions, such as coughs, pulmonary catarrh, sinusitis, colds, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, and asthma. It is beneficial in breaking down mucus, reducing congestion and relieving respiratory infections.

Rosemary Leaf - An aromatic herb used to promote increased blood and lymph flow while helping to reduce mucus production (congestion). If you have rosemary or lavender in the garden, put some in a pot of water on low on the stove, or in a crockpot to infuse the air in the house with antiseptic aroma.

Skullcap - This herb contains the flavonoid baicalin which is a powerful immune booster, especially for the upper body, even protecting against lung cancer. Traditionally used to treat inflammation, cancer, and bacterial and viral infections of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Honeysuckle Flowers - This herb has broad-spectrum immune system supporting properties. Wonderful for nourishing the lungs and spleen. Drink a couple of cups of honeysuckle and chrysanthemum flower tea every day to clear mucous from the lungs.

Chrysanthemum Flowers - This herb has excellent immune system supporting properties. A great herb for nourishing the lungs. Most effective when combined with Mulberry leaves and twig which strengthen the bronchial tubes.

Alfalfa (means "father of all foods”) is one of the richest sources for nutrition and very nourishing to the blood. Hawthorn, cayenne and ginkgo improve peripheral circulation and body's ability to utilize oxygen. Dong quai, Dandelion, Yellow dock root, Nettle leaf, Raspberry leaf, Oatstraw and Burdock root have been reported to help in the treatment of anemia. Alfalfa (means "father of all foods”) is one of the richest sources for nutrition and very nourishing to the blood.

Mullein Leaf: Lungs, GI tract soothing, insomnia, dream formulas and can be used as a poultice or compress to ease the pain of arthritic joints and aching muscles, and to heal wounds, burns and bruises.

Milk Thistle Porridge: You can make cold milk thistle porridge, by grinding the thistle seeds, soaking them over night, mixing in salt, cinnamon, eaten with coconut kefir/yogurt and fruit and nuts.

OTHER LUNG HERBS INCLUDE: Borage, Chamomile, Lemon balm, Marshmallow, Ginkgo biloba, Rosemary, Comfrey, Eucalyptus, Lungwort, Oregano, Plantain leaf, Elecampane, Chaparral, Coltsfoot, Osha root, Thyme, Sage and Peppermint. Eat bioflavonoid rich foods...spinach, berries...think max color. New Zealand researchers found that an extract of the common edible seaweed Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) killed up to 80% of human lung cancer cells in the lab. The same extract also potently suppressed breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and neuroblastoma cells. Kelp remineralizes, detoxifies and increases blood oxygen. bronchitis, the common cold, sinusitis, influenza and lung disease. Sophora Flavescens Root (Ku Shen) improves lungs, clears damp heat and is used for lung cancer.

SUPPLEMENTS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE LUNGS: Vitamin D, Alpha Lipoic, L-carnitine, Essential Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), Daily multivitamin, B complex, mixed carotenoids including beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, Cordyceps, reishi mushrooms, Zhu ling (Polyporus umbellatus). Selenium is effective at reducing the incidence and severity of cancers, including lung cancer. Low levels of zinc ions contribute to the accumulation of thick mucus in the lungs in cystic fibrosis, respiratory diseases with chronic airway inflammation. Zinc supplementation also tempers the inflammatory response to common allergens.

*** Elderberry plus Turkeytail or Burch Bracket Mushroom slow cooked in a crockpot, makes a great cordial for drinks.


• 4 cups water
• 1 cup dried Elderberries and Schisandra Berries
• 2 Tbsp Marshmallow root, 2 Tbsp Mullein, 2 Tbsp Mugwort,
• 2 Tbsp Chopped Ginger root, Several strips of lemon zest.
• 1 Cinnamon stick. ¼ tsp Cloves, ¼ tsp cayenne, ¼ Black Pepper
• Pinch of Black Salt
• 1⁄2 cup raw Mesquite or Manuka Honey
• ¼ cup Apple Cider Vinegar
• Thick resin of Propolis left over from making Tinctures

1. Place water, herbs, and ground elderberries in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down and let simmer for fifteen minutes.
2. Cover and let steep for an additional two hours.
3. Turn the stove on low and let it simmer uncovered, reducing by half.
4. Remove the pan from heat and allow it to cool for a bit. Strain the infused water from the herbs. Put herb residue on the compost.
5. Add the honey and propolis while it is still warm so that it dissolves nicely.
You can store your concoction in a labeled glass jar in your refrigerator. It keeps for about 3 months (the honey acts as a natural preservative).
Can also grind berries and put in apple cider vinegar and shake every day for a month, then filter and use the vinegar in salads.

TINNITUS (Ringing in the Ears): Ears typically ring...the ringing volume goes up during kundalini, meditation, illnesses, stress, EMF pollution and solar events.
Dong Quai, Feverfew, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Ginger root, Ginseng, Hawthorne Berry, Horsetail, Kudzu root, Neem Leaf, Propolis. Don’t forget to add the Ginger root because this helps with Vertigo (dizziness) aspect of tinnitus. Inflammation can have a significant effect on tinnitus: Goldenseal, echinacea, garlic, peppermint, calendula, plantain and turmeric. Flax oil/fish oil along with Vipocetine in a small dosage, acting as a cerebral vasodilator, may be effective in reducing tinnitus. Patients with tinnitus may have low blood zinc levels; other vitamins & minerals include: Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamins A & C, bioflavonoids, pantothenic acid.
WHAT TO DO IF FORCE VACCINATED? If mandatory vaccination is enforced our bodymind should be prepared in advanced just in case. Vitamin D (5000 iu/day) will not prevent a patient from contracting the virus, but it may reduce complications and prevent death in those who are infected or vaccinated. Before and after vaccination megadose Vitamins C, D, K2, A and Omega 3, Glutathione, and wheatgrass juice and/or celery juice. IV C and hyperbaric Oxygen may be necessary if an acute vaccine reaction occurs. Take a steaming epsom salt, Baking soda, Borax bath; sauna/steamroom, 72 hour fasting, and SUNBATHE while grounding; sunbathing increases detoxification 20X. Light or moderate running boosts our body's natural immune system by circulating protective cells through the body faster, to attack and eliminate bacteria, viruses and fungi. Sulfur rich foods like broccoli, garlic mustard and garlic.  1 tsp Clay/zeolite/psyllium in water prior to bed. Any food grade zeolite is good in association charcoal also. Use topical EDTA to eliminate mercury and aluminum in the vaccines. Topical absorption of EDTA is many times greater. Oral chelation with EDTA only has a 5% absorbancy, while via the skin it is 60-90%.
EDTA CHELATING FOOT CRÈME: EDTA and other heavy metal chelators. EDTA lotion and/or sulfur cream on the feet overnight. You blend the following: shea butter or coconut oil, castor oil, liquid lecithin, and dissolve the EDTA in water first. Sodium Bisulfate could be used as an antioxidant/preserver. DMSO would act as a transporter. That is what I am doing, and will put zinc and selenium in it as well. You can put sulfur ointment in this or add sulfur powder. This is a far superior recipe than the commercial one. Rub on the feet prior to sleep and cover with light cotton socks.  

BONES AND BONE MARROW: We might want to take the covid research in the direction of bones and bone marrow and the immune system. Bone forming osteoblast cells share a common origin with immune cells, since they both arise from bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. Natural Killer (NK) cells, as all other lymphocytes, play a role in the regulation of bone homeostasis. Immune cell deregulation causing bone loss is associated with osteoporosis and periodontal disease. Moreover, immune cells, like bone cells, arise from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) found in the bone marrow. The Osteoblasts cells that form new bone come from the bone marrow. Oxidative stress has been associated with osteoblast damage, osteoporosis and bone diseases in aging. L-Carnitine decreases oxidation and is a fundamental cofactor in lipid metabolism, improves mitochondrial antioxidant activity and stimulates several signaling pathways involved in osteogenesis, thereby counteracting the decline of bone mass in skeletal senescence.

N-ACETYL-CYSTEINE has a protective role in controlling oxidative stress against many cells including osteoblasts, and stimulates osteoblastic differentiation. Brown seaweeds are a rich source of antioxidant fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides (fucans and fucoidans) which protect pre-osteoblastic cells from free radical (hydrogen peroxide) induced damage. The flavonoid Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as possible beneficial action on diseases involving bone loss.

BUILDING COLLAGEN AGAINST INFECTION—Vitamin C, Lysine and Proline are needed to build strong collagen to protect against the spread of candida and other infectious diseases. L-Lysine allows your body to make all the different kinds of collagen it needs, plus L-Lysine blocks the enzymes that break down collagen and acts as glue that connects collagen fibers together. In your bones it is collagen that holds the minerals together. Without L-Lysine and silicon your bone structure would collapse. Lysine which inhibits the hyaluronidase enzyme that candida uses to break down collagen in order to spread. 8000mg of L-Lysine and 3000mg MSM three times a day. Rather than collagen powder you could just add L-Lysine to your smoothie mix, along with spirulina and other protein rich powers such as Goji berry powder, Maca, Moringa, Mesquite flour, Nettle, hemp seed, snow pea powder and jungle peanut powder. Along with L-lysine and other proteins, green smoothies are made of fruit and leafy greens such as spinach, kale, chard, garlic mustard, lambsquarter, dandelion…etc.

Got this from Dr. Rajeev Rajan's page. He is a senior urologist in Mumbai, still practicing. Thought it may be useful to you and others.
Thanks to 50 autopsies carried out on patients who died from COVID-19, they found that it is NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not kill pneumocytes of its type only but uses an inflammatory storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, it produces a heart attack or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases. In fact the protocols have left the useless antiviral therapies and have concentrated on the inflammatory and anti-clotting. These therapies must be done immediately, even at home, where the treatment responds very well to the patients. Later they are less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had reported it, they would have invested in home therapy, not Intensive Care!
COVID-19 is a case of BLOOD COAGUALATION  OR THROMBOSIS. So, the way to combat it is with adaptogens, immune and antiviral herbs, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants.
An Italian anatomical pathologist reports that the Pergamo hospital made a total of 50 autopsies, Milan 20; the Chinese have only made 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. Success is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation activated by the virus, so interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with this, it would have been just a big diagnostic error. In retrospect, I have to rethink these chest radiographs that were discussed a month ago as interstitial pneumonia, it could actually be fully consistent with a disseminated interstitial coagulation DICA.
People go to ICUs for thrombus, generalized venous embolism; generally, lupus. If this were the case, intubations and resuscitations would be useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. Ventilating a lung where blood does not reach is useless. In fact, nine out of ten die because the problem is cardiovascular not respiratory. It is venous micro-thrombosis and not pneumonia that determines mortality.

Why do thrombi form? Because inflammation according to the school text induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. So what the scientific literature said especially from China until the middle of March was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now the therapy that is being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics as in influenzas, and the number of hospitalized patients has been reduced. Many deaths even in their 40s had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not adequately treated here. The inflammation destroyed everything and created the ground for the formation of thrombi, because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cell where the virus enters. In fact, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have never been admitted to the covid departments, because they are on cortisone therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. That is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a treatable disease at home. By treating it well at home, not only hospitalization is avoided but also the risk of thrombosis. It was not easy to understand, because the signs of micro-embolism have faded even in the echocardiogram.
COVID-19 IS DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCUAL COAGUALATION (THROMBOSIS). COVID-19, they found that it is NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, but uses an inflammatory cytokine storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, it produces a blood clots, heart attack or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases. In fact the COVID protocols are useless antiviral therapies whereas they should have concentrated on anti-inflammation and anti-clotting.

COVID-19 protocol involves anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, circulation enhancers and improve zeta potential such as lying on the grass for 40 minutes.

A family in Mexico nipped the virus in the butt at an early stage with warm lemon and honey drink with aspirin in it.

ANTICOAGULATION HERBS: "Herbal medicines have been traditionally used in the management of cardiovascular disease and can play a role in modifying CVD/CoViD progression, particularly in platelet function, and have the potential of altering platelet function tests, as well as some coagulation parameters.

Herbal medicines, such as feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginseng, motherwort, St John's wort, and willow bark, were found to reduce platelet aggregation. In vitro studies show promise in the reduction of platelet aggregation for green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata), feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), garlic (Allium sativum), ginger (Zingiber officinalis), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), ginseng (Panax ginseng), hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), and turmeric (Curcuma longa)." Cat's claw might slow blood clotting and lower blood pressure. High doses of yarrow may slow down blood clotting.

Feverfew may also act as a blood thinner by inhibiting the activity of platelets and preventing blood clotting. Red clover may also have blood-thinning properties, which keeps blood clots from forming and appears to improve blood flow…for use during critical Covid exposure periods only not long-term due to estrogen-like chemicals.

Some herbs and spices that contain salicylates (a natural blood thinner) include cayenne pepper, cinnamon, curry powder, dill, ginger, licorice, oregano, paprika, peppermint, thyme and turmeric. Meanwhile there are fruits that can aid in blood thinning. These include blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, oranges, prunes, raisins, strawberries and tangerines.

Another literature review by Rastogi et al., (2015) highlights the cardiovascular benefits of Garlic, Guggul (Commiphora wightii), Hawthorn and Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). These plants have been used in the treatment of heart disease for hundreds of years, and current research methods now support their effective use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases including ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias and hypertension.

Hawthorn exerts a wide range of effects on the heart including antioxidant activity, increasing the strength of heart muscle contractions, anti-inflammatory effect on the cells, returns the heart to normal size, prevents platelet aggregation, dilates the blood vessels (which decreases blood pressure), protects the lining of blood vessels, protects the heart from injury from the restriction of blood flow to the heart tissues, it has an antiarrhythmic effect, lipid-lowering effect and decreases arterial blood pressure (Wang, 2013).

Motherwort's botanical name of Leonurus cardiaca, a testament to its long history in treating cardiac problems. Recent studies have confirmed its effectiveness, especially its role in treating heart infections (endocarditis) as it is active against Staphylococus aureus. Motherwort contains a natural compound called ursolic acid that is particularly effective in destroying the bacteria's biofilm (Micota et al., 2014).

has been well studied as it is also used to prevent platelet clumping which triggers migraines for which it is a well-known preventative. It rarely has side effects when taken in tablet or capsule form - eating the leaves can result in mouth irritation. As long-term use of feverfew leads to a slower clotting of the blood (high prothrombin time reading) it should not be taken with prescription anticoagulant drugs, as the combination of them both taken together, could make your blood too thin.

is best taken in a capsule. Allicin extracts are particularly effective in helping to keep the blood thin and also in lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood. Like feverfew, when taken on its own there are very few side effects. It works so well, that surgeons will ask you discontinue using garlic supplements prior to any surgery to decrease any risk of bleeding. You should also not take high strength garlic at the same time as anticoagulant drugs without the supervision of a medical practitioner who can ensure that both are taken at the correct dose for the combined approach.

Ginkgo is often used by herbalists to improve circulation in the small vessels in the brain and extremities. So often used in patients with early signs of dementia such as memory loss, and in cases or peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Standardised ginkgo rarely causes side effects, however high doses - common in an unregulated supplements indusry - can cause adverse reactions. Trials show that on its own it does not effect platelets so its effect is mainly as a blood thinner. Ginkgo should be ceased 3 days before planned surgery to lower any risk of bleeding. If you are already taking anticoagulant/antiplatelet medication it should be used with caution. However, a trial with patients taking standardised ginkgo alongside warfarin, showed that the INR rate did not change during the course of the trial. This shows how important it is to talk to your doctor about what you are taking. This knowledge can help them to develop a prescribing plan that gives you stability and respects your choice to also take supplements.

Green chiretta (Andrographis) is usually used short-term by herbalists to treat viral and bacterial infections, ranging from colds to dysentery. It is fairly well tolerated except at very high strengths. It does have its own proven antiplatelet and anticoagulant actions but is found unlikely to interact with conventional blood thinning drugs.

Willow is one of the original sources of salicylic acid which is made, pharmaceutically, as aspirin. Although clinical trials have shown it to have an anticoagulant action, herbalists tend to avoid using it as a long-term treatment due to its high tannin content. Also in practice it has been found that willow only slightly potentiates the action of anticoagulant drugs.

I wonder if the makers of the COVID disease knew that thrombosis was the killer and allow the respirator scam to continue? Why wasn't the clotting factor realized at the beginning.

~ Daniel Moran

"In the last 3–5 days, a mountain of anecdotal evidence has come out of NYC, Italy, Spain, etc. about COVID-19 and characteristics of patients who get seriously ill. It’s not only piling up but now leading to a general field-level consensus backed up by a few previously little-known studies that we’ve had it all wrong the whole time. Well, a few had some things eerily correct (cough Trump cough), especially with Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin, but we’ll get to that in a minute. (Dr Didier Raoult in France proposed Hydroxychloroquine)
There is no ‘pneumonia’ nor Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS). At least not the ARDS with established treatment protocols and procedures we’re familiar with. Ventilators are not only the wrong solution, but high pressure intubation can actually wind up causing more damage than without, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and ulcers given the duration of intubation often required…
They may still have a use in the immediate future for patients too far to bring back with this newfound knowledge, but moving forward a new treatment protocol needs to be established so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.
The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People’s blood is simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.
Here’s the breakdown of the whole process, including some ELI5-level cliff notes. Much has been simplified just to keep it digestible and layman-friendly.
Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your organs and the rest of your body. Red blood cells can do this thanks to hemoglobin, which is a protein consisting of four “hemes”. Hemes have a special kind of iron ion, which is normally quite toxic in its free form, locked away in its center with a porphyrin acting as it’s ‘container’. In this way, the iron ion can be ‘caged’ and carried around safely by the hemoglobin, but used to bind to oxygen when it gets to your lungs.
When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.
Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own.
1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo… it is useless and just running around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin. All these useless trucks running around not delivering oxygen is what starts to lead to desaturation, or watching the patient’s spo2 levels drop. It is INCORRECT to assume traditional ARDS and in doing so, you’re treating the WRONG DISEASE. Think of it a lot like carbon monoxide poisoning, in which CO is bound to the hemoglobin, making it unable to carry oxygen. In those cases, ventilators aren’t treating the root cause; the patient’s lungs aren’t ‘tiring out’, they’re pumping just fine. The red blood cells just can’t carry o2, end of story. Only in this case, unlike CO poisoning in which eventually the CO can break off, the affected hemoglobin is permanently stripped of its ability to carry o2 because it has lost its iron ion. The body compensates for this lack of o2 carrying capacity and deliveries by having your kidneys release hormones like erythropoietin, which tell your bone marrow factories to ramp up production on new red blood cells with freshly made and fully functioning hemoglobin. This is the reason you find elevated hemoglobin and decreased blood oxygen saturation as one of the 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.
2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage. It turns out that this happens to a limited extent naturally in our bodies and we have cleanup & defense mechanisms to keep the balance. The lungs, in particular, have 3 primary defenses to maintain “iron homeostasis”, 2 of which are in the alveoli, those little sacs in your lungs we talked about earlier. The first of the two are little macrophages that roam around and scavenge up any free radicals like this oxidative iron. The second is a lining on the walls (called the epithelial surface) which has a thin layer of fluid packed with high levels of antioxidant molecules.. things like abscorbic acid (AKA Vitamin C) among others. Well, this is usually good enough for naturally occurring rogue iron ions but with COVID-19 running rampant your body is now basically like a progressive state letting out all the prisoners out of the prisons… it’s just too much iron and it begins to overwhelm your lungs’ countermeasures, and thus begins the process of pulmonary oxidative stress. This leads to damage and inflammation, which leads to all that nasty stuff and damage you see in CT scans of COVID-19 patient lungs. Ever noticed how it’s always bilateral? (both lungs at the same time) Pneumonia rarely ever does that, but COVID-19 does… EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Once your body is now running out of control, with all your oxygen trucks running around without any freight, and tons of this toxic form of iron floating around in your bloodstream, other defenses kick in. While your lungs are busy with all this oxidative stress they can’t handle, and your organs are being starved of o2 without their constant stream of deliveries from red blood cell’s hemoglobin, and your liver is attempting to do its best to remove the iron and store it in its ‘iron vault’. Only its getting overwhelmed too. It’s starved for oxygen and fighting a losing battle from all your hemoglobin letting its iron free, and starts crying out “help, I’m taking damage!” by releasing an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase (ALT). BOOM, there is your second of 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.
Eventually, if the patient’s immune system doesn’t fight off the virus in time before their blood oxygen saturation drops too low, ventilator or no ventilator, organs start shutting down. No fuel, no work. The only way to even try to keep them going is max oxygen, even a hyperbaric chamber if one is available on 100% oxygen at multiple atmospheres of pressure, just to give what’s left of their functioning hemoglobin a chance to carry enough O2 to the organs and keep them alive. Yeah we don’t have nearly enough of those chambers, so some fresh red blood cells with normal hemoglobin in the form of a BLOOD transfusion will have to do. The core point being, treating patients with the iron ions stripped from their hemoglobin (rendering it abnormally nonfunctional) with ventilator intubation is futile, unless you’re just hoping the patient’s immune system will work its magic in time. The root of the illness needs to be addressed. Best case scenario? Treatment regimen early, before symptoms progress too far.
Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin has shown fantastic, albeit critics keep mentioning ‘anecdotal’ to describe the mountain, promise and I’ll explain why it does so well next. But forget straight-up plasma with antibodies, that might work early but if the patient is too far gone they’ll need more. They’ll need all the blood: antibodies and red blood cells. No help in sending over a detachment of ammunition to a soldier already unconscious and bleeding out on the battlefield, you need to send that ammo along with some hemoglobin-stimulant-magic so that he can wake up and fire those shots at the enemy.
All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.
HOW DOES CHLOROQUINE WORK? Same way as it does for malaria. You see, malaria is this little parasite that enters the red blood cells and starts eating hemoglobin as its food source. The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 — while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin. The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially ‘game changing’ treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.
No longer can the media and armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming “DUR so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!”. They never got the memo that a drug doesn’t need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop it from doing what it does to hemoglobin, regardless of the means it uses to do so.
What’s the end result here? First, the ventilator emergency needs to be re-examined. If you’re putting a patient on a ventilator because they’re going into a coma and need mechanical breathing to stay alive, okay we get it. Give ’em time for their immune systems to pull through. But if they’re conscious, alert, compliant — keep them on O2. Max it if you have to. If you HAVE to inevitably ventilate, do it at low pressure but max O2. Don’t tear up their lungs with max PEEP, you’re doing more harm to the patient because you’re treating the wrong disease.
Ideally, Some Form Of Treatment Needs To Happen to inhibit viral growth and replication. Less virus, less clotting and hemoglobin losing its iron, less severity and damage. Therapies used for abnormal hemoglobin or malfunctioning red blood cells is advised. Here in plays Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin (ZPAK) + ZINC or other retroviral therapies being studies. Zithromax (azithromycin), also known as Z-Pak, is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and infections of the ears, lungs and other organs.

Nebulized 50/50 solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water for cancer and pathogens—You can get the same effect as hyroxychloroquine by using diluted hydrogen peroxide H2O2, ozone-water or sodium chlorite. This is just to get the zinc into the cell, but will also directly help clear the blood of pathogens. It would be safer using diluted hydrogen peroxide H2O2 or ozone-water than sodium chlorite. Hydrogen peroxide is very toxic to cancer cells but not to normal cells.  The immune system uses hydrogen peroxide to kill diseased cells, but when the immune system is overwhelmed, hydrogen peroxide therapy aids the body to rid the “infected or cancerous” cells. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be used to protect against, and possibly treat the Covid-19 in the respiratory system, and also systemically throughout the body. A 50/50 solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water for a 15 minute treatment session up to 4 times a day is recommended for protection and cure of viruses, bacterial infections and cancers.

Although Ozone (O3) has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects.
Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. The drug that the Pharmacy industry sells has a hydroxy radical and chlorine, both highly oxidative compounds that destroy cells, healthy and diseased, usually the diseased cells die faster than healthy one because the healthy ones are able to produce enzymes that block the action of free radicals (glutathione)... there is plenty of info and scientific papers that show how H202, ozone and chlorine kill most of the viruses and bacteria.
Now that we know more about how this virus works and affects our bodies, a whole range of options should open up." Vaccines in this instance are likely to be DEADLY.  —This is a profound big picture view of our demonizing and warlike approach to disease and illness, and how a larger spiritual aesthetic view would serve us better. Permacultural approach to pathogens and disease by Dr. Zach Bush; he reveals why #Covid-19 is here, and how we come out of this a better people.

5G is another help there as it coagulates the blood...only getting away from the toxic microwave EMF will help.

"Every part of our lives will be subject to control. This virus is about training us for submission, training us to do what we're told. To not go to the beach unless we're told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their permission. They're turning us into production units and consuming entities. They are going to rob us not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls. They are going to inject us with the medicines they want and they're going to charge us for the diseases they give us. They are going to control every part of our lives. What we are doing at Children's Health Defense is using the last instruments of democracy we have left - the Courts - to fight them."We are in the last battle. We are in the apocalypse. We are fighting for the salvation of humanity. We all knew this was coming, though I never believed it would come in my lifetime. But here it is." ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Seeing the problem doesn't mean that we have to identify with it, nor don the tar and feathers associated with antilife-consciousness. We can easily differentiate ourselves from the mind-viruses of the spiritually decrepit through self-compassion and raising the embodiment of our lifeforce and light beyond the present collective drama. Just get your own act together and think of what you can do for the local community...and start a thrival support community with friends. Self-sustainability beyond the current culture is the way to go forward. We must resonate with the frequency of our desired destination in order to arrive there.


  1. Good News My People ..I Want To Appreciate Dr OYAKHIRE Herbal Medicine Is A Good Herbal Medicine For( HIV ),I Was Diagnosed With Hiv
    Virus Last Month,And i Looked For Solution To
    Be Cure,Luckily I Saw A Testimonies On How Dr
    OYAKHIRE Cured Hiv Virus,I Decided To Contact Dr OYAKHIRE ,I Contacted Him and He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health,He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly HIV Virus Within 1week, I Am Now Hiv Negative.My Brothers And Sisters I
    know That There Are So Many People That Have
    this Same HIV Virus Please Dr OYAKHIRE is here To Help you too,And please Help Me To Thank Dr OYAKHIRE For Curing Me, I’m Cured By Dr.OYAKHIRE Herbal Medicine,His Contact you can whatapps him on is phone number okay
    here is the number on Whatsapp,
    (+2349039208180 or email
    (1) HIV / AIDS
    (2) CANCER
    (3) HERPES
    (4) DIABETES
    (6) HPV
    (7)EX BACK
    (9) stroke
    (10) asthma
    (11) fibroid

    1. I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Udebhu who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching
       through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Udebhu helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing
       Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
      did, after i receive his herbs and i take it as instructed i was cure permanently from herpes my herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, athritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can reach him now via ? Gmail address: or whatsapp +2349051254152  

    2. Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr Emmanuel  a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr Emmanuel sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Emmanuel who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Emmanuel because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr Emmanuel through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348140033827 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.  

    3. I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
      diagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
      face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
      day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
      and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
      health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
      medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
      family. email him on OR contact his whatsapp number:
      1. HIV/AIDS
      2. HERPES
      3. CANCER
      4. ALS
      5. DIABETES
      6. HEPATITIS  

    4. I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw Dr ehiaguna testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from Herpes Disease. so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX  and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: ( you can contact him on whatsapp +2348073908953 . He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA...

  2. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

  3. I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Udebhu who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching
     through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Udebhu helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing
     Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
    did, after i receive his herbs and i take it as instructed i was cure permanently from herpes my herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, athritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can reach him now via ? Gmail address: or whatsapp +2349051254152  

  4. Can the author of this please contact me. I am no scientist but my research has led me to the exact same conclusions and a little more. Ive had zero way of getting this information out (up to now) as the mainstream media has just classed me as a crank. My email is Please contact me.

  5. Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr Emmanuel  a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr Emmanuel sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Emmanuel who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Emmanuel because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr Emmanuel through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348140033827 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.  

  6. I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
    diagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
    face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
    day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
    and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
    health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
    medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
    family. email him on OR contact his whatsapp number:
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS
    6. HEPATITIS  

  7. I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw Dr ehiaguna testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from Herpes Disease. so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX  and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: ( you can contact him on whatsapp +2348073908953 . He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA...

  8. Happiness is all i see now, i was herpes sicker for 6 years but i thank God for directing my footsteps to Dr Emu, he gave me instructions and i followed and in 2 weeks i was completely cured using his medicine, I am now Herpes Negative Contact Dr Emu for more information, He also has other cure to other ailment, HIV AIDS, CANCER, DIABETES, HEART DISEASE, HEPATITIS B/C And also restore broken relationships such as Ex HUSBAND, Ex WIFE, BROKEN MARRIAGES, Any kind of Problem in any relationship can be restore back in 24hours, Just Email: emutemple@gmail.comWhatsapp or call: +2347012841542
