Glucose is the human body's key source of energy produced through aerobic respiration. Insulin and glucose transporter molecules get the glucose into the interior of the cell where enzymes begin to break it down to fuel the work of the cell. The Krebs cycle takes place inside the mitochondria or 'power plant' of cells and provides energy required for the organism to function. The energy released during this breakdown is stored in the mitochondria as ATP and released as needed for the work of the cell. One of the keys to longevity, anti-aging and optimum performance is to quickly lower blood sugar levels after meals and to prevent blood sugar spiking. Getting the blood sugar quickly into the cells for ATP production prevents glycation, nerve damage, insulin resistance and weight gain. Aging results in the formation of toxic Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs’) throughout the body. AGEs’ are induced by higher than desirable blood glucose levels.
GLYCATION is the pathologic binding of glucose to proteins in our body, causing them to crosslink and become non-functional. The faster our body’s proteins succumb to glycation, the sooner we age. Glycation also damages our body’s lipids, and since myelin sheaths are made of lipids this hardening of our nerves leads to a loss of nerve plasticity and function. The outer membrane of our cells is made up of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins. Since a membrane is the interface between the cell’s interior components (such as DNA and mitochondria) and the fluid surrounding the cell, maintaining these membrane structures is critical to sustaining communication between and within cells.
The non-enzymatic reaction of reducing carbohydrates with lysine side chains and N-terminal amino groups of macromolecules (amino acids, proteins, phospholipids and nucleic acids) is called the Maillard reaction or glycation. The glycation chemical modifications accumulate with age and adversely affects the functional properties of proteins, lipids and DNA. Advanced glycation end-product (AGE) are a major factor in aging and the formation of degenerative diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes and chronic renal failure. A high glycotoxin diet results from heating food for a longer period, high-protein diet combined with a high blood glucose level. Human mortality studies indicate that ideal fasting glucose levels are between 74–85 mg/dL, yet many aging people have fasting glucose above 90 mg/dL.
When proteins are cross-linked or glycated the sugar molecules stick to protein fibers, binding them together causing the fibers to become dry and brittle. In this way sugar binds to and breaks down collagen and elastin, causing them to harden. This hardening of the tissues or sclerotic inflammation is frequently calcified or ossified. As a result, skin and connective tissue loses its elasticity and permeability and becomes more vulnerable to wrinkling, sagging and UV damage. Thus glycation causes sclerosis, or the abnormal hardening or thickening of body tissues, especially of the nervous system or the inner wall of arteries. Demyelination causes scarring and hardening (sclerosis) of nerve tissue in the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerves. L-Lysine, benfotiamine and even aspirin may inhibit AGE formation.
Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine)—Carnosine inhibits glycation or cross-linking of proteins induced by reactive aldehydes, and is effective in reducing AGE formation by competing with proteins for binding with the sugars. Along with carnosine, lipoic acid has been shown to reduce protein damage from glycation. Carnosine functions as an antioxidant in cell membranes and prevents and the oxidation damage that occurs with chronic inflammation.
Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate—Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate is the active form of vitamin B6 that has been shown to protect against both lipid and protein glycation reactions. Pyridoxamine is one of the compounds composing vitamin B6, that is particularly effective in inhibiting the formation of AGEs, therefore it is useful in longevity, memory enhancement and the prevention or eradication of age related disorders: Skin wrinkling, atherosclerosis, chronic inflammation, cataracts, kidney failure, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease. Pyridoxamine occurs naturally in fish, chicken, walnuts, carrots, eggs, and other foods.
OB-GENE AND METHYLATION—Can diet correct or prevent gestational diabetes? Methylation is the process where a methyl group is added to the DNA strand that prevents the gene from being expressed. The methyl groups used in DNA methylation are often derived from dietary sources. Scientists found that rats genetically predisposed to diabetes and obesity can produce normal offspring if fed a highly methylating-sulfur rich diet during pregnancy. Apparently the extra methylation stopped the epigenetic expression of those genes related to obesity and diabetes. Also exercise while pregnant can ameliorate obesity and diabetes, especially in genetically predisposed offspring. The 'ob' gene appears to play a role in the signaling pathway from adipose tissue that in turn regulates the amount of stored body fat. We can thus aid in overcoming intergenerational obesity through increasing the consumption of Cruciferae vegetables in our diet such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Wild weeds of the mustard family like Garlic Mustard are the very best methylators, better even than domesticated plants like kale.
• Increase Insulin Sensitivity: Avocado, Maitake Mushroom, Caper, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Ginger, Chromium, Ginseng, Grifola, Alpha Lipoic Acid
• Lowers Insulin Resistance: Chromium, Chaga Mushroom, Blueberry leaf, Fenugreek, Gingko biloba, Bilberry, Green tea, Red raspberry leaf, Nettle, Vitamins K and D.
• Mimic Effects of Insulin: Caper, Sage coriander, Garlic, Ivy Gourd, Bauhinia forficate, Banaba, Myrcia uniflora, Vanadium (vanadyl sulfate), Prickly Pear Cactus, Ginseng, Juniper Berries.
• Antioxidant and Insulin Mimetic: Alpha lipoic acid, Quercetin, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Mulberry leaf, Goat’s rue, B6, C, E, and K.
• Enhances Insulin Secretion: Reishi Mushroom Coriander, Rhodiola rosea, Holy Basil, Bitter melon, Golden seal, Juniper berries.
• Modulates glucose absorption: Bacopa, Fenugreek, Gymnema sylvestre, Aloe vera, Glucomannan, Soluble fiber/pectin, Seaweed, White bean extract, Wild African Mango extract (Irvingia), Konnyaku root, L-Carnitine.
• Lowers Blood Sugar: Alfalfa, Jambolan, Purslane, Bacopa, Pau D'Arco, Periwinkle, Uva Ursi leaves, Green tea, Onions, Flaxseed, Dandelion, Saw palmetto, Devil's claw, Magnesium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), Benfotiamine, Juniper Berries
• Lower Blood Lipids: Shiitake Mushroom, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Caraway seed, Fenugreek, Hawthorn, Pterocarpus marsupium, Huckleberry, Blueberry, all purple berries. Chickweed breaks down the fat and the Burdock helps transport it out of the body. Citrus aurantium, or Zhi Shi, contains a combination of adrenergic amines that are powerful thermogenic agents.
• Reduces Fat Oxidation: Cinnamon, Cardamom, Turmeric, Oregano, Milk Thistle, Acai, Ginkgo, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Bioflavonoids and Cartenoids, L-Carnitine.
• Lowers Lactic Acid: Carnosine, Niacin, Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium phosphate and Potassium phosphate. Alkaline foods, Avocado, Tomato, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Rhubarb, Spinach, Lettuce, Cabbage family, Cucumber, Watercress, Celery, Pumpkin, Sunflower and Flax seeds. Any clay (inside and out) will help...and baking soda internally and/or in the bath is a very quick fix.
• Thermogenics/Fat Burners: Thermogenesis or uncoupling of mitochondrial membrane potential to produce heat rather than ATP. Ma hung, Caffeine, Cayenne, Garcinia cambogia, Citrus aurantium (Zhi Shi), Black pepper, Coco leaves, Evodiamine, Cha de Bugre, Forskolin, Yohimbine, Japanese Thistle (Circsium oligophyllum), Kelp. Some thermogenic herbs like green tea, yerba mate, nettle, cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon and dandelion are gentler than more stimulating types. Tonic and adaptogenic herbs, while less stimulating, strengthen all systems and speed up body functions.
• Lipotropics: The important lipotropics (fat dissolving) that help catalyse the breakdown of fat in human biochemistry are L-Carnitine, Choline, Inositol, Betaine, Methionine and Chromium Picolinate. Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid are used in the synthesis of methionine and choline; Vitamin B-6 is involved in the metabolism of fats and fatty acids. Fenugreek contains lecithin which dissolves cholesterol and contains lipotropic substances, which dissolves deposits of fat, prevents fat accumulation, water retention, soothes inflamed stomach and intestines and cleans the stomach, bowels and kidneys. Other herbal lipotropic include: Triphala, Bilberry, Burdock, Ginkgo, Uva Ursi, Cardamom, Clove, Juniper Berries, Parsley root, Milk thistle and dandelion root, one of the strongest herbal lipotropics known. Black Radish, Beet Leaves, Celandine, Chionanthus help speed up the flow of bile and has a detoxifying effect on the liver and spleen. — Ergogenic is defined as enhancing performance and increasing capacity for bodily or mental labor especially by eliminating fatigue symptoms.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Glucose oxidation in the brain requires certain cofactor micronutrients. For instance, forms of several B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, as well as the compound lipoic acid, are utilized in reactions that completely metabolize glucose to carbon dioxide and water. Additionally, the nutritionally essential minerals, magnesium, iron, and manganese are required for the complete metabolism of glucose; these micronutrients are utilized as cofactors, substrates, or components of enzymes in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Moreover, generation of cellular energy in the form of ATP by the electron transport chain requires the vitamins, riboflavin and niacin; iron contained in iron-sulfur clusters; and the endogenously synthesized compound, coenzyme Q10.
Taking cinnamon, L-Aspartic Acid, gymnema, jambul, chromium, vanadium and alpha lipoic acid along with carbohydrate meals can help blood sugar to enter the cells and thereby aid in energy generation. The minerals chromium and vanadium help the insulin transport sugar to the cells. Gymnema sylvestre is a herb known to affect the glucose/insulin system favorably at the pancreatic level and significantly lowers cholesterol. Bilberry lowers elevated blood sugar levels. Riboflavin (B2) serves as a precursor to flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme involved in the energy-producing mitochondrial electron-transport chain.
INSULIN RESISTANCE—Metabolic X syndrome and obesity are strongly correlated with insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, stress and a sedentary lifestyle, i.e., low physical activity and excess caloric intake. Insulin resistance reduces the uptake of glucose into the liver and muscle cells for use as fuel or for storage and interferes with thyroid function. The restoration of insulin sensitivity is necessary for the function of SNS mediated thermogenesis. Chromium, niacin, zinc, manganese along with GLA, fiber, vitamin C and B complex help renew insulin sensitivity. Fructose (fruit sugar) rather than sucrose (sugar) is better for stimulating thermogenesis as fructose does not increase insulin levels
CHROMIUM—The essential trace element chromium regulates the body’s blood sugar levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells. It increases the activity of insulin, thereby reducing the amount of insulin required to control blood sugar. Chromium is also a component of glucose tolerance factor (GTF), and has been shown to increase number of insulin receptors, enhance receptor binding, and potentiate insulin action. Since chromium reduces insulin resistance, this leads to wide-ranging effects including lowering high blood pressure and abnormal blood lipids in addition to lowering blood sugar and reducing obesity.
CINNAMON—As our cells become increasingly resistant to insulin’s efforts to facilitate glucose transport from the bloodstream into the cells, the pancreas tries to compensate by producing more and more insulin. This can lead to the dangerous condition of hyperinsulinemia, or excessive insulin levels in the blood. Some researchers have begun to focus their interest on the possible role of this condition in the development of cancer. Cinnamon contains procyanidins (type A), a class of bioflavonoids that mimic the functions of insulin in important ways, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and a healthy lipid profile, as well as other aspects of good health. At the highest cinnamon concentration used, tumor proliferation was reduced by about 50% compared with the untreated control cells. A regular dose is around 1 heaping teaspoon (3.5 g) of whole-cinnamon powder per day. Cinnamon can be added to ground flax-chia seed sprinkle, and Chai.
ALKALINE BUFFERING—Studies show that Chronic Fatigue sufferers have raised levels of blood lactate, indicating suboptimal aerobic ATP production that can lead to fatigue and muscle aches. Supplementing with Krebs’ cycle amino acid precursors and intermediates to stimulate ATP production, while buffering lactic acid. Extra calcium phosphate in the diet will help counter the lactic acid generated by exercise, suboptimal aerobic ATP production and pathological bacteria. Calphonite, is liquid Calcium-Phosphorous. Calcium and magnesium combine with lactic acid, neutralizing the negative effect of excess lactic acid, normalizing pH, and normalizing breathing, emotional disturbances, and restoring the ill health.
Removing the obstructions to optimal aerobic ATP production is just as important as building up the structures and biochemistry for cellular respiration. For the excess build up of metabolic byproducts like hydrogen ions, and lactic acid interferes with ATP generation and nerve and muscle function. By buffering lactic acid and excess hydrogen ions we can relieve muscle soreness, brain fatigue and improve sports performance. Intracellular buffers include phosphates, carnosine and bicarbonates. While bicarbonate is the main blood buffer, phosphates and carnosine buffer acids in the muscles. Phosphate supplements increase 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) in the red blood cells speeding the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. (Hydrogen peroxide also serves this purpose). Phosphate supplements include: Sodium Phosphate and Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
CREATINE—ATP has three phosphate molecules bonded to an adenosine molecule. When one of the bonds connecting these phosphate molecules is broken through a process known as hydrolysis, a great deal of energy is created. It is this breaking of bonds between molecules that produces all of the energy utilized by the body. Furthermore phosphate helps in the phosphorylation of creatine to creatine phosphate to reform ATP and thereby raise energy. Creatine is used for the resynthesis of ATP. Dietary creatine is absorbed readily and makes its way to the muscles, where it combines with the phosphates which are always lying around to make phosphocreatine. If you have a substantial amount of phosphocreatine in your muscle cells, you should be able to generate a lot of ATP in a very short period of time. Creatine phosphate donates its phosphate to ADP, instantly creating the ATP needed to make muscles work. As creatine phosphate helps to create ATP, it consumes hydrogen ions released by the lactic acid which can build up in muscle cells during intense physical effort. This "buffering" action helps to delay fatigue that otherwise occurs when excess hydrogen ions interfere with muscle contractions. Plus creatine phosphate transports the ATP out of the mitochondria to your muscles, thus creatine can improve performance. Since the cell's concentration of creatine phosphate is three to five times higher than that of ATP, creatine phosphate functions as a cellular energy reservoir. A maintenance dose of creatine monohydrate generally amounts to three grams per day. NOW Foods Creatine Powder, 2.2 Pounds by Now Foods.
CARNOSINE—Carnosine is a combination of two amino acids, beta-alanine and L-histidine. Carnosine is a super anti-aging supplement not only due to it being the premier anti-glycating agent, but it also protects neurons against reactive and cytotoxic protein carbonyl species associated with normal aging. Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant, act as a neuro-transmitter, improves blood flow to brain, speeds up cell replacement. In its role as an intracellular buffer Carnosine helps maintain optimal pH balance by soaking up hydrogen ions (H+) that are released at an accelerated rate during exercise. It is the released H+ from lactic acid that causes muscular performance problems, but H+ ions are also being released at a rapid rate when you break down the high energy compound ATP during exercise. Carnosine is a powerful precursor in generating enzymes necessary for making the powerful vasodilator nitric oxide. When you ingest carnosine intact, most of it is broken down in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into its constituent amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine.
BETA-ALANINE—By supplementing with the powerful intracellular buffer beta-alanine, we can specifically and dramatically increase carnosine levels by 42-65%. By boosting carnosine concentrations, with beta-alanine, our type 2 muscle fibers can soak up more H+ and stay in an optimal pH range to maintain maximal strength and endurance throughout your workout session and bring on new muscle gains, lean body mass, power and muscular endurance. The greatest natural dietary sources of beta-alanine are believed to be obtained through ingesting the beta-alanine containing dipeptides: carnosine, anserine and balenine, found in protein rich foods such as chicken, beef, pork and fish.
EXERCISE—Exercise increases mitochondrial number and efficiency leading to greater ATP production and better oxygenation of the tissues and draining of lymphatic toxins. Regular aerobic exercise also increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating the transport of oxygen. Highly trained athletes are also more efficient at converting lactate to glucose and therefore have lower lactate levels. Training also improves the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen. Without an adequate blood sugar level, (> 2.5-3 mmol/l) brain activity is impaired. It is interesting that it is the “transport” of glucose into the brain that becomes rate-limiting at low blood glucose levels, and that exercise increases the glucose transporter molecules! Plus physical training reduces insulin resistance, enhances the efficiency of glycogen production and storage in the liver and increases glucose output from the liver. Vigorous exercise at least once a week was found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%. Melatonin also increases muscle and liver glycogen content.
Weight Training Reverses Almost 40 years of Aging—in Six Months. Restores Youthful Genetic Footprint to Mitochondria. —Training The Energy Systems
LIGHT—Red and near-infrared light can affect cell membrane permeability and aid the production of ATP thereby providing the cell with more energy which in turn means the cell is in optimum condition to play it's part in a natural healing process. The forest is our genetic home…foliated canopies deplete the blue and red portions of the spectrum and allowed more green and near-infrared light to reach the forest floor.
EMF—"The nature of the mind is to make coherence of the world.” Bruce Lipton PhD. Each tissue, indeed each atom has a given harmonic…which when tuned into sympathetic resonance with surrounding life and matter creates coherent frequencies that switches on DNA in special ways, in the same way that a symphony comes “together” or not. Certain EMF devises like Gene Koonce’s Vibe Machine, the Rife's machines, Wilhelm Reich’s orgone machine, Tesla’s coils seems to give a jolt to the ATP cell energy manufacture, by correcting the body's intracellular frequency to allow the body to make ATP more efficiently, or detoxify heavy metals from the body. Voltage plus harmonics equals health. Theories of resonance in health have been proposed by Lakhovsky, Priore, Szent-Györgyi, John Worrell Keely (, Walter Russell and then more recently by Ray Tomes, Emoto and Oschman. Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use by Thomas Valone.
BREATHING—Shallow breathing reduces the oxygen content of the blood and too much carbon dioxide makes the heart beat faster to deliver what little oxygen there is to the brain. When cells are oxygen deprived we use the lactic acid pathway to produce energy just as normal healthy people do after prolonged exercise. This lactic acid resulting from the breathing pattern of an A-type personality can worsen mineral status through fostering overly acid conditions in the blood. The more hurried you are, the tenser you become, and the worse the breathing, so notice your breathing, deepen and slow its pace down. This messes up the pH differentials that run the body’s chemiosmotic energy generating system ultimately ending in mutation of DNA (cancer). To become sovereign, that is an invincible independent monarch, besides exercise we also need to engage in conscious breathing and up our oxygen levels to make the most of our mitochondrial energy production.
Taking cinnamon, L-Aspartic Acid, gymnema, jambul, chromium, vanadium and alpha lipoic acid along with carbohydrate meals can help blood sugar to enter the cells and thereby aid in energy generation. The minerals chromium and vanadium help the insulin transport sugar to the cells. Gymnema sylvestre is a herb known to affect the glucose/insulin system favorably at the pancreatic level and significantly lowers cholesterol. Bilberry lowers elevated blood sugar levels. Riboflavin (B2) serves as a precursor to flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme involved in the energy-producing mitochondrial electron-transport chain.
INSULIN RESISTANCE—Metabolic X syndrome and obesity are strongly correlated with insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, stress and a sedentary lifestyle, i.e., low physical activity and excess caloric intake. Insulin resistance reduces the uptake of glucose into the liver and muscle cells for use as fuel or for storage and interferes with thyroid function. The restoration of insulin sensitivity is necessary for the function of SNS mediated thermogenesis. Chromium, niacin, zinc, manganese along with GLA, fiber, vitamin C and B complex help renew insulin sensitivity. Fructose (fruit sugar) rather than sucrose (sugar) is better for stimulating thermogenesis as fructose does not increase insulin levels
CHROMIUM—The essential trace element chromium regulates the body’s blood sugar levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells. It increases the activity of insulin, thereby reducing the amount of insulin required to control blood sugar. Chromium is also a component of glucose tolerance factor (GTF), and has been shown to increase number of insulin receptors, enhance receptor binding, and potentiate insulin action. Since chromium reduces insulin resistance, this leads to wide-ranging effects including lowering high blood pressure and abnormal blood lipids in addition to lowering blood sugar and reducing obesity.
CINNAMON—As our cells become increasingly resistant to insulin’s efforts to facilitate glucose transport from the bloodstream into the cells, the pancreas tries to compensate by producing more and more insulin. This can lead to the dangerous condition of hyperinsulinemia, or excessive insulin levels in the blood. Some researchers have begun to focus their interest on the possible role of this condition in the development of cancer. Cinnamon contains procyanidins (type A), a class of bioflavonoids that mimic the functions of insulin in important ways, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and a healthy lipid profile, as well as other aspects of good health. At the highest cinnamon concentration used, tumor proliferation was reduced by about 50% compared with the untreated control cells. A regular dose is around 1 heaping teaspoon (3.5 g) of whole-cinnamon powder per day. Cinnamon can be added to ground flax-chia seed sprinkle, and Chai.
ALKALINE BUFFERING—Studies show that Chronic Fatigue sufferers have raised levels of blood lactate, indicating suboptimal aerobic ATP production that can lead to fatigue and muscle aches. Supplementing with Krebs’ cycle amino acid precursors and intermediates to stimulate ATP production, while buffering lactic acid. Extra calcium phosphate in the diet will help counter the lactic acid generated by exercise, suboptimal aerobic ATP production and pathological bacteria. Calphonite, is liquid Calcium-Phosphorous. Calcium and magnesium combine with lactic acid, neutralizing the negative effect of excess lactic acid, normalizing pH, and normalizing breathing, emotional disturbances, and restoring the ill health.
Removing the obstructions to optimal aerobic ATP production is just as important as building up the structures and biochemistry for cellular respiration. For the excess build up of metabolic byproducts like hydrogen ions, and lactic acid interferes with ATP generation and nerve and muscle function. By buffering lactic acid and excess hydrogen ions we can relieve muscle soreness, brain fatigue and improve sports performance. Intracellular buffers include phosphates, carnosine and bicarbonates. While bicarbonate is the main blood buffer, phosphates and carnosine buffer acids in the muscles. Phosphate supplements increase 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) in the red blood cells speeding the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. (Hydrogen peroxide also serves this purpose). Phosphate supplements include: Sodium Phosphate and Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
CREATINE—ATP has three phosphate molecules bonded to an adenosine molecule. When one of the bonds connecting these phosphate molecules is broken through a process known as hydrolysis, a great deal of energy is created. It is this breaking of bonds between molecules that produces all of the energy utilized by the body. Furthermore phosphate helps in the phosphorylation of creatine to creatine phosphate to reform ATP and thereby raise energy. Creatine is used for the resynthesis of ATP. Dietary creatine is absorbed readily and makes its way to the muscles, where it combines with the phosphates which are always lying around to make phosphocreatine. If you have a substantial amount of phosphocreatine in your muscle cells, you should be able to generate a lot of ATP in a very short period of time. Creatine phosphate donates its phosphate to ADP, instantly creating the ATP needed to make muscles work. As creatine phosphate helps to create ATP, it consumes hydrogen ions released by the lactic acid which can build up in muscle cells during intense physical effort. This "buffering" action helps to delay fatigue that otherwise occurs when excess hydrogen ions interfere with muscle contractions. Plus creatine phosphate transports the ATP out of the mitochondria to your muscles, thus creatine can improve performance. Since the cell's concentration of creatine phosphate is three to five times higher than that of ATP, creatine phosphate functions as a cellular energy reservoir. A maintenance dose of creatine monohydrate generally amounts to three grams per day. NOW Foods Creatine Powder, 2.2 Pounds by Now Foods.
CARNOSINE—Carnosine is a combination of two amino acids, beta-alanine and L-histidine. Carnosine is a super anti-aging supplement not only due to it being the premier anti-glycating agent, but it also protects neurons against reactive and cytotoxic protein carbonyl species associated with normal aging. Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant, act as a neuro-transmitter, improves blood flow to brain, speeds up cell replacement. In its role as an intracellular buffer Carnosine helps maintain optimal pH balance by soaking up hydrogen ions (H+) that are released at an accelerated rate during exercise. It is the released H+ from lactic acid that causes muscular performance problems, but H+ ions are also being released at a rapid rate when you break down the high energy compound ATP during exercise. Carnosine is a powerful precursor in generating enzymes necessary for making the powerful vasodilator nitric oxide. When you ingest carnosine intact, most of it is broken down in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into its constituent amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine.
BETA-ALANINE—By supplementing with the powerful intracellular buffer beta-alanine, we can specifically and dramatically increase carnosine levels by 42-65%. By boosting carnosine concentrations, with beta-alanine, our type 2 muscle fibers can soak up more H+ and stay in an optimal pH range to maintain maximal strength and endurance throughout your workout session and bring on new muscle gains, lean body mass, power and muscular endurance. The greatest natural dietary sources of beta-alanine are believed to be obtained through ingesting the beta-alanine containing dipeptides: carnosine, anserine and balenine, found in protein rich foods such as chicken, beef, pork and fish.
EXERCISE—Exercise increases mitochondrial number and efficiency leading to greater ATP production and better oxygenation of the tissues and draining of lymphatic toxins. Regular aerobic exercise also increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating the transport of oxygen. Highly trained athletes are also more efficient at converting lactate to glucose and therefore have lower lactate levels. Training also improves the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen. Without an adequate blood sugar level, (> 2.5-3 mmol/l) brain activity is impaired. It is interesting that it is the “transport” of glucose into the brain that becomes rate-limiting at low blood glucose levels, and that exercise increases the glucose transporter molecules! Plus physical training reduces insulin resistance, enhances the efficiency of glycogen production and storage in the liver and increases glucose output from the liver. Vigorous exercise at least once a week was found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%. Melatonin also increases muscle and liver glycogen content.
Weight Training Reverses Almost 40 years of Aging—in Six Months. Restores Youthful Genetic Footprint to Mitochondria. —Training The Energy Systems
LIGHT—Red and near-infrared light can affect cell membrane permeability and aid the production of ATP thereby providing the cell with more energy which in turn means the cell is in optimum condition to play it's part in a natural healing process. The forest is our genetic home…foliated canopies deplete the blue and red portions of the spectrum and allowed more green and near-infrared light to reach the forest floor.
EMF—"The nature of the mind is to make coherence of the world.” Bruce Lipton PhD. Each tissue, indeed each atom has a given harmonic…which when tuned into sympathetic resonance with surrounding life and matter creates coherent frequencies that switches on DNA in special ways, in the same way that a symphony comes “together” or not. Certain EMF devises like Gene Koonce’s Vibe Machine, the Rife's machines, Wilhelm Reich’s orgone machine, Tesla’s coils seems to give a jolt to the ATP cell energy manufacture, by correcting the body's intracellular frequency to allow the body to make ATP more efficiently, or detoxify heavy metals from the body. Voltage plus harmonics equals health. Theories of resonance in health have been proposed by Lakhovsky, Priore, Szent-Györgyi, John Worrell Keely (, Walter Russell and then more recently by Ray Tomes, Emoto and Oschman. Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use by Thomas Valone.
BREATHING—Shallow breathing reduces the oxygen content of the blood and too much carbon dioxide makes the heart beat faster to deliver what little oxygen there is to the brain. When cells are oxygen deprived we use the lactic acid pathway to produce energy just as normal healthy people do after prolonged exercise. This lactic acid resulting from the breathing pattern of an A-type personality can worsen mineral status through fostering overly acid conditions in the blood. The more hurried you are, the tenser you become, and the worse the breathing, so notice your breathing, deepen and slow its pace down. This messes up the pH differentials that run the body’s chemiosmotic energy generating system ultimately ending in mutation of DNA (cancer). To become sovereign, that is an invincible independent monarch, besides exercise we also need to engage in conscious breathing and up our oxygen levels to make the most of our mitochondrial energy production.
By increasing detoxification, buffering and nutrient saturation this normalizes metabolism enough so that one has the clarity and energy to exercise...this then rectifies insulin resistance, fires up the mitochondria and increases metabolism to burn the excess stored fuel and detoxify the body. If ATP generation has become radically inefficient, there is not enough energy to clean let alone repair and optimize the body. The use of supplemental Kreb’s cycle acids and anti-fatigue buffers can assist in the management of mitochondrial energy substrates and increase cellular energy production.
Mitochondria consume about 90% of the oxygen used by the body, consequently mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is especially susceptible to severe oxidative damage. So when supplementing with mitochondrial nutrients and antioxidants combined there is a reduction in damage to mitochondrial membranes, restoration of mitochondrial energy production, protection of cellular structures and enzymes from oxidative damage, and decreased fatigue. Reduction in mitochondrial efficiency and the resultant in ATP output produces age-related decline in health and cognition. Hence the need for a broad-spectrum antioxidant intervention which emphasizes water-soluble antioxidants like vitamin C, glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine, polyphenols, anthocyanidins, Lipoic acid, NADH, DMSO, etc.
Millennium Sport’s “ZMK” is a product that incorporates Krebs cycle intermediates citrate, fumarate, malate, succinate and alpha-keto-glutarate chelated to Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Potassium, Vanadium and Boron. These organic acids and mineral are responsible for energy production (ATP) within every cell of the body.
Vanadium—Vanadyl sulfate, which increases your body's natural insulin sensitivity, and helps support glucose metabolism. Taurine, and combined vanadyl sulfate produces modest improvement in glucose tolerance and/or insulin sensitivity, exerting beneficial effects on the blood glucose and lipid levels.
Germanium—Germanium is an oxygen catalyst, antioxidant, elecro-stimulant and immune enhancer. It increases oxygen supply to all the cells in the body and seems to have anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. Cells need oxygen for the efficient oxidative (aerobic) dissimilation of sugars, which gives 38 units of ATP per unit of glucose. Germanium is found in ginseng, aloe vera, comfrey, garlic, shiitake mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, tuna and oysters.
Iron—Iron is an essential component of hundreds of proteins and enzymes involved in various aspects of cellular metabolism, including those involved in oxygen transport and storage, electron transport and energy generation, and DNA synthesis. The iron-copper balance synergized with molybdenum helps make the red blood cells carrying oxygen to the cells for the Krebs cycle aerobic production of ATP. Men, particularly meat eaters need to chelate unbound iron out of their system as free iron increases the oxidation damage (rusting) in the mitochondria, which may contribute to a shorter lifespan. More than 90% of the oxidation in the body occurs in the mitochondria, and by the age of 90 only 5% of the mitochondria DNA in a male is intact. The phytate (phytic acid-IP6) in ricebran binds and removes free iron, is antioxidant, preserves and repairs telomere length, protects and repairs DNA in cells and mitochondria and is anticancer. The polyphenols of bioflavonoids found in the colorful rinds and skins of fruits, quercetin in onions and apples, along with green tea, help to control copper and iron in the body.
Phosphorus—The production and use of glucose for energy requires ATP as an energy carrier and ATP contains phosphorus, usually absorbed as phosphates (a phosphorus-oxygen molecule). In adults, phosphorus makes up approximately 1% of total body weight, with approximately 85% found in bone. Besides being necessary for the formation of bones and teeth phosphorus is also involved in the metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein, and in the utilization of many of the B-group vitamins, and in energy metabolism. Phospholipids (e.g., phosphatidylcholine) are the major structural component of cell membranes. All energy production and storage is dependent on phosphorylated compounds, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. The nucleic acids of our genes (DNA and RNA) are long chains of phosphate-containing molecules. Plus a number of enzymes, hormones, and cell-signaling molecules depend on phosphorylation for their activation.
Phosphorus also helps to maintain normal acid-base balance (pH) by acting as one of the body's most important buffers. Additionally, the phosphorus-containing molecule 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells and affects oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body. In the body, phosphate is the most abundant intracellular anion. It is critical for energy storage and metabolism, for the utilization of many B-complex vitamins, to buffer body fluids, for kidney excretion of hydrogen ions, for proper muscle and nerve function, and for maintaining calcium balance. The regulation of blood calcium and phosphorus levels is interrelated through the actions of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D. 90% of the body's intake of vitamin D is created by exposure to the sun. By increasing circulating levels of vitamin D, sunbathing may help increase testosterone levels and thereby their sex drive.
A diet high in fructose (20% of total calories) results in the increased a loss of phosphorus in the urine that is higher than daily intake, especially when the diet is also low in magnesium. Dairy products, meat, and fish are particularly rich sources of phosphorus, as are ricebran, vegemite, yeast, Brazil nuts, and cacao. The phosphorus in all plant seeds (beans, peas, cereals, and nuts) is stored in the phytic acid or phytate form of phosphate. Because we lack the enzymes (phytases) that liberate phosphorus from phytate, only about 50% of the phosphorus from phytate is available to humans. Yeasts possess phytase enzymes, so leavened breads have more bioavailable phosphorus. Wheat sprouts contain a very high level of organic phosphates and a powerful cocktail of antioxidant molecules. When you add Green sand or Glauconite to your wheatgrass growing soil you get a rich variety of atoms that come from the Late Cretaceous to your body. The effect is particularly fortifying.
Magnesium—Mg modulates smooth muscle contraction through its Ca-blockage or competition. High altitude intensive training resulted in a negative Mg balance sufficient to cause convulsions. Since the energy generation of the body goes up in kundalini there is an increase in ATP synthesis and ATP synthesis is Mg-dependent, as is phosphorylation; while cAMP levels are low in Mg deficiency. ATP the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP. Magnesium binds to the ATP phosphate groups and greatly decreases the dissociation of ATP from its protein binding partner without affecting the ability of the enzyme to catalyze its reaction once the ATP has bound. ATP drives the membrane pumps, which transport magnesium into the cells. Intracellular magnesium deficiencies exist in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients and such deficiencies disrupt ATP syntheses. Low ATP levels give rise to even lower intracellular magnesium, causing further ATP reduction. Magnesium deficiency is also very common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, tension headache and dysmenorrheal.
During stress adrenergic stimulation of the breakdown of fats (lipolysis) can intensify Mg deficiency by complexing Mg with the liberated fatty acids.
Mitochondria consume about 90% of the oxygen used by the body, consequently mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is especially susceptible to severe oxidative damage. So when supplementing with mitochondrial nutrients and antioxidants combined there is a reduction in damage to mitochondrial membranes, restoration of mitochondrial energy production, protection of cellular structures and enzymes from oxidative damage, and decreased fatigue. Reduction in mitochondrial efficiency and the resultant in ATP output produces age-related decline in health and cognition. Hence the need for a broad-spectrum antioxidant intervention which emphasizes water-soluble antioxidants like vitamin C, glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine, polyphenols, anthocyanidins, Lipoic acid, NADH, DMSO, etc.
Millennium Sport’s “ZMK” is a product that incorporates Krebs cycle intermediates citrate, fumarate, malate, succinate and alpha-keto-glutarate chelated to Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Potassium, Vanadium and Boron. These organic acids and mineral are responsible for energy production (ATP) within every cell of the body.
Vanadium—Vanadyl sulfate, which increases your body's natural insulin sensitivity, and helps support glucose metabolism. Taurine, and combined vanadyl sulfate produces modest improvement in glucose tolerance and/or insulin sensitivity, exerting beneficial effects on the blood glucose and lipid levels.
Germanium—Germanium is an oxygen catalyst, antioxidant, elecro-stimulant and immune enhancer. It increases oxygen supply to all the cells in the body and seems to have anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. Cells need oxygen for the efficient oxidative (aerobic) dissimilation of sugars, which gives 38 units of ATP per unit of glucose. Germanium is found in ginseng, aloe vera, comfrey, garlic, shiitake mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, tuna and oysters.
Iron—Iron is an essential component of hundreds of proteins and enzymes involved in various aspects of cellular metabolism, including those involved in oxygen transport and storage, electron transport and energy generation, and DNA synthesis. The iron-copper balance synergized with molybdenum helps make the red blood cells carrying oxygen to the cells for the Krebs cycle aerobic production of ATP. Men, particularly meat eaters need to chelate unbound iron out of their system as free iron increases the oxidation damage (rusting) in the mitochondria, which may contribute to a shorter lifespan. More than 90% of the oxidation in the body occurs in the mitochondria, and by the age of 90 only 5% of the mitochondria DNA in a male is intact. The phytate (phytic acid-IP6) in ricebran binds and removes free iron, is antioxidant, preserves and repairs telomere length, protects and repairs DNA in cells and mitochondria and is anticancer. The polyphenols of bioflavonoids found in the colorful rinds and skins of fruits, quercetin in onions and apples, along with green tea, help to control copper and iron in the body.
Phosphorus—The production and use of glucose for energy requires ATP as an energy carrier and ATP contains phosphorus, usually absorbed as phosphates (a phosphorus-oxygen molecule). In adults, phosphorus makes up approximately 1% of total body weight, with approximately 85% found in bone. Besides being necessary for the formation of bones and teeth phosphorus is also involved in the metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein, and in the utilization of many of the B-group vitamins, and in energy metabolism. Phospholipids (e.g., phosphatidylcholine) are the major structural component of cell membranes. All energy production and storage is dependent on phosphorylated compounds, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. The nucleic acids of our genes (DNA and RNA) are long chains of phosphate-containing molecules. Plus a number of enzymes, hormones, and cell-signaling molecules depend on phosphorylation for their activation.
Phosphorus also helps to maintain normal acid-base balance (pH) by acting as one of the body's most important buffers. Additionally, the phosphorus-containing molecule 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells and affects oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body. In the body, phosphate is the most abundant intracellular anion. It is critical for energy storage and metabolism, for the utilization of many B-complex vitamins, to buffer body fluids, for kidney excretion of hydrogen ions, for proper muscle and nerve function, and for maintaining calcium balance. The regulation of blood calcium and phosphorus levels is interrelated through the actions of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D. 90% of the body's intake of vitamin D is created by exposure to the sun. By increasing circulating levels of vitamin D, sunbathing may help increase testosterone levels and thereby their sex drive.
A diet high in fructose (20% of total calories) results in the increased a loss of phosphorus in the urine that is higher than daily intake, especially when the diet is also low in magnesium. Dairy products, meat, and fish are particularly rich sources of phosphorus, as are ricebran, vegemite, yeast, Brazil nuts, and cacao. The phosphorus in all plant seeds (beans, peas, cereals, and nuts) is stored in the phytic acid or phytate form of phosphate. Because we lack the enzymes (phytases) that liberate phosphorus from phytate, only about 50% of the phosphorus from phytate is available to humans. Yeasts possess phytase enzymes, so leavened breads have more bioavailable phosphorus. Wheat sprouts contain a very high level of organic phosphates and a powerful cocktail of antioxidant molecules. When you add Green sand or Glauconite to your wheatgrass growing soil you get a rich variety of atoms that come from the Late Cretaceous to your body. The effect is particularly fortifying.
Magnesium—Mg modulates smooth muscle contraction through its Ca-blockage or competition. High altitude intensive training resulted in a negative Mg balance sufficient to cause convulsions. Since the energy generation of the body goes up in kundalini there is an increase in ATP synthesis and ATP synthesis is Mg-dependent, as is phosphorylation; while cAMP levels are low in Mg deficiency. ATP the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP. Magnesium binds to the ATP phosphate groups and greatly decreases the dissociation of ATP from its protein binding partner without affecting the ability of the enzyme to catalyze its reaction once the ATP has bound. ATP drives the membrane pumps, which transport magnesium into the cells. Intracellular magnesium deficiencies exist in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients and such deficiencies disrupt ATP syntheses. Low ATP levels give rise to even lower intracellular magnesium, causing further ATP reduction. Magnesium deficiency is also very common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, tension headache and dysmenorrheal.
During stress adrenergic stimulation of the breakdown of fats (lipolysis) can intensify Mg deficiency by complexing Mg with the liberated fatty acids.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine—Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria during the breakdown of lipids (fats) for the generation of metabolic energy. The key role for L-carnitine is to transport fatty acids across the mitochondria membrane to allow for fatty acid oxidation to create energy...thereby burning body fat and increases glucose uptake about 8%. L-carnitine is for heart, while Acetyl-L-carnitine has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and get to the brain blood circulation, where it acts as a powerful antioxidant. Acetyl-L-carnitine can protect brain cells from neurotoxicity and death, restores mitochondrial membranes increasing receptor-sensitivity, reduce mitochondrial decay and dramatically rejuvenate mental and physical functioning, slow or reverse brain aging, improve memory and enhance mood, promoting calm lucid clarity, dream recall and overcoming adrenal burnout and chronic fatigue. ALC also protects brain cells from toxic beta-amyloid, in Alzheimer’s disease. Acetyl-L-carnitine arginate is a patented form of carnitine that has been shown in cell cultures to stimulate the growth of neurites.
In the body carnitine is produced in the liver, kidneys and brain from lysine and methionine, and stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential to the synthesis of carnitine. The highest concentrations of carnitine are found in red meat and dairy products. Other natural sources of carnitine include nuts, seeds, legumes or beans, grains, vegetables, fruits and bee pollen, brewer's yeast and carob. L-carnitine doesn’t absorb well into cells unless there is an insulin spike to increase cell permeability such as from a carbohydrate load so it would be good to add to smoothies. Both Acetyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine absorption improves with sodium. The typical dosage is 250 mg to 500 mg once a day, preferably in the morning along with arginine for maximum brain boost.
L-Citrulline—The amino acid Citrulline is made from ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate in one of the central reactions in the urea cycle, the pathway by which mammals excrete ammonia. It is also produced from arginine as a by-product of the reaction catalyzed by Nitric oxide synthases. NOS are enzymes that catalyze the production of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine). L-Citrulline promotes energy, stimulates the immune system, optimizes blood flow and alleviates mental and physical fatigue. L-Citrulline is found plant foods such as flaxseed, onions, garlic and is particularly high in the rind of yellow-fleshed watermelons. Citrulline is changed into arginine in the body, an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, providing the same effect of Viagra, and also opening the heart and increasing blood supply to the brain. Citrulline malate is a form used as a performance-enhancing supplement, which reduces muscle fatigue, improves sports performance and reduces recovery time.
NADH—Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is made from B3 or Niacin. The energy producing organelles of the cell (mitochondria) produce NADH which in turn produces cellular energy ATP. Whether NADH is produced internally within the cell enters the body from a dietary supplement, it will trigger cellular energy production. A byproduct of this energy product is free radicals, which interfere with cellular energy production by destroying enzymes and mitochondria. NADH is the body’s most powerful antioxidant, and it can regenerate other important antioxidants. NADH: About one-third of NAD is produced from vitamin B3 Niacin or niacinamide and about two-thirds from the catabolism of tryptophan. Niacin is a precursor to NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH, which play essential metabolic roles in living cells.[4] Niacin is involved in both DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. don't supplement with NADH it is too expensive...use extra niacin if you need it (like cleaning out heavy metals) but otherwise B complex would be fine for most...keeping up with a systemized vitamin intake throughout the day for the initial rebooting. It is the actual conversion of Niacin into NADH that is beneficial to Schizophrenics. Niacin cannot be directly converted to nicotinamide, but both compounds could be converted to NAD and NADP within the body. Although the two are identical in their vitamin activity, nicotinamide does not have the same pharmacological effects (lipid modifying effects) as niacin; these effects occur as side effects of niacin's conversion. Nicotinamide does not reduce cholesterol or cause flushing
Acetyl Co-Enzyme "A"—Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule in metabolism, used in many biochemical reactions. It assists in transferring fatty acids from the cytoplasm to mitochondria to enter the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production. Acetyl-CoA is produced during the second step of aerobic cellular respiration, pyruvate decarboxylation, which occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria. Acetyl-CoA then enters the citric acid cycle. Acetyl-CoA is also an important component in the biogenic synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Coenzyme A is formed from adenosine triphosphate (ATP), cysteine and pantothenic acid.
Succinate—Succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that plays a biochemical role in the citric acid cycle. Succinic acid has been shown to stimulate neural system recovery and bolster the immune system. Traditionally succinic acid was derived from powdered amber was mixed with honey or oils and used for almost every illness.
Alpha Lipoic Acid—Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid found naturally inside every cell in the body. Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant that functions in water and fat. Alpha lipoic acid increases the formation of glutathione and regenerates Vitamin C and E. It has also been shown in studies to be capable of rejuvenating mitochondria in cells after damage from antibiotics and chemicals, resulting in increased ATP production, and hence an increase in energy in chronic fatigue sufferers and a decrease in muscle pain in fibromyalgia patients. A higher energy level allows the cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and replace damaged components. Alpha lipoic is found naturally in the mitochondria so it can literally affect whether the cell functions with greater or lesser speed. Alpha lipoic acid counters aging by increasing energy production. Spinach is nature's #1 source of Alpha Lipoic Acid. Two forms of lipoic acid are sold on the supplement market, but R-lipoic acid is far more potent.
D-Ribose—Ribose is a five-carbon sugar used by all living cells and is an essential component for energy production, as well as being a component of ATP and RNA. Ribose provides the necessary substrate for synthesis of nucleotides, which form major cellular components such as ATP. Research also indicates that in muscle, ribose can accelerate ATP synthesis by up to 4.3-fold.
Spirulina—Bluegree Algae neutralizes acidity. The enzymes in Spirulina improve digestion and recharge your energy at the cellular level. Spirulina contains high levels of energy-boosting Vitamin B-12. It has 2300% more iron than spinach and 3900% more beta carotene than carrots! The iron in Spirulina is highly absorbable so your body can use it right away.
Chlorophyll—Chlorophyll is a good source of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and K that help to neutralise harmful molecules (free radicals). Research has shown that chlorophyll is at least as good an antioxidant as vitamin C in inhibiting lipid peroxidation and protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage. Chlorophyll also inhibits radiation-induced DNA and mitochondrial membrane damage and is a potent protector of oxidative damage to DNA. The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass and other greens, “may” help the body to produce more ATP via the enzyme ATP synthase and coenzymes in the chloroplasts, as well as removing the toxic interference of ammonia and heavy metals.
Kelp—is a rich source of natural vitamins, amino acids and chelated minerals, including essential trace minerals. Seaweeds act as natural chelators of heavy metals that improve metabolism in cells, increase ATP production, body temperature, energy levels, and immune function.
Creatine: By helping the body recover spent ATP, creatine helps increase energy reactions in a cell's mitochondria. Creatine is involved in the energy source for muscle contraction. When the body’s energy molecule ATP gives up one of is phosphate molecules as work is being done it is creatine phosphate that in turn gives its phosphate molecule to convert the ADP back to ATP again, so more work can be done.
S-adenosylmethionine—SAMe is involved in the synthesis and protection of DNA, RNA, and protein, maintains mitochondrial function, restores membrane fluidity and facilitates the binding of hormones to cell receptors, forms glutathione.
Co enzyme Q10—CoQ10 or “ubiquinone” is an essential component of the membranes of the mitochondria organelles that declines with age. It is a basic component of electron transport chain taking an active part in transferring protons and electrons. CoQ10 carries oxygen to the cells to produce ATP. According to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, without adequate supplies of electron carriers like coenzyme Q10, we have problems producing ATP, the energy molecule. (Iron-sulfur proteins, copper proteins, and riboflavin-based proteins are also electron carriers.) CoQ10 together with tocopherol protect membranes of mitochondria against peroxidation. The antioxidant activity of vitamin E requires the CoQ10 to be available, to which vitamin E will pass on the unpaired electron (free radical) that it has scavenged. Coenzyme Q10 might be involved in maintaining the proper pH of lysosomes, which are a digestive component of cells. Coenzyme Q10 is found in the highest amounts in organ meats such as liver and heart of wild animals, raindeer heart containing the highest. Some CoQ10 is made in the liver and it is found in most food sources including red meat, fish (sardines), wholegrains, nuts and green vegetables. CoQ10 levels are often low in those avoiding red meat and extremely low in vegans and is also destroyed by heat. Coenzyme Q-10 is manufactured by fermenting beets and sugar cane with special strains of yeast. Supplemental CoQ10 is fat soluble so it should be taken after meals or together with omega-3. Its effect as an antioxidant depends on the presence of zinc. The body usually uses about 500 mg per day with a reserve pool of 2 grams. CoQ10 and cholesterol are both synthesized from the same substance, mevalonate. During exposure to sunlight, researchers have found that the skin ís coenzyme Q10 content is quickly depleted. Candida interferes utilization of coenzyme Q10 from food, for the yeast uses it and alters it before it can be absorbed. Idebenone is a coenzyme Q-10 derivative with increased blood-brain barrier penetration.
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone—Like CoQ10, the coenzyme PQQ is a super-anti-aging antioxidant, providing extraordinary defense against mitochondrial decay. And like CoQ10, PQQ actively participates in the energy transfer within the mitochondria that supplies the body with most of its ATP energy. PQQ is a cellular rejuvenator that increases mitochondria number and triggers mitochondrial biogenesis—the spontaneous formation of new mitochondria in aging cells! PQQ activates genes that govern mitochondrial reproduction, protection, and repair. These same genes also support healthy body weight, normal fat and sugar metabolism, and youthful cellular proliferation. PQQ’s capacity as a cell signaling modulator and a superior antioxidant and potent growth factor optimize health and function of the body’s most energetic organs: the heart and brain. It stimulates production and release of nerve growth factor and reverses cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress, plus it interacts in a beneficial manner with our brain’s neurotransmitter systems, modifying the NMDA glutamate receptors that are involved in “excitotoxicity” or the long-term overstimulation of neurons. Besides calorie restriction and strenuous physical activity PQQ is one of the only known ways to reliably stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, and halt and reverse cellular aging.
Pyrroloquinoline quinone acts as growth factor to both plant and certain strains of bacteria. BioPQQ is produced by fusion of glutamate and tyrosine in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria through a natural fermentation process involve the oxidation of alcohols or aldose sugars. PQQ is a water-soluble and may be considered a member of the vitamin B group. PQQ is three times higher in Natto (Bacillus subtilis var natto,-fermented soybeans) than in other foods. It is also found in parsley, green and oolong tea, papayas, green pepper, spinach, kiwi fruit, broad beans, tofu and miso. Nattokinase has been effectively marketed by Kenrico in a patented product that prevents cell damage or apoptosis. Sold under the trade name Lexirin, it is derived from fermented soybean to address gastrointenstinal disorders, dermatological conditions, and immunodeficiencies.
Natto—Note that the Bacillus subtilis is hardy and can tolerate high heat, such as boiled water or a dehydrator…meaning that the PQQ may also be preserved. For increasing PQQ perhaps we could make dehydrated non-cereal crackers and breads that are sprouted, ground, fermented with natto bacteria, and fermented drinks made with kefir as well. or —Mitoku Traditional Natto Spores, Use a heating pad inside a Styrofoam cooler to keep natto at 100°F for 24 hrs. NB: Other cultures for kefir, miso and soy sauce etc…
Bentofiamine—Bentofiamine is fat-soluble B1 (thiamine) helps protect against the dangers of elevated blood sugar and toxic glycation reactions (AGEs), protecting your nerve function, circulation, and more.
Thiamin—Thiamin (also spelled thiamine) is a water-soluble B vitamin, previously known as vitamin B1. Thiamin deficiency, has negative cognitive effects. Adequate intake of thiamin is important for reactions in the brain that metabolize carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. For instance, phosphorylated forms of thiamin, are required cofactors for enzymes of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle. Additionally, thiamin triphosphate (TTP) may be involved in neuronal membrane functions and nerve action potential generation. Thiamine-deficient animals are unable to oxidize pyruvate normally, particularly in the brain, which usually obtains all its energy by aerobic oxidation of glucose and for which pyruvate oxidation is therefore vital. For the production of cellular energy pyruvate enzyme complexes found within mitochondria requires thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and lipoic acid.
Riboflavin—Vitamin B2 serves as a precursor to flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme involved in the energy-producing mitochondrial electron-transport chain, acting as catalyst in the transfer of electrons in numerous essential oxidation-reduction reactions (redox reactions). Riboflavin is one of the most widely distributed water-soluble vitamins is an important antioxidant. Riboflavin turns vitamin B6 and folic acid into their coenzyme forms and is need in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin. Vitamin B2 assists in the synthesis of steroids, red blood cells, glycogen, maintains the integrity of mucous membranes, skin, eyes and the nervous system, and is involved in adrenaline production.
Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide—FAD is a redox cofactor involved in several important reactions in metabolism. FAD consists of riboflavin (vitamin B2) bound to the phosphate group of an ADP molecule. FAD can be reduced (hydrolyzed) to FADH2, which serves to carry high-energy electrons used in oxidative phosphorylation. Riboflavin, mainly as FAD, is distributed in all tissues, but concentrations are low and little is stored. The liver and retinal tissues are the main storage places.
Vitamin B5—Co-enzyme A, derived from pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) activates the fatty acids and glucose in the Krebs Cycle.
DHEA—This precursor hormone declines dramatically with age. One of the numerous benefits of replacement to youthful levels is that it helps increase transport of carnitine into the mitochondria.
Ca-2 AEP— "Membrane Integrity Factor." shuttles acetyl groups and fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production. The calcium salt of 2-aminoethanol phosphate is an essential factor for cell membrane integrity and cell sensitivity, benefits autoimmune conditions and demyelinating. It binds fatty acids and electrolytes to the cell membrane structure that generates the cells electrical charge. Calcium 2 AEP protects cells against penetration by aggressive substances such as toxins, bacteria and viruses, but permits penetration and transport of nutritive substances.
Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a water-soluble amino acid that helps increase the blood supply to the brain, promotes healthy oxygen utilization, is antioxidant, reduces lactic acid build up from exercise, resulting in more efficient muscle contraction and muscle recovery and high physical and raising mental energy levels. DMG is found in foods such as brown rice, beans, brewer's yeast, liver and pumpkin seeds; and is also a byproduct of the metabolism of choline.
Cayenne—Chili peppers increase glucose metabolism, raise the metabolic rate and help the mitochondria to use oxygen more effectively by improving blood circulation. The brain responds to the burning sensation of chilli peppers by raising the heart rate, increasing perspiration and release of endorphins.
Capsaicin alters how the body's cells use energy produced by hydrolysis of ATP. When capsaicin is present, it alters the conformation of the protein that moves calcium ions, and thus reduces the ion movement, as a result the ATP energy is instead released as heat.
Evodiamine—The Chinese herb, Wu-Chu-Yu works primarily by stimulating vanilloid receptor agonistic activities to raise body temperature and suppress appetite. Like capsaicin, skin temperature increases dramatically, however, the body core temperature remains the same. Body weight, serum-free fatty acid levels, and total lipids, triglyceride, and cholesterol are significantly reduced. Must be used with peristalsis enhancing herbs as it slightly slows the gastrointestinal transit of ingested foods.
Ginger increases ATP energy production, and stimulates production of the main antioxidant enzyme Glutathione peroxidase to protect the mitochondria. Ginger root is a thermogenic, an expectorant, laxative, appetizer, digestive
Fennel—The Greeks drank a cup of fennel tea fifteen minutes before eating a meal and noticed a reduction in appetite, through fine-tuning the digestive system so food was turned into energy rather than fat. Fennel essential oil removes blockage that impacts the liver, spleen, gall bladder, kidneys, and stomach. The antimicrobial properties of fennel oil promote weight loss in treating gas, bloating, and indigestion. Fennel oil contains anethole, a volatile oil that acts as an expectorant to thin out excess mucus and respiratory congestion, thereby improving oxygen efficiency, increasing energy levels and improving cell regeneration. Fennel oil stimulates the fat cells into converting fat back to energy for positivity, courage and empowerment. Anethole a plant hormone similar to human estrogen (also in anise and Guaraná) increases thermogenesis, speeding up the body's metabolism. Anethole is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- cancer and also inhibits muscle spasm, especially in the intestinal tract. The Titan Prometheus stole kundalini-fire in a giant fennel-stalk and gave it back to mankind. Fennel is an all round protector of the fire of life. The phenol compounds in fennel are antioxidant, insulin sensitizing and decrease in the level of lipids in the blood, has a distinct effect on obesity and metabolic X.
Gymnema sylvestre—Cowplant is a traditional herb for balancing blood sugar levels, stimulates insulin secretion and help nourish and regenerate the pancreas. Gymnema can also help prevent adrenal hormones from stimulating the liver to produce glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. Gymnema reduces the taste of sugar when it is placed in the mouth, thus some use it to fight sugar cravings. Gymnema is not only claimed to curb sweet tooths but also for treatment of as varied problems as hyperglycemia, obesity, high cholesterol levels, anemia and digestion.
Bitter Melon—Bitter melon does much the same as chromium: it improves the body’s ability to use blood sugar and improves glucose tolerance that is, the body’s ability to get the blood sugar into the cells, which helps in lowering blood and urine sugar levels. widely used in Asian cooking—in soups, stir-frys and tea for increasing bile flow, improving fat digestion, and generating stomach acid and enzymes that digest proteins. Increased saliva output from consuming bitter melon also enhances starch digestion.
Banaba—Crape-myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa) can improve the body's ability to produce, secrete, and use insulin. Banaba is known as a natural plant insulin, as the active ingredient corosolic acid has insulin like effect to lower glucose in the body and is effective in treating diabetes. Banaba may also delay and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the body and promote weight loss.
Acai—The Acai berry has one of the highest anti-oxidant values of any edible substance in the world – 10 times that of red grapes. Rhodiola, cordyceps and Acai help repair and enhance the ability of the mitochondria to produce energy.
Ashitaba is a species of the celery or angelica family containing chalcone flavonoids with potent antioxidant protection to DNA and mitochondria. The B 12 found in ashitaba help build new hemoglobin (red blood cells) allowing more oxygen in the blood and better cell functioning. Plus Ashitaba increases Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), stimulates the immune system, digestion, is anti-viral anti-bacterial and anticancer. Great as a green tea.
Quercetin—Quercetin is a natural anti-oxidant found in the skin of apples, blueberries, and onions. It is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory agent and antihistamine in one. Quercetin can help "chelate" or remove heavy metals and unbound iron and copper from the body.
Forskolin—Forskolin catalyzes adenylyl cyclase an enzyme required for the conversion of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) into another compound called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Coleus forskohlii is commonly used to raise levels of cAMP which regulates and activates critical enzymes required for the cellular energy and an important signal carrier necessary for the proper biological response of cells to hormones and other extracellular signals. Forskolin significantly increases lean mass, bone mass, and testosterone, promotes nerve repair, resensitizes cell receptors, counters hypothyroidism and increases resistance to radiation and encourages DNA repair. Forskolin is a vasodilator, it reduces blood pressure, increased force of contraction of the heart muscle, is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, dilates the lungs, reduces platelet aggregation, stimulation of digestive enzymes and aids in digestive and malabsorption disorders. The breakdown of fat for fuel (lipolysis) is actually regulated by cAMP. Coleus powder also has a thyroid-stimulating action, which contributes to thermogenesis and an increase in the basal metabolic rate, reduces adipose assimilation and increased lipolysis of fats. As a sculpting gel it is used to trigger fat breakdown in cellulite and topical cream for psoriasis.
Green Tea—Helps promote fat burning and provides EGCG, a powerful metabolism booster and anti-oxidant. Green tea is most known as a drink, but also provides a natural energy burst without caffeine.
Hoodia Gordonii—"Bushman's Hat" is a spiky cactus from the Kalahari Desert contains a molecule that is about 10,000 times as active as glucose, that goes to the appetite regulating cells in the hypothalamus making those nerve cells fire as if you were full and so you lose your appetite, plus it has feel-good, mood raising and aphrodisiac qualities. Both blood sugar and other nutrients pass more easily into the cell by various chemicals from this plant, improving blood sugar regulation and energy creation.
Bauhinia purpurea—“Purple Orchid-Tree” is a flowering plant native to south China, but also grown in Hawaii, Texas and California. It has been known to possess antibacterial, antidiabetic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal, anticancerous, nephroprotective and thyroid hormone regulating activity.
Bacopa monnieri—“Waterhyssop” also has antioxidant properties, reducing oxidation of fats in the bloodstream and acts as a fat burner by increasing thyroid-hormone levels and hence metabolic levels. Bacopa has shown to reduce anxiety, enhance cognitive ability, improve memory capacity.
Cirsium Oligophyllum—“Japanese thistle” extract was originally used as a remedy against swollen veins. Used in confluence with caffeine, this element can speed along weight loss efforts. along with blood glucose stabilizing compounds, may accelerate fat burning.
Stinging Nettle—Stinging nettle tea is one of the top fat burning drinks used for cleansing and weight loss and lowering blood sugar. The extract is used by bodybuilders to enhance the level of testosterone in the body and so nettle aids fat burning.
Indian Kino Tree (Pterocarpus marsupium) helps move sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, beta cell protective and regenerative properties.
Resveratrol from Muscadine red grapes for free-radical protection at the cellular level, as well as cardiovascular and brain support. Resveratrol is known to increase cAMP.
Luteolin—Luteolin is a super-potent citrus bioflavonoid that has been shown to suppress inflammatory cytokines, a promoter of carbohydrate metabolism, and an immune system modulator. Dietary sources include celery, green pepper, thyme, perilla, chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, navel oranges, thyme, dandelion, rinds, barks, clover blossom and oregano.
Pollen—The outer surface of pollen is able to bind various substances such as heavy metals, toxins and pesticides like a sponge. ATP synthase is an important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of (ATP). The sprouts, growing tips and reproductive parts of plants are the best source of enzymes in general.
Apples—That ursolic acid from apple peels grows muscle mass is attributed to enhanced insulin signaling in muscle and to corrections in the gene signatures linked to atrophy. Animals given ursolic acid also became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Ursolic acid is reported to have beneficial effects on the regulation of cardiovascular homeostasis, and also reduces swelling and inflammation. Triterpenoids isolated from apple peels have potent antiproliferative activity and may be partially responsible for apple's anticancer activity.
Malic Acid—When red blood cells carry inadequate oxygen to the cells they revert to their least efficient mode of anaerobic energy production, the lactic acid or alcohol pathways. Producing energy with the lactic acid pathway makes you only 6.9% ATP compared to what can be made through the pathway of oxidation metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, or fatty acid. Malic acid gives a signal to the mitochondria to use oxygen to burn fat as fuel or to use oxygen to burn glucose as energy. Malic acid kicks your muscles into their most efficient energy mode of using oxygen to produce its energy rather than anaerobic ways of doing it. Malic acid is a primary component of the Kreb's citric acid cycle where fats and glucose are converted to energy. Malic acid has the ability to allow the body to make ATP more efficiently, even under low oxygen, or hypoxic conditions. Malic acid also helps reduce lactic acid build-up in muscles. A relatively large amount of Malic acid is produced and broken down in the human body every day, it provides the cells with energy and carbon skeletons for the formation of amino acids. When malic acid levels are high, our bodies are better equipped to convert carbohydrates into fuel for our bodies. When hypothyroidism reduces this conversion process, supplementing the body with malic acid is advisable. Elite athletes are using malic acid powder to boost energy conversion and athletic performance.
The combination of malic acid from apples and magnesium hydroxide lead to improvements in energy, with the reduction of muscle pain and tenderness.
Research has shown DL-malic acid in a ratio of 4:1 over magnesium hydroxide produces the maximum amount of ATP in the body. Besides breaking up kidney stones and gallstones malic acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around joints, helping relieve joint pains. The combination of malic acid and magnesium can as well reverse muscle fatigue, enhance the performance of the muscles, relieve fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Malic acid acts as an efficient metal chelator that can bind to potential toxic metals, such as lead or aluminum, removing them from the brain and the liver. When there is not enough Magnesium in the body to plug into the appropriate receptor site on the tubulin enzyme, aluminum takes its place instead. This leads to the inactivation of tubulin and, consequently, inadequate nerve function. Tubulin of course is the substance that composes the microtubules through which the process of consciousness occurs.
Magnesium Malate combines magnesium and malic acid. Both substances help produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and combats excess aluminum accumulation. Aluminum toxicity is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and the production of free radicals. Topically malic acid is basically alpha hydroxyl acid, penetrates skin and tightens the pores to result in smoother and firmer skin tone. Organic and unfiltered Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is helpful in fighting fungal and bacterial infections. Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and thallium interfere with the glucose metabolizing catalysts, thus reducing the generation of energy throughout the body. It is interesting to note that the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning are similar to the symptoms of hypoglycemia i.e. hyperactivity, mood swings, manic depressive behavior, poor concentration and impulsive and unpredictable behavior. While using malic acid to remove heavy metals glutathione levels should also be raised for antioxidant protection by taking the precursors cysteine (or N-acetyl-cysteine) and glutamine. In the kidney, Glutamine also regulates hydration, electrolyte balance and the acid/base balance which affects muscle response. Low glutamine reserves result in excessive excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and shifts pH to an acid balance, with the resulting loss of physical energy. Large amounts of glutamine are used for glutathione, the body's most powerful, abundant, water-soluble antioxidant. Similarly when high levels of Vitamin C are used to chelate heavy metals for removal from the body, this can remove the good minerals as well, so kelp supplementation should be used in association.
Zeolite Cider Water: One way to get the ATP boosting benefits of malic acid from apple cider vinegar is to add it to drinking water along with Zeolite powder. From this you get Nano Silicon and electrolytes, plus the detoxification of ammonia, free radicals, heavy metals, radiation, endotoxins and mycotoxins etc… ATP exists in the cell mostly in a complex with Mg2+ so by clearing out the heavy metals, zeolites allow the magnesium in the body to work with the ATP. This cleans the blood and reduces plateless stickiness, reduces the viscosity of lymph, ionizes/repolarizes the cells and generally decreases stagnation on all levels. This zeolite cider water is good for weight loss and detoxification, grounding, alkalinizes pH, H+ ions adsorbed by the clay, and eliminates the pathogen load…thereby reinstating a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness.
In the body carnitine is produced in the liver, kidneys and brain from lysine and methionine, and stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential to the synthesis of carnitine. The highest concentrations of carnitine are found in red meat and dairy products. Other natural sources of carnitine include nuts, seeds, legumes or beans, grains, vegetables, fruits and bee pollen, brewer's yeast and carob. L-carnitine doesn’t absorb well into cells unless there is an insulin spike to increase cell permeability such as from a carbohydrate load so it would be good to add to smoothies. Both Acetyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine absorption improves with sodium. The typical dosage is 250 mg to 500 mg once a day, preferably in the morning along with arginine for maximum brain boost.
L-Citrulline—The amino acid Citrulline is made from ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate in one of the central reactions in the urea cycle, the pathway by which mammals excrete ammonia. It is also produced from arginine as a by-product of the reaction catalyzed by Nitric oxide synthases. NOS are enzymes that catalyze the production of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine). L-Citrulline promotes energy, stimulates the immune system, optimizes blood flow and alleviates mental and physical fatigue. L-Citrulline is found plant foods such as flaxseed, onions, garlic and is particularly high in the rind of yellow-fleshed watermelons. Citrulline is changed into arginine in the body, an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, providing the same effect of Viagra, and also opening the heart and increasing blood supply to the brain. Citrulline malate is a form used as a performance-enhancing supplement, which reduces muscle fatigue, improves sports performance and reduces recovery time.
NADH—Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is made from B3 or Niacin. The energy producing organelles of the cell (mitochondria) produce NADH which in turn produces cellular energy ATP. Whether NADH is produced internally within the cell enters the body from a dietary supplement, it will trigger cellular energy production. A byproduct of this energy product is free radicals, which interfere with cellular energy production by destroying enzymes and mitochondria. NADH is the body’s most powerful antioxidant, and it can regenerate other important antioxidants. NADH: About one-third of NAD is produced from vitamin B3 Niacin or niacinamide and about two-thirds from the catabolism of tryptophan. Niacin is a precursor to NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH, which play essential metabolic roles in living cells.[4] Niacin is involved in both DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. don't supplement with NADH it is too expensive...use extra niacin if you need it (like cleaning out heavy metals) but otherwise B complex would be fine for most...keeping up with a systemized vitamin intake throughout the day for the initial rebooting. It is the actual conversion of Niacin into NADH that is beneficial to Schizophrenics. Niacin cannot be directly converted to nicotinamide, but both compounds could be converted to NAD and NADP within the body. Although the two are identical in their vitamin activity, nicotinamide does not have the same pharmacological effects (lipid modifying effects) as niacin; these effects occur as side effects of niacin's conversion. Nicotinamide does not reduce cholesterol or cause flushing
Acetyl Co-Enzyme "A"—Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule in metabolism, used in many biochemical reactions. It assists in transferring fatty acids from the cytoplasm to mitochondria to enter the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production. Acetyl-CoA is produced during the second step of aerobic cellular respiration, pyruvate decarboxylation, which occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria. Acetyl-CoA then enters the citric acid cycle. Acetyl-CoA is also an important component in the biogenic synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Coenzyme A is formed from adenosine triphosphate (ATP), cysteine and pantothenic acid.
Succinate—Succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that plays a biochemical role in the citric acid cycle. Succinic acid has been shown to stimulate neural system recovery and bolster the immune system. Traditionally succinic acid was derived from powdered amber was mixed with honey or oils and used for almost every illness.
Alpha Lipoic Acid—Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid found naturally inside every cell in the body. Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant that functions in water and fat. Alpha lipoic acid increases the formation of glutathione and regenerates Vitamin C and E. It has also been shown in studies to be capable of rejuvenating mitochondria in cells after damage from antibiotics and chemicals, resulting in increased ATP production, and hence an increase in energy in chronic fatigue sufferers and a decrease in muscle pain in fibromyalgia patients. A higher energy level allows the cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and replace damaged components. Alpha lipoic is found naturally in the mitochondria so it can literally affect whether the cell functions with greater or lesser speed. Alpha lipoic acid counters aging by increasing energy production. Spinach is nature's #1 source of Alpha Lipoic Acid. Two forms of lipoic acid are sold on the supplement market, but R-lipoic acid is far more potent.
D-Ribose—Ribose is a five-carbon sugar used by all living cells and is an essential component for energy production, as well as being a component of ATP and RNA. Ribose provides the necessary substrate for synthesis of nucleotides, which form major cellular components such as ATP. Research also indicates that in muscle, ribose can accelerate ATP synthesis by up to 4.3-fold.
Spirulina—Bluegree Algae neutralizes acidity. The enzymes in Spirulina improve digestion and recharge your energy at the cellular level. Spirulina contains high levels of energy-boosting Vitamin B-12. It has 2300% more iron than spinach and 3900% more beta carotene than carrots! The iron in Spirulina is highly absorbable so your body can use it right away.
Chlorophyll—Chlorophyll is a good source of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and K that help to neutralise harmful molecules (free radicals). Research has shown that chlorophyll is at least as good an antioxidant as vitamin C in inhibiting lipid peroxidation and protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage. Chlorophyll also inhibits radiation-induced DNA and mitochondrial membrane damage and is a potent protector of oxidative damage to DNA. The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass and other greens, “may” help the body to produce more ATP via the enzyme ATP synthase and coenzymes in the chloroplasts, as well as removing the toxic interference of ammonia and heavy metals.
Kelp—is a rich source of natural vitamins, amino acids and chelated minerals, including essential trace minerals. Seaweeds act as natural chelators of heavy metals that improve metabolism in cells, increase ATP production, body temperature, energy levels, and immune function.
Creatine: By helping the body recover spent ATP, creatine helps increase energy reactions in a cell's mitochondria. Creatine is involved in the energy source for muscle contraction. When the body’s energy molecule ATP gives up one of is phosphate molecules as work is being done it is creatine phosphate that in turn gives its phosphate molecule to convert the ADP back to ATP again, so more work can be done.
S-adenosylmethionine—SAMe is involved in the synthesis and protection of DNA, RNA, and protein, maintains mitochondrial function, restores membrane fluidity and facilitates the binding of hormones to cell receptors, forms glutathione.
Co enzyme Q10—CoQ10 or “ubiquinone” is an essential component of the membranes of the mitochondria organelles that declines with age. It is a basic component of electron transport chain taking an active part in transferring protons and electrons. CoQ10 carries oxygen to the cells to produce ATP. According to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, without adequate supplies of electron carriers like coenzyme Q10, we have problems producing ATP, the energy molecule. (Iron-sulfur proteins, copper proteins, and riboflavin-based proteins are also electron carriers.) CoQ10 together with tocopherol protect membranes of mitochondria against peroxidation. The antioxidant activity of vitamin E requires the CoQ10 to be available, to which vitamin E will pass on the unpaired electron (free radical) that it has scavenged. Coenzyme Q10 might be involved in maintaining the proper pH of lysosomes, which are a digestive component of cells. Coenzyme Q10 is found in the highest amounts in organ meats such as liver and heart of wild animals, raindeer heart containing the highest. Some CoQ10 is made in the liver and it is found in most food sources including red meat, fish (sardines), wholegrains, nuts and green vegetables. CoQ10 levels are often low in those avoiding red meat and extremely low in vegans and is also destroyed by heat. Coenzyme Q-10 is manufactured by fermenting beets and sugar cane with special strains of yeast. Supplemental CoQ10 is fat soluble so it should be taken after meals or together with omega-3. Its effect as an antioxidant depends on the presence of zinc. The body usually uses about 500 mg per day with a reserve pool of 2 grams. CoQ10 and cholesterol are both synthesized from the same substance, mevalonate. During exposure to sunlight, researchers have found that the skin ís coenzyme Q10 content is quickly depleted. Candida interferes utilization of coenzyme Q10 from food, for the yeast uses it and alters it before it can be absorbed. Idebenone is a coenzyme Q-10 derivative with increased blood-brain barrier penetration.
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone—Like CoQ10, the coenzyme PQQ is a super-anti-aging antioxidant, providing extraordinary defense against mitochondrial decay. And like CoQ10, PQQ actively participates in the energy transfer within the mitochondria that supplies the body with most of its ATP energy. PQQ is a cellular rejuvenator that increases mitochondria number and triggers mitochondrial biogenesis—the spontaneous formation of new mitochondria in aging cells! PQQ activates genes that govern mitochondrial reproduction, protection, and repair. These same genes also support healthy body weight, normal fat and sugar metabolism, and youthful cellular proliferation. PQQ’s capacity as a cell signaling modulator and a superior antioxidant and potent growth factor optimize health and function of the body’s most energetic organs: the heart and brain. It stimulates production and release of nerve growth factor and reverses cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress, plus it interacts in a beneficial manner with our brain’s neurotransmitter systems, modifying the NMDA glutamate receptors that are involved in “excitotoxicity” or the long-term overstimulation of neurons. Besides calorie restriction and strenuous physical activity PQQ is one of the only known ways to reliably stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, and halt and reverse cellular aging.
Pyrroloquinoline quinone acts as growth factor to both plant and certain strains of bacteria. BioPQQ is produced by fusion of glutamate and tyrosine in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria through a natural fermentation process involve the oxidation of alcohols or aldose sugars. PQQ is a water-soluble and may be considered a member of the vitamin B group. PQQ is three times higher in Natto (Bacillus subtilis var natto,-fermented soybeans) than in other foods. It is also found in parsley, green and oolong tea, papayas, green pepper, spinach, kiwi fruit, broad beans, tofu and miso. Nattokinase has been effectively marketed by Kenrico in a patented product that prevents cell damage or apoptosis. Sold under the trade name Lexirin, it is derived from fermented soybean to address gastrointenstinal disorders, dermatological conditions, and immunodeficiencies.
Natto—Note that the Bacillus subtilis is hardy and can tolerate high heat, such as boiled water or a dehydrator…meaning that the PQQ may also be preserved. For increasing PQQ perhaps we could make dehydrated non-cereal crackers and breads that are sprouted, ground, fermented with natto bacteria, and fermented drinks made with kefir as well. or —Mitoku Traditional Natto Spores, Use a heating pad inside a Styrofoam cooler to keep natto at 100°F for 24 hrs. NB: Other cultures for kefir, miso and soy sauce etc…
Bentofiamine—Bentofiamine is fat-soluble B1 (thiamine) helps protect against the dangers of elevated blood sugar and toxic glycation reactions (AGEs), protecting your nerve function, circulation, and more.
Thiamin—Thiamin (also spelled thiamine) is a water-soluble B vitamin, previously known as vitamin B1. Thiamin deficiency, has negative cognitive effects. Adequate intake of thiamin is important for reactions in the brain that metabolize carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. For instance, phosphorylated forms of thiamin, are required cofactors for enzymes of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle. Additionally, thiamin triphosphate (TTP) may be involved in neuronal membrane functions and nerve action potential generation. Thiamine-deficient animals are unable to oxidize pyruvate normally, particularly in the brain, which usually obtains all its energy by aerobic oxidation of glucose and for which pyruvate oxidation is therefore vital. For the production of cellular energy pyruvate enzyme complexes found within mitochondria requires thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and lipoic acid.
Riboflavin—Vitamin B2 serves as a precursor to flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme involved in the energy-producing mitochondrial electron-transport chain, acting as catalyst in the transfer of electrons in numerous essential oxidation-reduction reactions (redox reactions). Riboflavin is one of the most widely distributed water-soluble vitamins is an important antioxidant. Riboflavin turns vitamin B6 and folic acid into their coenzyme forms and is need in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin. Vitamin B2 assists in the synthesis of steroids, red blood cells, glycogen, maintains the integrity of mucous membranes, skin, eyes and the nervous system, and is involved in adrenaline production.
Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide—FAD is a redox cofactor involved in several important reactions in metabolism. FAD consists of riboflavin (vitamin B2) bound to the phosphate group of an ADP molecule. FAD can be reduced (hydrolyzed) to FADH2, which serves to carry high-energy electrons used in oxidative phosphorylation. Riboflavin, mainly as FAD, is distributed in all tissues, but concentrations are low and little is stored. The liver and retinal tissues are the main storage places.
Vitamin B5—Co-enzyme A, derived from pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) activates the fatty acids and glucose in the Krebs Cycle.
DHEA—This precursor hormone declines dramatically with age. One of the numerous benefits of replacement to youthful levels is that it helps increase transport of carnitine into the mitochondria.
Ca-2 AEP— "Membrane Integrity Factor." shuttles acetyl groups and fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production. The calcium salt of 2-aminoethanol phosphate is an essential factor for cell membrane integrity and cell sensitivity, benefits autoimmune conditions and demyelinating. It binds fatty acids and electrolytes to the cell membrane structure that generates the cells electrical charge. Calcium 2 AEP protects cells against penetration by aggressive substances such as toxins, bacteria and viruses, but permits penetration and transport of nutritive substances.
Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a water-soluble amino acid that helps increase the blood supply to the brain, promotes healthy oxygen utilization, is antioxidant, reduces lactic acid build up from exercise, resulting in more efficient muscle contraction and muscle recovery and high physical and raising mental energy levels. DMG is found in foods such as brown rice, beans, brewer's yeast, liver and pumpkin seeds; and is also a byproduct of the metabolism of choline.
Cayenne—Chili peppers increase glucose metabolism, raise the metabolic rate and help the mitochondria to use oxygen more effectively by improving blood circulation. The brain responds to the burning sensation of chilli peppers by raising the heart rate, increasing perspiration and release of endorphins.
Capsaicin alters how the body's cells use energy produced by hydrolysis of ATP. When capsaicin is present, it alters the conformation of the protein that moves calcium ions, and thus reduces the ion movement, as a result the ATP energy is instead released as heat.
Evodiamine—The Chinese herb, Wu-Chu-Yu works primarily by stimulating vanilloid receptor agonistic activities to raise body temperature and suppress appetite. Like capsaicin, skin temperature increases dramatically, however, the body core temperature remains the same. Body weight, serum-free fatty acid levels, and total lipids, triglyceride, and cholesterol are significantly reduced. Must be used with peristalsis enhancing herbs as it slightly slows the gastrointestinal transit of ingested foods.
Ginger increases ATP energy production, and stimulates production of the main antioxidant enzyme Glutathione peroxidase to protect the mitochondria. Ginger root is a thermogenic, an expectorant, laxative, appetizer, digestive
Fennel—The Greeks drank a cup of fennel tea fifteen minutes before eating a meal and noticed a reduction in appetite, through fine-tuning the digestive system so food was turned into energy rather than fat. Fennel essential oil removes blockage that impacts the liver, spleen, gall bladder, kidneys, and stomach. The antimicrobial properties of fennel oil promote weight loss in treating gas, bloating, and indigestion. Fennel oil contains anethole, a volatile oil that acts as an expectorant to thin out excess mucus and respiratory congestion, thereby improving oxygen efficiency, increasing energy levels and improving cell regeneration. Fennel oil stimulates the fat cells into converting fat back to energy for positivity, courage and empowerment. Anethole a plant hormone similar to human estrogen (also in anise and Guaraná) increases thermogenesis, speeding up the body's metabolism. Anethole is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- cancer and also inhibits muscle spasm, especially in the intestinal tract. The Titan Prometheus stole kundalini-fire in a giant fennel-stalk and gave it back to mankind. Fennel is an all round protector of the fire of life. The phenol compounds in fennel are antioxidant, insulin sensitizing and decrease in the level of lipids in the blood, has a distinct effect on obesity and metabolic X.
Gymnema sylvestre—Cowplant is a traditional herb for balancing blood sugar levels, stimulates insulin secretion and help nourish and regenerate the pancreas. Gymnema can also help prevent adrenal hormones from stimulating the liver to produce glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. Gymnema reduces the taste of sugar when it is placed in the mouth, thus some use it to fight sugar cravings. Gymnema is not only claimed to curb sweet tooths but also for treatment of as varied problems as hyperglycemia, obesity, high cholesterol levels, anemia and digestion.
Bitter Melon—Bitter melon does much the same as chromium: it improves the body’s ability to use blood sugar and improves glucose tolerance that is, the body’s ability to get the blood sugar into the cells, which helps in lowering blood and urine sugar levels. widely used in Asian cooking—in soups, stir-frys and tea for increasing bile flow, improving fat digestion, and generating stomach acid and enzymes that digest proteins. Increased saliva output from consuming bitter melon also enhances starch digestion.
Banaba—Crape-myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa) can improve the body's ability to produce, secrete, and use insulin. Banaba is known as a natural plant insulin, as the active ingredient corosolic acid has insulin like effect to lower glucose in the body and is effective in treating diabetes. Banaba may also delay and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the body and promote weight loss.
Acai—The Acai berry has one of the highest anti-oxidant values of any edible substance in the world – 10 times that of red grapes. Rhodiola, cordyceps and Acai help repair and enhance the ability of the mitochondria to produce energy.
Ashitaba is a species of the celery or angelica family containing chalcone flavonoids with potent antioxidant protection to DNA and mitochondria. The B 12 found in ashitaba help build new hemoglobin (red blood cells) allowing more oxygen in the blood and better cell functioning. Plus Ashitaba increases Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), stimulates the immune system, digestion, is anti-viral anti-bacterial and anticancer. Great as a green tea.
Quercetin—Quercetin is a natural anti-oxidant found in the skin of apples, blueberries, and onions. It is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory agent and antihistamine in one. Quercetin can help "chelate" or remove heavy metals and unbound iron and copper from the body.
Forskolin—Forskolin catalyzes adenylyl cyclase an enzyme required for the conversion of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) into another compound called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Coleus forskohlii is commonly used to raise levels of cAMP which regulates and activates critical enzymes required for the cellular energy and an important signal carrier necessary for the proper biological response of cells to hormones and other extracellular signals. Forskolin significantly increases lean mass, bone mass, and testosterone, promotes nerve repair, resensitizes cell receptors, counters hypothyroidism and increases resistance to radiation and encourages DNA repair. Forskolin is a vasodilator, it reduces blood pressure, increased force of contraction of the heart muscle, is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, dilates the lungs, reduces platelet aggregation, stimulation of digestive enzymes and aids in digestive and malabsorption disorders. The breakdown of fat for fuel (lipolysis) is actually regulated by cAMP. Coleus powder also has a thyroid-stimulating action, which contributes to thermogenesis and an increase in the basal metabolic rate, reduces adipose assimilation and increased lipolysis of fats. As a sculpting gel it is used to trigger fat breakdown in cellulite and topical cream for psoriasis.
Green Tea—Helps promote fat burning and provides EGCG, a powerful metabolism booster and anti-oxidant. Green tea is most known as a drink, but also provides a natural energy burst without caffeine.
Hoodia Gordonii—"Bushman's Hat" is a spiky cactus from the Kalahari Desert contains a molecule that is about 10,000 times as active as glucose, that goes to the appetite regulating cells in the hypothalamus making those nerve cells fire as if you were full and so you lose your appetite, plus it has feel-good, mood raising and aphrodisiac qualities. Both blood sugar and other nutrients pass more easily into the cell by various chemicals from this plant, improving blood sugar regulation and energy creation.
Bauhinia purpurea—“Purple Orchid-Tree” is a flowering plant native to south China, but also grown in Hawaii, Texas and California. It has been known to possess antibacterial, antidiabetic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal, anticancerous, nephroprotective and thyroid hormone regulating activity.
Bacopa monnieri—“Waterhyssop” also has antioxidant properties, reducing oxidation of fats in the bloodstream and acts as a fat burner by increasing thyroid-hormone levels and hence metabolic levels. Bacopa has shown to reduce anxiety, enhance cognitive ability, improve memory capacity.
Cirsium Oligophyllum—“Japanese thistle” extract was originally used as a remedy against swollen veins. Used in confluence with caffeine, this element can speed along weight loss efforts. along with blood glucose stabilizing compounds, may accelerate fat burning.
Stinging Nettle—Stinging nettle tea is one of the top fat burning drinks used for cleansing and weight loss and lowering blood sugar. The extract is used by bodybuilders to enhance the level of testosterone in the body and so nettle aids fat burning.
Indian Kino Tree (Pterocarpus marsupium) helps move sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, beta cell protective and regenerative properties.
Resveratrol from Muscadine red grapes for free-radical protection at the cellular level, as well as cardiovascular and brain support. Resveratrol is known to increase cAMP.
Luteolin—Luteolin is a super-potent citrus bioflavonoid that has been shown to suppress inflammatory cytokines, a promoter of carbohydrate metabolism, and an immune system modulator. Dietary sources include celery, green pepper, thyme, perilla, chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, navel oranges, thyme, dandelion, rinds, barks, clover blossom and oregano.
Pollen—The outer surface of pollen is able to bind various substances such as heavy metals, toxins and pesticides like a sponge. ATP synthase is an important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of (ATP). The sprouts, growing tips and reproductive parts of plants are the best source of enzymes in general.
Apples—That ursolic acid from apple peels grows muscle mass is attributed to enhanced insulin signaling in muscle and to corrections in the gene signatures linked to atrophy. Animals given ursolic acid also became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Ursolic acid is reported to have beneficial effects on the regulation of cardiovascular homeostasis, and also reduces swelling and inflammation. Triterpenoids isolated from apple peels have potent antiproliferative activity and may be partially responsible for apple's anticancer activity.
Malic Acid—When red blood cells carry inadequate oxygen to the cells they revert to their least efficient mode of anaerobic energy production, the lactic acid or alcohol pathways. Producing energy with the lactic acid pathway makes you only 6.9% ATP compared to what can be made through the pathway of oxidation metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, or fatty acid. Malic acid gives a signal to the mitochondria to use oxygen to burn fat as fuel or to use oxygen to burn glucose as energy. Malic acid kicks your muscles into their most efficient energy mode of using oxygen to produce its energy rather than anaerobic ways of doing it. Malic acid is a primary component of the Kreb's citric acid cycle where fats and glucose are converted to energy. Malic acid has the ability to allow the body to make ATP more efficiently, even under low oxygen, or hypoxic conditions. Malic acid also helps reduce lactic acid build-up in muscles. A relatively large amount of Malic acid is produced and broken down in the human body every day, it provides the cells with energy and carbon skeletons for the formation of amino acids. When malic acid levels are high, our bodies are better equipped to convert carbohydrates into fuel for our bodies. When hypothyroidism reduces this conversion process, supplementing the body with malic acid is advisable. Elite athletes are using malic acid powder to boost energy conversion and athletic performance.
The combination of malic acid from apples and magnesium hydroxide lead to improvements in energy, with the reduction of muscle pain and tenderness.
Research has shown DL-malic acid in a ratio of 4:1 over magnesium hydroxide produces the maximum amount of ATP in the body. Besides breaking up kidney stones and gallstones malic acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around joints, helping relieve joint pains. The combination of malic acid and magnesium can as well reverse muscle fatigue, enhance the performance of the muscles, relieve fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Malic acid acts as an efficient metal chelator that can bind to potential toxic metals, such as lead or aluminum, removing them from the brain and the liver. When there is not enough Magnesium in the body to plug into the appropriate receptor site on the tubulin enzyme, aluminum takes its place instead. This leads to the inactivation of tubulin and, consequently, inadequate nerve function. Tubulin of course is the substance that composes the microtubules through which the process of consciousness occurs.
Magnesium Malate combines magnesium and malic acid. Both substances help produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and combats excess aluminum accumulation. Aluminum toxicity is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and the production of free radicals. Topically malic acid is basically alpha hydroxyl acid, penetrates skin and tightens the pores to result in smoother and firmer skin tone. Organic and unfiltered Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is helpful in fighting fungal and bacterial infections. Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and thallium interfere with the glucose metabolizing catalysts, thus reducing the generation of energy throughout the body. It is interesting to note that the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning are similar to the symptoms of hypoglycemia i.e. hyperactivity, mood swings, manic depressive behavior, poor concentration and impulsive and unpredictable behavior. While using malic acid to remove heavy metals glutathione levels should also be raised for antioxidant protection by taking the precursors cysteine (or N-acetyl-cysteine) and glutamine. In the kidney, Glutamine also regulates hydration, electrolyte balance and the acid/base balance which affects muscle response. Low glutamine reserves result in excessive excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and shifts pH to an acid balance, with the resulting loss of physical energy. Large amounts of glutamine are used for glutathione, the body's most powerful, abundant, water-soluble antioxidant. Similarly when high levels of Vitamin C are used to chelate heavy metals for removal from the body, this can remove the good minerals as well, so kelp supplementation should be used in association.
Zeolite Cider Water: One way to get the ATP boosting benefits of malic acid from apple cider vinegar is to add it to drinking water along with Zeolite powder. From this you get Nano Silicon and electrolytes, plus the detoxification of ammonia, free radicals, heavy metals, radiation, endotoxins and mycotoxins etc… ATP exists in the cell mostly in a complex with Mg2+ so by clearing out the heavy metals, zeolites allow the magnesium in the body to work with the ATP. This cleans the blood and reduces plateless stickiness, reduces the viscosity of lymph, ionizes/repolarizes the cells and generally decreases stagnation on all levels. This zeolite cider water is good for weight loss and detoxification, grounding, alkalinizes pH, H+ ions adsorbed by the clay, and eliminates the pathogen load…thereby reinstating a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Body Borg is synonymous with Metabolic X Syndrome, which began with the dawn of agriculture.
Ori Hofmekler, author of “The Warrior Diet” points out that cereals and starches are slave food for subduing the masses into a placid, bovine, slow-witted intelligence suitable for hard labor. We can see why this is when we consider the “receptor resistance” factor induced by cereal consumption. Cereals may be food for the masses but they do not make for sustainable culture, evolving populations or individuating sovereigns. They instead lead to metabolic X syndrome and the depletion of societal resources in coping with compounding dysfunction and disease. That disease is big business in Borg society is an understatement.
During the feudal and industrial ages cereals made for a malleable servile slave class, that would even lay down their lives for their rulers. But now in the information age, a high carbohydrate diet is a cognition killer when combined with modern lifestyle challenges such as the lack of exercise and the various agents of inflammation: EMFs, radiation, toxins, processed food, high-carb, low-protein diets, common allergens like casein and gluten, dysbiosis, pathogens, stress, lack of sleep, sick building syndrome etc… Most polyunsaturated vegetable oils like safflower, sunflower, corn, peanut and soy, are high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid that the body converts into the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid. These same oils contain almost no omega-3’s, which soothe inflammation. Our prehistoric ancestors ate a diet with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1, while our current ratio is between 10:1 and 25:1. This has profound effects for cell energy production as mentioned in the pieces on cardiolipin below (*See July and the Omega-3 list in August).
Although agricultural production of cereals allowed more people to survive over the millennia than otherwise would have, it is not “quantity” of people that we need, but “quality.” Through our learned cultural choices we are now hitting the metabolic wall with regards to the “sustainable quality” of human health and well-being. The plentiful supply of cheap cereal carbohydrates over the last 10 thousand years has resulted in a dysmetabolic pandemic that is inherited epigenetically and through cultural habit…changing the very nature of the “human,” and directly causing the diseases of aging and degeneration.
Extreme fluctuation of insulin levels results from a diet high in refined carbohydrate foods such as sugar, sweetened soft drinks and white bread. These are absorbed quickly from the intestines into the blood stream causing a sudden rise in blood glucose levels. Rapidly absorbed carbohydrates are said to have a “high glycemic index.” In order to stimulate the cells to absorb this sudden glucose load, the pancreas responds by releasing larger than normal quantities of insulin. The excessive amount of serum insulin precipitates a sudden fall in blood glucose, and within a couple of hours this level becomes very low. The consequent slump in energy stimulates craving for more high glycemic foods causing the blood glucose to rise dramatically once more, thus perpetuating the cycle of wildly fluctuating glucose and insulin levels.
Insulin is the primary hormone that controls how the body's cells absorb, use and store nutrients and energy. The amount of insulin the pancreas produces is in relation to the amount of carbohydrates eat. When extra carbs are eaten the excess beyond immediate fuel needs is stored as fat for burning in the future should extra energy be required. So if you eat fewer carbohydrates less insulin is produce and less fat is stored. When we eat carbohydrates in excess of our immediate fuel needs the pancreas must produce higher amounts of insulin, which overloads the insulin receptors and so they become numb or insulin resistant. When blood glucose is high, fat burning (lipolysis) is inhibited by insulin, thus ingestion of glucose rich foods is the primary factor in precipitating obesity. Also in the domesticated diet we are not getting a rich supply of the phytochemicals and antioxidants that reduce many of the pathological mechanisms that underlie obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Adipose tissue is an important endocrine organ that secretes numerous protein hormones, including leptin. The fat cell derived hormone Leptin (Greek leptos meaning thin) plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism. That the human leptin system is not specifically adapted to a cereal-based diet is one of the main reasons for the obesity epidemic and metabolic syndrome in general. The diseases of affluence involve increased insulin and leptin resistance which interferes with the cells hormonal feeding and energy metabolism regulation. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins found in cereals that play a role in biological recognition phenomena involving cells and proteins. Cereal lectins can cause leptin resistance either indirectly, through effects on leptin metabolism, and/or directly, through binding to the leptin or the leptin receptor, thereby affecting their function.
Leptin and insulin resistance are central to the cascade of metabolic X syndrome—high blood sugar, pathogens, reduction in oxygen, reduced energy generation, low cell voltage, sticky blood, sluggish lymph, lowered immunity, inflammation, glycation, exhausted antioxidant systems, overworked organs, insufficient energy for detoxification, aging of cells, fatigue and run away appetite and cravings as the cells are neither being fed or cleaned properly. This condition underlies all degenerative disease and provides the perfect terrain for infectious disease. Quality of life and Presence are greatly reduced as we fail to generate the energy needed to “pull ourselves together” into an integrated whole. As we restore our energy metabolism and integrate our cosmic an-atom-y we tap into vast inner resources of cosmic integration.
Cinnamon is a convenient and delicious method of raising insulin sensitivity. Researchers found that taking 1 tsp of cinnamon with meals resulted in a 50% reduction in blood sugar within 90 minutes, compared to controls. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar by activating phosphorylation of the insulin receptor, which then draws the sugar and nutrient transporters from the inner cell to the cell membrane where they pull the sugar and nutrients into the cell. In other words, the glucose transporter Glut4 is transported from cellular vesicles to the cell surface, where it then can mediate the transport of glucose into the cell. Insulin resistance prevents phosphorylation, while the better your phosphorylation the greater hormonal intelligence and the younger, thinner you’ll be.
Although insulin mainly works in muscle, fat and the liver, this hormone also exerts profound effects on many other body tissues. Besides regulating the cellular glucose metabolism, amino acids and fatty acids, insulin and insulin-like growth factor also activates and inactivates enzymes and directly affects certain genetic processes including protein synthesis, gene expression and cell growth and differentiation.
Insulin apparently exerts its glucose-lowering effects by stimulating glucose uptake in tissues such as skeletal muscle, suppressing fatty acid release from fat (adipose) tissue, and inhibiting production of glucose by the liver. It should be noted here that there are some tissues that do not require insulin for efficient uptake of glucose: important examples are the brain and the liver. This is because these cells don't use GLUT4 for importing glucose, but rather, another transporter that is not insulin-dependent. Liver, brain, and Red blood cells lack the insulin sensitive GLUT4. GLUT3 is a high affinity glucose transporter used in tissues highly dependent on glucose such as the brain. GLUT1 is responsible for the basic supply of glucose to the cells, red blood cells and the endothelial cells of the brain. GLUT1 appears to be the primary isoform for glucose transport through blood/tissue barriers including the retina, brain, placenta, testes and cerebrospinal fluid. The rate of transport is highly dependent on blood glucose levels.
The liver has a central role in glucose homeostasis because it extracts glucose from the bloodstream in times of plenty, and synthesizes glucose in times of need. Glucose metabolism throughout the body is coordinated by the brain in that the liver receives control signals from the hypothalamus, an area of the brain known to detect and integrate metabolic signals. Insulin acts on specialized ion channels, called KATP channels, in the hypothalamus to control glucose production. These channels, which lie in the outer membranes of hypothalamic neurons release potassium ions from cells in response to a drop in ATP. Decreased levels of ATP in response to falling glucose levels open the KATP channels allowing potassium ions to leave the cell, resulting in membrane hyperpolarization and reduced membrane excitability, which dampens its electrical activity.
Another downside of cereal consumption is the toxin acrylamide, which is by-product of fried, toasted and caramelized carbohydrates. The food toxin acrylamide is a carcinogen, that fragments DNA and generates free radicals. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects reduce the damage done by acrylamide. Turmeric also activates a genetic switch that generates more endogenous antioxidants. If we took “cinnamon, turmeric, papain/bromelain, kelp, spirulina” capsules with our meals…this along with the adoption of a more raw Paleolithic diet would greatly reduce the myriad symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome X. While transitioning however bread addicts can get away with some traditional Danish rye bread...which uses lacto-fermentation rather than yeast. I find uncolored Pumpernickel to be somewhat non-inflammatory.
The sovereign can avoid grains by eating crackers and breads made with sprouted non-cereal grains and seeds, that are technically raw by being “cooked” in a dehydrator. Non-cereal foods that can be made into flour for flat or leavened breads include: amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, wattleseed, kañiwa, cattail pollen and roots, breadnut, lambsquarters seed, chestnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, acorns, coconut, green pea, Bunya pine nuts, peanuts, poppy seed, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, Ginkgo, Mango seed. Chia/flaxseed/hemp crackers etc...made in a dehydrator may be a fine bread substitute.
A cereal-free hunter-gatherer diet promoted significantly higher insulin sensitivity, lower diastolic blood pressure and lower C-reactive protein, the levels of which rise in response to inflammation. The “Fall of Man” is due to the aberrated, deranged, acidifying and toxifying effects of the common Western diet. To build a strong sovereign body we must eliminate hyperinsulemia and eradicate the imbalanced terrain that encourages all manner of pathogens and parasites. We arrive at resistance to oxidative stress and inflammation by rectifying the toxic sludge of the blood—through increasing our leptin/insulin sensitivity and engaging in regular aerobic exercise to increase the glucose transporters and build mitochondria numbers. In this way we can quickly get sugar out of the blood and into the cells to burn as “life energy” without having to squirrel the excess away in the fat cells, risk glycating our protein structures, or without it being a fertile medium for pathogens. Regulating our energy metabolism is fundamental to genetic strength, longevity, immunity and stress resistance.
We can reverse aging, restore mitochondria to a more youthful expression and control our destiny to a marked degree with regular exercise and healthy eating.
Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous To Your Health by James Braly M.D. and Ron Hoggan M.A.
Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, by Sareen S. Gropper, Jack L. Smith, James L. Groff
Ori Hofmekler, author of “The Warrior Diet” points out that cereals and starches are slave food for subduing the masses into a placid, bovine, slow-witted intelligence suitable for hard labor. We can see why this is when we consider the “receptor resistance” factor induced by cereal consumption. Cereals may be food for the masses but they do not make for sustainable culture, evolving populations or individuating sovereigns. They instead lead to metabolic X syndrome and the depletion of societal resources in coping with compounding dysfunction and disease. That disease is big business in Borg society is an understatement.
During the feudal and industrial ages cereals made for a malleable servile slave class, that would even lay down their lives for their rulers. But now in the information age, a high carbohydrate diet is a cognition killer when combined with modern lifestyle challenges such as the lack of exercise and the various agents of inflammation: EMFs, radiation, toxins, processed food, high-carb, low-protein diets, common allergens like casein and gluten, dysbiosis, pathogens, stress, lack of sleep, sick building syndrome etc… Most polyunsaturated vegetable oils like safflower, sunflower, corn, peanut and soy, are high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid that the body converts into the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid. These same oils contain almost no omega-3’s, which soothe inflammation. Our prehistoric ancestors ate a diet with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1, while our current ratio is between 10:1 and 25:1. This has profound effects for cell energy production as mentioned in the pieces on cardiolipin below (*See July and the Omega-3 list in August).
Although agricultural production of cereals allowed more people to survive over the millennia than otherwise would have, it is not “quantity” of people that we need, but “quality.” Through our learned cultural choices we are now hitting the metabolic wall with regards to the “sustainable quality” of human health and well-being. The plentiful supply of cheap cereal carbohydrates over the last 10 thousand years has resulted in a dysmetabolic pandemic that is inherited epigenetically and through cultural habit…changing the very nature of the “human,” and directly causing the diseases of aging and degeneration.
Extreme fluctuation of insulin levels results from a diet high in refined carbohydrate foods such as sugar, sweetened soft drinks and white bread. These are absorbed quickly from the intestines into the blood stream causing a sudden rise in blood glucose levels. Rapidly absorbed carbohydrates are said to have a “high glycemic index.” In order to stimulate the cells to absorb this sudden glucose load, the pancreas responds by releasing larger than normal quantities of insulin. The excessive amount of serum insulin precipitates a sudden fall in blood glucose, and within a couple of hours this level becomes very low. The consequent slump in energy stimulates craving for more high glycemic foods causing the blood glucose to rise dramatically once more, thus perpetuating the cycle of wildly fluctuating glucose and insulin levels.
Insulin is the primary hormone that controls how the body's cells absorb, use and store nutrients and energy. The amount of insulin the pancreas produces is in relation to the amount of carbohydrates eat. When extra carbs are eaten the excess beyond immediate fuel needs is stored as fat for burning in the future should extra energy be required. So if you eat fewer carbohydrates less insulin is produce and less fat is stored. When we eat carbohydrates in excess of our immediate fuel needs the pancreas must produce higher amounts of insulin, which overloads the insulin receptors and so they become numb or insulin resistant. When blood glucose is high, fat burning (lipolysis) is inhibited by insulin, thus ingestion of glucose rich foods is the primary factor in precipitating obesity. Also in the domesticated diet we are not getting a rich supply of the phytochemicals and antioxidants that reduce many of the pathological mechanisms that underlie obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Adipose tissue is an important endocrine organ that secretes numerous protein hormones, including leptin. The fat cell derived hormone Leptin (Greek leptos meaning thin) plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism. That the human leptin system is not specifically adapted to a cereal-based diet is one of the main reasons for the obesity epidemic and metabolic syndrome in general. The diseases of affluence involve increased insulin and leptin resistance which interferes with the cells hormonal feeding and energy metabolism regulation. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins found in cereals that play a role in biological recognition phenomena involving cells and proteins. Cereal lectins can cause leptin resistance either indirectly, through effects on leptin metabolism, and/or directly, through binding to the leptin or the leptin receptor, thereby affecting their function.
Leptin and insulin resistance are central to the cascade of metabolic X syndrome—high blood sugar, pathogens, reduction in oxygen, reduced energy generation, low cell voltage, sticky blood, sluggish lymph, lowered immunity, inflammation, glycation, exhausted antioxidant systems, overworked organs, insufficient energy for detoxification, aging of cells, fatigue and run away appetite and cravings as the cells are neither being fed or cleaned properly. This condition underlies all degenerative disease and provides the perfect terrain for infectious disease. Quality of life and Presence are greatly reduced as we fail to generate the energy needed to “pull ourselves together” into an integrated whole. As we restore our energy metabolism and integrate our cosmic an-atom-y we tap into vast inner resources of cosmic integration.
Cinnamon is a convenient and delicious method of raising insulin sensitivity. Researchers found that taking 1 tsp of cinnamon with meals resulted in a 50% reduction in blood sugar within 90 minutes, compared to controls. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar by activating phosphorylation of the insulin receptor, which then draws the sugar and nutrient transporters from the inner cell to the cell membrane where they pull the sugar and nutrients into the cell. In other words, the glucose transporter Glut4 is transported from cellular vesicles to the cell surface, where it then can mediate the transport of glucose into the cell. Insulin resistance prevents phosphorylation, while the better your phosphorylation the greater hormonal intelligence and the younger, thinner you’ll be.
Although insulin mainly works in muscle, fat and the liver, this hormone also exerts profound effects on many other body tissues. Besides regulating the cellular glucose metabolism, amino acids and fatty acids, insulin and insulin-like growth factor also activates and inactivates enzymes and directly affects certain genetic processes including protein synthesis, gene expression and cell growth and differentiation.
Insulin apparently exerts its glucose-lowering effects by stimulating glucose uptake in tissues such as skeletal muscle, suppressing fatty acid release from fat (adipose) tissue, and inhibiting production of glucose by the liver. It should be noted here that there are some tissues that do not require insulin for efficient uptake of glucose: important examples are the brain and the liver. This is because these cells don't use GLUT4 for importing glucose, but rather, another transporter that is not insulin-dependent. Liver, brain, and Red blood cells lack the insulin sensitive GLUT4. GLUT3 is a high affinity glucose transporter used in tissues highly dependent on glucose such as the brain. GLUT1 is responsible for the basic supply of glucose to the cells, red blood cells and the endothelial cells of the brain. GLUT1 appears to be the primary isoform for glucose transport through blood/tissue barriers including the retina, brain, placenta, testes and cerebrospinal fluid. The rate of transport is highly dependent on blood glucose levels.
The liver has a central role in glucose homeostasis because it extracts glucose from the bloodstream in times of plenty, and synthesizes glucose in times of need. Glucose metabolism throughout the body is coordinated by the brain in that the liver receives control signals from the hypothalamus, an area of the brain known to detect and integrate metabolic signals. Insulin acts on specialized ion channels, called KATP channels, in the hypothalamus to control glucose production. These channels, which lie in the outer membranes of hypothalamic neurons release potassium ions from cells in response to a drop in ATP. Decreased levels of ATP in response to falling glucose levels open the KATP channels allowing potassium ions to leave the cell, resulting in membrane hyperpolarization and reduced membrane excitability, which dampens its electrical activity.
Another downside of cereal consumption is the toxin acrylamide, which is by-product of fried, toasted and caramelized carbohydrates. The food toxin acrylamide is a carcinogen, that fragments DNA and generates free radicals. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects reduce the damage done by acrylamide. Turmeric also activates a genetic switch that generates more endogenous antioxidants. If we took “cinnamon, turmeric, papain/bromelain, kelp, spirulina” capsules with our meals…this along with the adoption of a more raw Paleolithic diet would greatly reduce the myriad symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome X. While transitioning however bread addicts can get away with some traditional Danish rye bread...which uses lacto-fermentation rather than yeast. I find uncolored Pumpernickel to be somewhat non-inflammatory.
The sovereign can avoid grains by eating crackers and breads made with sprouted non-cereal grains and seeds, that are technically raw by being “cooked” in a dehydrator. Non-cereal foods that can be made into flour for flat or leavened breads include: amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, wattleseed, kañiwa, cattail pollen and roots, breadnut, lambsquarters seed, chestnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, acorns, coconut, green pea, Bunya pine nuts, peanuts, poppy seed, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, Ginkgo, Mango seed. Chia/flaxseed/hemp crackers etc...made in a dehydrator may be a fine bread substitute.
A cereal-free hunter-gatherer diet promoted significantly higher insulin sensitivity, lower diastolic blood pressure and lower C-reactive protein, the levels of which rise in response to inflammation. The “Fall of Man” is due to the aberrated, deranged, acidifying and toxifying effects of the common Western diet. To build a strong sovereign body we must eliminate hyperinsulemia and eradicate the imbalanced terrain that encourages all manner of pathogens and parasites. We arrive at resistance to oxidative stress and inflammation by rectifying the toxic sludge of the blood—through increasing our leptin/insulin sensitivity and engaging in regular aerobic exercise to increase the glucose transporters and build mitochondria numbers. In this way we can quickly get sugar out of the blood and into the cells to burn as “life energy” without having to squirrel the excess away in the fat cells, risk glycating our protein structures, or without it being a fertile medium for pathogens. Regulating our energy metabolism is fundamental to genetic strength, longevity, immunity and stress resistance.
We can reverse aging, restore mitochondria to a more youthful expression and control our destiny to a marked degree with regular exercise and healthy eating.
Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous To Your Health by James Braly M.D. and Ron Hoggan M.A.
Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, by Sareen S. Gropper, Jack L. Smith, James L. Groff
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