Solaris is built of crystaline
energy generating solar/zeropoint tapping stone which is grounded into bed
rock...thus it is a living city that has a bioenhancing field as well as all the
power to run the mega-buildings. The city itself one could say has a soul that embraces the souls of its inhabitants. Cities should be designed outright along
the lines of the Kosmic organism so we need to use the screw
design for megabuildings and the distribution of water. We also need to focus
more on biomimicry of the human body in laying out cities.
Biomimicry or biomimetics
is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements. I
have the beginnings of the tech for energy generation...which is both solar,
zero-point (and wind-tunnel in the desert)...the entire skin of the
mega-buildings IS the energy generation device.
In 1998 I had a vision of a futuristic city that was so
beyond anything that I could have conceived with my rational mind, that I saw
it as a meta-key that unlocked our future civilization, the potential inherent
in the design of the solar system and even hinted at the answer to the Grand
Unified Theory. The Solaris city is made of a manmade-crystalline stone that
incorporates transition group elements (eg: iridium, rhodium, palladium) into
its layered lattice. Sonar technology in a sound chamber is used to help
generate the lattice of the crystalline stone in such a fashion that it becomes
a superconductor and collector of light energy, which is then stored in liquid
crystal batteries. And if John Hutchinson’s crystal batteries are a taste of
what is to come, then Solaris also generates energy from Zeropoint. Thus Solaris
is completely non-polluting with plentiful energy produced for travel between
cities also. Solaris is a vision of a sustainable, non-polluting, cashless and
spiritually advanced and evolving society. In this civilization each individual
lives out their soul’s life within the Collective Muse, which is
transrationally - that is nonlocally, spiritually or cosmically integrated.
The Vision
The Solaris Vision is only a metaphoric key to the future
civilization. It is important to realize that I do not mean to imply that the
actual shape of the buildings look like the arches in the vision. The
transcendental mind packages information into simple archetypal forms that are
of a universal sacred geometry, which are then “unpacked” for the full
implications in all aspects of human life. In the vision I saw a forest of mega
buildings of unearthly grandeur, resonance and beauty. The shape and
luminescence of the buildings revealed their function in Cosmic design, showed
what they were made of and even intimated the level of psychological and
spiritual development of the builders. Great arches, smooth and featureless,
radiating brilliantly in the sunlight, with an inner spiritual light and
resonance of their own. It was apparent that these buildings were made out of a
man-made silicate stone and that the stone itself was collecting energy from
sunlight and conveying the current via superconduction to storage in liquid
crystal storage batteries or superconducting magnetic energy coils. Thus the
buildings themselves generate enormous quantities of inexhaustible clean energy
for all the energy needs of the city and beyond.
The nano silicate ceramic stone is semi-opaque so that
diffuse light is transmitted through the walls during the day reducing
artificial lighting needs. My Solaris vision showed
arches of solar collecting ceramic stone, and these do not impinge on each other shadow-wise until just before sundown. So the
crescent shape of these mega structures is the perfect form for maximum light
absorption and energy generation. For the majority of the day there is very
little shadow forming on adjacent buildings. Note that the shadows one sees in
the paintings were created from the sun at a 6.30 pm summer aspect. Also for the purpose of creating these
paintings I spaced these building closer than they would be in the actual city.
Durability—These buildings are designed to be practically immortal, therefore
they must be situated beyond the anticipated boundary of the upcoming ice age.
The durability, wind tolerance and earthquake proof capacities of this arch
form make these buildings ideal for an ice age survival civilization, when
winds will approach 250 mph. —First real move in the direction of
permanent prefab manmade energy generating stone…Ercolith is Concrete mixed
with Styrofoam and set in wall panels for ease and economy of construction.
Earthquake proof and fire resistant.
Permaculture Base
The green area between the
mega-buildings is always permacultured, and the city is surrounded by intact
ecosystem. No surrounding land need be the city is completely
self-sustaining. We will see spectacular non-polluting solar cities and
intensive permaculture existing simultaneously. Benign human habitation will be
set directly in wilderness or thriving pristine natural ecosystems, for with
total concept-planning, urban sprawl will be a thing of the past. Our
architecture/landscape will be designed to maximize the bio-forcefield, and so
provide ideal conditions for spiritual growth. Free from toxicity and with
physical care and survival needs provided for by this deeply sustainable
culture, humanity can then turn its focus inwards to develop the awesome
capacities for Spirituality and High Art that await our attention.
The site on which the city is situated is intensively
landscaped in edible permaculture surrounded by intact wild ecosystems. A lush
Eden of fruit and nut bearing trees and plants provides year round fresh
remineralized foods “free for the picking” to all citizens. Streams, waterfalls
and fountains abound, creating an atmosphere rich in negative ions. We will see spectacular non-polluting
solar cities and intensive permaculture existing simultaneously. Benign human
habitation will be set directly in wilderness or thriving pristine natural
ecosystems, for with total concept-planning, urban sprawl will be a thing of
the past. Our architecture/landscape will be designed to maximize the
bio-forcefield, and so provide ideal conditions for spiritual growth. The smell
of fragrant blossoms and rich humus pervades the city.
“The poorer the resource base…the smarter you have to be…a
societies capacity to be smart is in turn influenced by a nation’s
ecology…environmental issues interact with political and economic issues. It is
extremely difficult to restore a damaged ecosystem even when all the parts are
still available.” The Future in Plain Sight, Eugene Linden
In a sovereign population most
adults are breatharian is mostly superfoods, fibers for industry
are superfibers like hemp and bamboo...
Non polluting shuttle cars and underground Superconducting
monorail trains convey people between the buildings so that the air is 100%
without toxic emissions. I don’t like the idea of flying cars. By the time
there are air cars the design structure of present cities will be obsolete. Raised freeway style roads for electrogravitic vehicles is
just is both dangerous and unsightly. I like the idea of mega-buildings with conveyance tubes
throughout. Then you don't even need cars, for in a total concept city
there are veins of superconducting transportation in all directions, with the
fastest ones underground perhaps. Zero pollution and no “noise.” Larger conveyance tubes between buildings are
underground, so you don't actually SEE ANY TRANSPORTATION. A vehicle (blood
cell) in a conveyance tube can speedily zoom along and when the people want to
get off at a specific place the vehicle automatically pulls out of the stream
and up to the exit portal. The people get out and the vehicle pod falls back
into the stream to pick up the next person (...rather like lifts in our regular
buildings.) NO vehicle in a mega-building is ever PARKED. Thus the
transportation is all part of the mega building structure itself...individuals
do not own their own vehicles. Between cities are superconducting trains and
antigravity flying machines. The idea of the mega-building is that it is a
village or a city in itself that is completely self-contained and non-polluting.
In the vision all the buildings except one, were huge
arches, there being only one steeple-type skyscraper with an elongated pyramid
on top. If there were two transmitting towers they would create an interference
pattern and the noospheric amplifying effect would be scrambled. You see this
culture is so far in the future that the inhabitants live in a benevolent
Universe, the tower increases the telepathic communication of the people, and in
this way the entire Globe keeps up to the speed of Spirit. The tower structure
in Solaris is the telepathic literally increases the
"state" of Onemind in the population, so they exist in Global Gnosis
as their daily consciousness. The superconducting current of the stone creates
a harmonic field (perhaps 10 Hz) which is the resonance of the highest
spiritual state (Christ Spirit). This alpha frequency, similar to the earth’s
own Schumann harmonic frequency, would contribute to the psychic health and
evolution of the inhabitants. In this way the entire energetic environment is
geared toward ascendancy, and we don’t have to waste our time and energy in
delinquency, disease and dysfunction. There is nothing to hide, protect, no
competition, no warlike states left in the population, and so Spirit is known,
heard and conveyed through perfect love...and amplified both through the
resonance of the cities themselves and the laser effect of the
consciousness-transmission towers. It makes our technology and verbal
communication systems look like kindergarten play. Telepathic transmission is
also possible between earth and the space structures as well.
Spiritual Advancement
This culture is trans-commercial, money is obsolete as are
all other forms of posturing and power, which waste so much of our existence
and create so much of our suffering. Free from toxicity and with physical care
and survival needs provided for by this deeply sustainable culture, humanity
can then turn its focus inwards to develop the awesome capacities for
Spirituality and High Art that await our attention. A spiritually advanced
technology would consist of buildings, machines, modes of energy production and
transportation that do not impact negatively on the natural environment. Thereby
creating a civilization that supports the progressive health and evolution of
consciousness through a greater understanding of the subtle physics of life and
the cosmos. Thus we will learn to live in harmony with an increasingly complex
perception, planet and universe. Through appreciation for the ever evolving
needs of the whole-human and Gaia we can start to build humane conditions that
feed the full spectrum of our being. This careful preservation and enhancement
of Gaian-Human bio-spiritual capacity is essential, for mere rational,
intellectual level technologies are not accountable to Global Empathy and
Universal Morality. Only technologies founded from Soul are benign or
advantageous to all of Nature and thus are trans-anthromorphically ethical.
Coherence of Sympathetic Resonance
The extra coherence provided from being in this living-city
will help fortify the inhabitance so that they both rise in
consciousness/spirituality to sage levels, and their bodies are exposed to
heightened coherence as well so that cancer, and most other diseases will no
longer occur. As it stands now our technologies are degrading our physical and
mental health faster than we can find fixit solutions to solve the problems.
This is so because our technology-science-medicine is and our general living
conditions are still anti-life at this point. Once we understand the quantum
nature of our biology, we will essentially have to change everything about how
we operate and we will move into a very new technological era.
Monatomic Technology
I think the key to the quantum jump needed to build Solaris
is monatomic physics and m-state exotic matter. The combination of the
monoatomic physics of exotic matter with solar energy is an inevitable step in
the ephemerialization of subtle technology…gaining maximum energy from minimum
use of resources with zero waste and pollution. If you put the monatomic
platinum group elements in a ceramic base you can create what could be called a
living stone, a living building, a living city. The cities will go on
generating electricity even if every one on earth dies of a plague.
The superconducting scientists need to marry the monoatomic
physicists and the solar scientists. Then we need enough iridium/rhodium in the
mono state to play with and combine it with silicon and calcium? etc... The
mixture is heated and combined then poured into molds. It is then set in a
resonant sonic chamber and the frequencies are tuned to the needs of the
solidification rates of the specific elements so that the stone sets into an
elaborate lattice with polar oriented monoatomic elements at certain points
within the lattice structure. During the manufacturing of the ceramic stone it
is set in a resonant chamber, so that the crystals develop into a semi or
superconducting lattice. Since our superconducting technology is only at the
stage of achieving superconduction at temperatures of –123°C or at extreme
pressures, we are in need of a quantum jump in our understanding in order to
even begin to see how such a city could be actualized.
It is spin coherence is the key to instantaneous
communication and levitation. It is the monoatomic atoms that collect solar
and/or zeropoint energy and superconduct energy to the battery coils, crystal
batteries or liquid batteries. (NB: Superconducting is not a flow of electrons
but a sympathetic resonant effect; if not superconducting the stone could
certainly be an electrically semiconducting ceramic).
Asteriod Belt
The Solar System…An a priori Clockwork Mechanism
We will probably have to wait until the asteroid belt can be
mined economically before this free energy civilization can come about. The
cities collect enough energy for all transport needs (cars, planes, trains) so
the civilization is totally non polluting. This technology can also be used in
creating huge space stations or orbital manmade planets, or moon bases. The
asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter. Galactic influence on the solar
system disturbs the asteroid belt roughly every 30 million years. The cycle of
mass extinctions starting with the last one of 65 million years ago is
79:69:35:112:78:67:125 million years between each catastrophe. Not all mass
extinctions are associated with an iridium layer so there must be some other
forces at work. But the last major event occured 65 million years ago when the
asteroid that hit the Yucatan wiped out the dinosaurs. The black geological
layer all over the earth resulting from this collision contains something like
10,000 times more iridium than the earth’s mantel. From this we can assume that
during the formation of the solar system the iridium atoms settled out in the
asteroid belt area. Beyond this line are the huge lighter gaseous planets with
their solid moons. Perhaps the asteroid belt never was a planet because of the huge
tidal forces of Jupiter prevented the normal accretion of planetoids. The dual
influence of the sun and Jupiter literally kept the pieces from aggregating.
Curiously it is like the entire solar system is an apriori
clockwork mechanism of the evolution of the elements and consciousness. The
almost total annihilation of organic life on earth seems to be necessary during
this evolutionary process toward ever greater “awareness.” It is unlikely that
humans would be around if the asteroid had not impacted the earth. I put
forward the theory that the influx of huge quantities of iridium into the
biosphere 65 million years ago kick started evolution into a new quantum level
of consciousness. Life used the iridium to evolve the warm blooded mammalian
species, once the competition from the dinosaurs was eliminated. Life needed an
influx of iridium to get to the next stage in evolution...the self-reflexive
consciousness of humans. The iridium was the catalyst for the next quanta in
evolution of mind by increasing the superconductivity of cells.
That iridium occurs in an asteroid belt rather than a planet
is perfect for mining, as there is no contending with G forces while returning
with a load. Technology and consciousness both would receive a quantum jump
through entering the Iridium Age. In fact it may be that the only way we can
save humanity from another asteroid hit would be if as a global community we
could mine the iridium in the asteroid belt and use it to evolve enough to deal
with such a huge cosmic event. Iridium because of it’s incorruptible, and
catalytic properties would be invaluable to an advanced, regenerative,
non-exploitive and pollution free culture. I imagine that it could be the
essential ingredient in the superconducting stone of Solaris.
The Technologies of Soul are a Survival Imperative
Greater moral-value integrity and greater depth is not a
luxury it is a survival imperative for humanity and a healthy world. Increased
awareness of the consequences of our actions and the quickening impact of the
coming ice age will bring on a
huge expansion in our subtle-mystical understanding of nature. This will be
reflected in a deepening of the Human Kosmos and a profound liberation of the
soul of the individual. Perhaps a thousand years from now, if we become tuned
into the subtle nature of ourselves and if our technology becomes aligned with
the subtleties of nature, people may live in solar cities.
A spiritually advanced technology would consist of
buildings, machines, modes of energy production and transportation that do not
impact negatively on the natural environment. Thereby creating a civilization
that supports the progressive health and evolution of consciousness through a
greater understanding of the subtle physics of life and the cosmos. Thus we
will learn to live in harmony with an increasingly complex perception, planet
and universe. Through appreciation for the ever evolving needs of the
whole-human and Gaia we can start to build humane conditions that are benign or
advantageous to all of Nature and thus are trans-anthromorphically ethical.
Hi Jana
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of "2150", the book by Thea Alexander, that I read in my late teens and which inspired me to somehow find a place like this where I could live and/or take part in its creation. Over the years I came across various efforts to realize this vision; Arcosanti, Findhorn, Damanhur and others I've never heard of. I believe what you describe can go a step further with respect to our direct interaction with the power that drives the sun and stars, and that is electricity. This link discusses an alternative to the asteroid theory, but may not make so much sense without a better understanding of plasma cosmology.
The earth is a capacitor, as are all the planets, in an electric universe. Life itself is a passive recipient of "stepped down" galactic currents that feed our sun. If you're not familiar with Plasma Cosmology,
go to and look into it. Big Bang theory is crumbling faster and faster with each new discovery, several of which had already been predicted by plasma theorists based on direct laboratory observation of "scalable" electrical phenomena, meaning that what happens in the vacuum chamber in the lab also occurs in the cosmos. Cosmologists and astrophysicists build the mathematical model and shoehorn observational data into that. This results in creation of ad hoc fudge-factoring like black holes, neutron stars, dark matter, dark energy etc, none of which have ever been observed, conveniently enough. There's very little difference, operationally, between the Big Bang and the Immaculate Conception, except that one began with a bang and the other didn't. Plasma Cosmology may not be as sexy, but it is so much more satisfying.
I love the vision! When can I move in?